满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

I _____ the book for two weeks. I must r...

I _____ the book for two weeks. I must return it to the school library.

A. borrow           B. have borrowed

C. kept             D. have kept


D 【解析】 试题分析:句意:这本书我借了两周了,我必须把他归还学校图书馆。根据时间状语for two weeks此题应用现在完成时态,和时间段连用,谓语动词要用延续性动词,“borrow”的延续性动词是keep,故选D。 考点:考查动词的时态。  

---What do you think of the environment in our city?

--- I am sure it _________ greatly through our work in the near future.

A. improved           B. was improved

C. has improved       D. will be improved



--- Can a plane fly _______ the Atlantic Ocean(大西洋)?

---Yes but it needs to go _______ the clouds for hours.

A. across through     B. through across

C. across across     D. through through



The man is very ill and he has _______.

A. operate on         B. to be operated on

C. to operate        D. being operated on



They are _______ little sheep that we can’t make much money by selling _______.

A. so it        B. such it    C. so them   D. such them



______ of the people here live on rice,and the people there live _______ on noodles.

A. Mostly;most       B. Most;mostly

C. Mostly;mostly    D. Most most



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