满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

12 animal signs ______ in a ______ order...

12 animal signs ______  in a ______ order.

A. appear fixed     B. appeared fix

C. appears fixed     D. appears fix


A 【解析】 试题分析:句意:十二生肖是按一定的顺序排列的。主语是复数,谓语动词用原形,第二个空是用过去分词作定语,根据题意,故选A。 考点:考查动词的形式。  

Dr. Ma has _____ most of his time to _____  people with eye problems.

A. devote   helping          B. devoted  help

C. devoted  helping          D. devote  help



You ______ never be ______ patient to your students ______ a good teacher.

A. can’t too as       B. can too as

C. can so for        D. can’t so as



I can’t decide which ________ because there are so many styles for me________.

A. I can choose; to choose

B. to choose from; to choose

C. can I choose; to choose from

D. to choose; to choose from.



In winter we must pay attention to _________.

A. keep warm   B. keep warmly

C. keeping warm D. keeping warmly



We should remind people _________ by _________ them the harm of smoking.

A. not to smoke showing

B. not to smoke to show

C. smoke show

D. not smoke showing



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