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书面表达 李克强总理将“全民阅读”写入了《政府工作报答》,倡导全民热爱阅读。请根...


李克强总理将“全民阅读”写入了《政府工作报答》,倡导全民热爱阅读。请根据提示用英文向English Post投稿,简述阅读现状及你对阅读的看法和打算。

阅读现状 一些国人不常阅读,有些人声称没空,有些人认为没用。

你的看法 阅读很重要,因为……(至少两点)

你的打算 ......(至少两点)

要求:1) 短文110词左右,开头已给出,不计入总词数。

2) 语言通顺,意思连贯,条理清楚,书写规范。

3) 文中不能出现真实的学校、班级和姓名。

Premier Li Keqiang has put the National Reading in his government work report to encourage a love of reading in all Chinese people.







Premier Li Keqiang has put the National Reading in his government work report to encourage a love of reading in all Chinese people.However,some Chinese people seldom do some reading in their spare time because they don’t have the habits of reading.Some say that they are too busy to do some reading.Others think that it’s useless to read.But I think reading is important in our life because we can get knowledge through reading.It can not only help open up a new world to us but also make us wiser.At the same time,we can improve our skills or get great fun from reading.So,I’m going to pay more for books,magazines and other kinds of reading materials.And I will also spend more time in reading every day. 【解析】 试题分析:这是一篇话题作文。写作内容贴近学生学习,体现学生的思想,因此学生有话可写。动笔前要认真审题,深入挖掘题材内涵,不可遗漏要点,并适当发挥。行文时要注意人称、时态的搭配及主谓一致问题,同时注意上下文联系紧密,符合逻辑关系。 写作亮点: 这篇短文涵盖了题目要求的所有要点内容,表达准确,意思连贯,符合逻辑。在文章的结构组织上使用了简单句和复合句,文章脉络清晰,自然流畅。同时,文章还使用了一些常用的句式、短语和连接词,这为文章增添了文采和层次感。 考点:话题作文。  



_______ 1. Katrina loves jazz music very much. Her favorite musical instrument is the guitar and she also wants to improve her skill in playing the guitar.

_______2. Rain started to play the violin when he was five. His favorite style of music is country music.

_______3.Amanda likes listening to music. She especially loves the sound of the drums and rock music.

_______4.Bill is only 14 years old. He has been learning to play the piano for nearly ten years. He hopes to be a pianist in the future.

_______5.Franklin was born in a doctor’s family. He wants to learn to play the drum and at the same time he wishes to study rock music.

A.Birthplace of Violinists

The city becomes famous because great violin players were born there. The students there have several good places to play their violins. Meanwhile they have a chance to learn about country music.

B.Home of Musical Judges

In this department they teach the students how to enjoy all kinds of music, especially for those who want to be a listener not a player.

C.Drum Garden

This department is the home for the drum players. If the students haven’t played the drum and hope to learn from the beginning, it is likely to be their favorite place. What’s more, they have chances to learn about rock music, jazz and so on.

D.Jazz Paradise

In this department, you can learn jazz, opera, classical music, but jazz is the best of all. Jazz teachers are experienced and have won a lot of national prizes. At the same time you can improve your skill in playing the guitar and the piano.

E.Palace of Pianos

As is known, the piano is more versatile*than any other instrument. In this department only the students who have learned the piano for at least five years can be admitted*.                    F

Park of Music

In this department they do better in teaching how to play the drum. They  have excellent drums and every student has a chance to practise every day.




Baymax, a new Disney character, has made everyone like him and want to hug him. The big robot is from the Disney movie Big Hero 6. He lives with a fourteen-year-old smart 1.____________(男孩) called Hiro Hamada. Baymax has helped Hiro get through hard times after Hiro’s elder brother died in an accident. Soon Hiro finds that some bad people are 2._____________(在……的后面) his brother’s death and want to take the city. To stop it, he uses his high-tech gadgets* and turns Baymax and his four other 3._____________(朋友) into super heroes. The movie has received very good feedback*. In 4.___________(二月), 2015, the movie won the best cartoon of the 87th Oscar Awards. Baymax has become very

5._____________(受欢迎的) thanks to his big soft body and his comforting voice. People say his love can6._____________(发现)on the screen.

Mothers in 7.____________(日本) have started to make Baymax-shaped white rice balls for children. In China, fans 8._____________(热烈地) call him “the big white”. The friendship between Baymax and Hiro makes many people9.____________(哭泣) in the cinema. As a nursing robot, Baymax is never designed to be a super hero. He dares to love you without 10.____________(期待) anything for himself. I think we all love him because of his love.




win     strawberry     nine    well    she


1._____________ are my favourite fruit and I usually have a kilo of them every other day.

2.We choose Linda as our class monitor because she gets on _____________ with all of us.

3.Tu Yoyo is the first Chinese scientist _____________ the Nobel Prize in Medicine.

4.I left my dictionary at home. Luckily, Kelly lent _____________ to me.

5.Marina got a Hello Kitty toy from her grandmother on her _____________ birthday.



Almost nothing we do in this world is done in isolation*. At work or at play, you’ll find yourself in groups, working with other people: your team at work, a meeting with fellow workers, your family, a holiday with friends, a group of students working together, a group of neighbors wanting to make changes. It is now realized that being able to work successfully with other people is one of the main keys to success, partly because we need to do it so often.

In almost every situation where you’re in a group, you will need a skilled leader. All groups need leaders and all successful groups have good leaders. Groups without leaders or with weak leaders almost always break down. Members of a leaderless group often begin to feel disappointed and helpless. Time is wasted and the tasks are not achieved. There are often arguments and nervousness between people as there is nobody to keep the goals clear.

Some people are natural leaders. The well-known cook, Antonio Carlucci says, “True leaders are born and you see them in kitchens.” They’re people who are strong, fair, and humorous. Although a lot of people agree that there are some natural-born leaders, most people now know that leadership can also be taught. Experienced teachers can train almost anyone how to be a successful leader. Good leaders don’t make people do things in a controlling way. You can learn how to join others, encouraging the whole group to work towards a common goal.

Successful leaders also need to be calm and wise. They need to be able to work out good solutions and make perfect judgments* under pressure. Lastly, and probably most importantly, good leaders need to be sensitive*, confident and be able to get on well with different kinds of people.

1.When we are at work or at play, we find we are probably working_______.

A. independently B.successfully

C.in isolation  D.in groups

2.Groups with ______ leaders will often cause arguments at meetings or between people.

A.good and strong

B.no or weak

C.skilled but helpless

D.good and natural

3. Good leaders always have many ways of doing things except _________.

A.joining people together

B. encouraging the whole group

C.controlling people to do things

D. leading people to work towards goals

4.Which of the following is NOT correct according to this passage?

A.One of the main keys to success is being able to work with others well.

B. People will often feel disappointed and helpless if they aren’t with good leaders.

C. Being calm and wise can help leaders make perfect judgments under pressure.

D. Experienced teachers can hardly train people to be successful leaders.

5.Which of the following can be the best title for this passage?

A.How to be successful leaders

B. Successful leaders

C. Be natural leaders

D. Be sensitive and confident



Danny lived for football. He played it, watched it, talked and dreamed about it. His favourite football star was Keith Connolly – Lowgate’s captain.

One day in January, after school, Danny hurried through his homework. He wanted to watch TV. Keith Connolly was doing an interview on the local news programme.

Danny hoped that the television wouldn’t go fuzzy*or lose the sound when Keith

Connolly was talking. It was an old set, and it did things like that.

It wasn’t clear enough, but at last Keith Connolly’s smiling face appeared on the screen.

“What I really like about playing for Lowgate,” he said, “is the fans. They’re the best. They always support us. It’s wonderful running on to the playground to all that cheering and chanting.”

Danny wished he could be in that crowd at the Lowgate ground, but the price of a single ticket was far above anything he could afford. There was no chance of the whole family going, or even just Danny and his little brother.

“You won again on Saturday,” said the reporter. “Did the team go out to celebrate?”

“We went for a meal together,” said Keith Connolly, “but I have to be careful about what I eat, because I want to stay fit. I love doughnuts* very much …”

Then the sound went fuzzy, and Danny jumped up and thumped the top of the set heavily to make it come on again. He hadn’t missed much. But he had missed something important.

Keith Connolly had been saying “… but I’m not allowed to eat doughnuts.”

Danny hadn’t heard that. All he heard was that Keith Connolly loved doughnuts. And at the end of Danny’s street was a bakery*. It sold the biggest and the best doughnuts!

When Danny went to bed, he lay wide-awake, making a plan.

1.One day, Danny did his homework hurriedly in order to ________.

A. watch a TV programme

B. interview Keith Connolly

C. read a football newspaper

D. play with Keith Connolly

2.The writer described Danny’s TV to tell us ________.

A. Danny liked football very much

B. Danny’s family seldom watched TV

C.Danny needed to buy a new TV set

D. Danny’s wish came true

3. The word “thumped” underlined in Paragraph 9 means ________.

A.  covered    B.reached C. shut D.beat

4.Danny most probably planned to ________ when he lay wide-awake on the bed.

A. get less homework to do every day

B. find a way of giving doughnuts to Keith

C.celebrate the victory in the bakery

D. tell Keith not to eat too many doughnuts



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