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书面表达 期末复习备考期间,学校组织了频繁的考试。一些同学认为这很有必要,但另一...



要求:(1) 短文应包括表中所给信息及补充内容;

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参考词:期末考试the final examination   频繁的 frequent  必要的necessary

Recently, the students in our school had a discussion about whether it is necessary for us to have frequent examinations before the final examination. Some of us think





help us know how we have studied

improve the way of learning


Not necessary

disturb our revision(扰乱复习)

make us feel tired



One possible version: Recently, the students in our school had a discussion about whether it is necessary for us to have frequent examinations before the final examination. Some of us think that it is necessary, but others don't think so. I think they are both reasonable, but I have the view of my own. In my opinion, frequent examinations can help us know how we have studied and find out what we haven’t mastered in our studies so that we can improve the way of learning. Besides, examinations can encourage us to study even harder, so we can make more progress. However, too many examinations will disturb our revision and make us feel tired and tense all the time. So I think necessary examinations are useful, but that too frequent examinations are harmful. 【解析】 试题分析:本篇书面表达是一篇提纲类话题作文。请你结合实际,就是否应当进行经常性的考试发表自己的看法和理由,并发表你的观点。话题贴近学生生活,使学生易于发挥。作文可以分为三个方面:1.认为有必要的理由;2. .认为没有必要的理由;3.你的看法。要做到层次分明,段落清楚。主要使用一般现在时态。句子结构要准确,要点要齐全,内容要合理,篇章结构要连贯,还应满足词数要求。 写作亮点:该文内容合理,结构连贯,段落清晰,要点齐全。 考点:提纲作文。  


Have you taken a plane? Have you thought about the ways to survive(生存) in a plane crash(坠机)? Here are some tips for you. 1._______.

2.______ .The key to survive on planes is how quickly you can get out. So it’s best to get seats as close as possible to a door. Or try to sit in the back of the plane because passengers in the back seats are safer than those in the front.

3._______ .First of all, read the safety information card and listen to the safety speech carefully. Every type of plane has different safety instructions. If you're sitting near a door, make sure you know how to open it if you need to. What’s more, don’t forget to keep your seat belt fastened(系牢) .

4._______ .When there is a fire, breathing smoke in is one of the main causes of death. So cover your nose and mouth with a cloth to avoid it.

5.______.Don’t be too nervous and try to keep a cool head all the time. Remember that even in the worst situation, you still have a chance to be safe.

A. Protect yourself from smoke

B. Pay attention to the safety instructions

C. Keep calm

D. Take the right seats

E. Follow it to keep safe




Dear Emma,

Your problem is like a circle. The harder you study, the less time you have to make friends and the less friendly you look to your classmates. The fewer friends you have, the harder you study to make 1.________(you) feel better.

Try to break this bad circle. Perhaps you are afraid of meeting new people, because you are too shy or too serious2._______(begin) a conversation. You are not. 3.________(someone) has a fun side to his character. Push your shy side away and4.______(给……看)your classmates how much fun you can be.

Look at your classmates. Try to find out 5.______(是否) or not there are any people with whom you feel you have a lot in common .

First, smile at your classmates. Do this as often as you can, until your classmates become used to your smiles and smile in return.

Next, talk to your classmates. Do this6._______classes or during your lunch break. You may find 7._______ easier to start by talking to people when they are 8._______(lonely).

Perhaps you could ask a classmate about your studies. They are likely to respond (回应) in a very positive way. People like to feel important and helpful. 9.________ must be someone else in your class who is also quiet. It might be easier to try to talk with him or her.

Your problem is mainly about confidence. Smile first, talk next and 10.________(slow) you will make friends. Once you have more confidence, you can make as many friends as you want.





afford   impossible   hide   win   one

1.It’s __________ to see him again because he died last year.

2.I love _________ of these scarfs. Could you show me another one?

3.We are all the ___________ in this basketball match, if we have tried our best.

4.Tony didn’t have enough money. As a result, he couldn’t _________ a new car.

5.The smile is like a ___________treasure. It makes me feel bright, lively and warm.




1.He got __________ (分开)from his parents last year. He has gone to France.

2.Tony gave me some ___________(建议)on how to make a travel plan.

3.Playing the computer too often is ____________(有害的) to our health.

4.Susan has been ill for 2 weeks, ___________(自从) she came back from Africa.

5.I _________(更喜欢) milk to coffee, because milk is good for my sleep compared to coffee.

6.Fans have bought about 200 million ___________(本)of Tintin’s stories.

7.Go __________(横穿) the road carefully , and you can keep safe.

8.They have ___________(去过)to Beijing twice, but they want to visit it for a third time.

9.Children’s Day is coming. Every child is looking forward to ________(收到) gifts.

10.What great progress you can make ___________ (取决于) on how hard-working you are.



Teenagers are going to have lessons on how to sleep. Materials to teach teenagers how to get enough sleep will be offered to schools across Scotland by the charity Sleep Scotland. The purpose is to help people realize the importance of sleep for young people's physical and emotional health(身心健康).

The charity Sleep Scotland said watching TV and using computers and mobile phones at night could stop teenagers from getting the nine hours of sleep they need. It also offers a sleep advising service, saying getting enough sleep can improve grades and physical health. However, less sleep can result in being heavy and a greater risk of feeling worried and hopeless.

The charity Sleep Scotland hopes to educate young people about why they need a full night's sleep and how to develop good sleeping habits. Most students find it very difficult to get up in the morning and pay attention to their study. Sleep is most surely a problem.

Research shows that sleep time for teenagers around the world has got down in the past 10 to 20 years. A report by the charity Sleep Scotland said young people often believed they could make up for(弥补) sleep time during the week by sleeping late at weekends. However, by going to bed even later at weekends, they would actually have to experience a change in their body clocks, which would be harmful to their study on Monday mornings.

1.The first two paragraphs tell us that in Scotland ________.

A.all teenagers have nine hours of sleep

B.teenagers can't sleep well at night

C.schools haven’t had any lessons on sleep before

D.many people feel sad and hopeless

2.What does underlined “It” in the passage refer to(指) ?

A. The teenagers

B. The charity Sleep Scotland

C. The Scottish government

D. Health Centre

3.According to the charity Sleep Scotland,_______.

A.it's not important for teenagers to have enough sleep

B.students can still pay attention to study easily without good sleeping habits

C.it's helpful to sleep more at weekends

D.less sleep may make teenagers heavy

4.The passage can be usually read in the part of ____ in a newspaper.

A.culture          B.health

C.sports           D. business



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