满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

—A number of singers _______ arriving at...

—A number of singers _______ arriving at Baiyun Airport.

—_______ exciting news it is!

A. is; How       B. are; What a

C. are; What   D. is; How a


C 【解析】 试题分析:句意:-许多歌手要到白云机场。-多么令人激动的消息啊。A number of许多,大量,作主语,谓语用复数,前空填:are;后句是感叹句,感叹句由how或what引出来,how后跟被强调的形容词、副词;what后跟被强调的名词(短语)。Exciting news是名词短语,用what引出,news是不可数名词,前不加不定冠词。故选C。 考点:考查主谓一致及感叹句。  

I have some tickets for the basketball match. I wonder ______.

A. where you buy the tickets

B. why you like to go there

C. if you’d like to go with me

D. when you watch the match



—It is smoggy (雾的) these days. That’s terrible!

—Yes, I hope to plant trees. ______ trees, ______air pollution.

A. The more; the fewer          B. the less; the more

C. The less; the fewer          D. The more; the less



______ Lin Feng has to work late, she always wears a smile on her face.

A. Because         B. If           C. Until         D. Though



—A person’s life is like a road        lots of difficulties.

—Yes, so we need face them bravely.

A. by    B. with   C. along      D. during



If my friends have any problems, my door is ______ open to them.

A. never   B. seldom  C. sometimes    D. always



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