满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

书面表达 David参加了一个社区的交友活动,请根据下表所提示的内容,介绍他的新...











要求:1. 词数80左右。短文开头部分己为你写好,不计入总词数;

2. 条理清楚,语意连贯;紧扣主题,适当发挥;书写规范,标点正确;

3. 短文中不要出现具体的学校姓名和人名。

Tom is my new friend.








Tom is my new friend. He is twelve years old. He is tall and thin. He works hard so he can always get good grades at all his subjects. He often helps us with our subjects and I often help him with his Chinese. He likes doing sports and he is good at playing basketball. He wants to join the school basketball team next term. He loves animals. He keeps a rabbit as a pet. He takes good care of the rabbit. He is so kind and warm-hearted that I like him very much. 【解析】 试题分析:本题要求介绍自己的新朋友,根据表格提示要求,要从人物的学习、爱好及对人物的评价三个方面进行写作。短文用一般现在时态,第三人称单数形式。要注意短语的运用和句型的选择。所写句子要注意语意连贯,紧扣主题。 写作亮点:本范文包含了提纲所列所有要点,条理清楚,中心明确,主题突出。文中用的work hard, get good grades, help sb. with sth, like doing sth, want to do sth, take good care of 等短语运用恰当,使本文生动具体。是一篇较好的范文。 考点:考查提纲作文。  











Every child has a dream of what they want to be, right? When Rence Butts was little, her dream was to become a volunteer firewoman because her father was a fireman. Sadly, when she was fourteen, her father died(死)and she was never able to volunteer with him. Rence's story doesn't end there. She was strong and never gave up, at last she became a good firewoman.

I think she's great. She's always glad to do anything for anyone in need. With 140 people in her station, Rence is one of the only three women. What's more, she is always glad to help others.

What Rence did helps me believe that I can do anything. I hope someday to be just like her:

To wake up and help people every day.

1.What was Rence's dream?

2.Why does the writer think Rence is great?

3.What is your dream? Why?





1.Simon and I       (not play) football this afternoon, so they aren't free at that time.

2.一Where is your homework, Tommy?

一Sorry, Mr. Green. I       (leave) it in my desk last night.

3.When I send her an e-mail, she       (reply) at once.

4.Alice didn't want to let the rabbit       (get) away.

5.He       (lie)on the sofa now.




1.He       (使受伤)his knee when he was playing football.

2.These bicycles here are the       (邮递员).

3.When the girl woke up, she found       (自己)under a big tree.

4.      (突然),there came a loud noise.

5.Two       (千)visitors came to our village last year.

6.John and his family live in a       ['kwaiәt] street.

7.The superman has       [ә'bilәtiz] to hear things far away and see things through walls.

8.一I like computers. I'm going to be a computer engineer.

一That       like a good idea.

9.一There is much       in that house. Is it on fire?

一Maybe. Let's go there to help.

10.一The fireworks are very dangerous, so be       with them.

一OK, I will.



There was once a little orphan(孤儿的)girl who had no family and no one to love her. She felt sad and lonely(孤独的).

One day, while she was walking in a garden, she noticed a small butterfly caught in a bush. The more the butterfly tried to free itself, the deeper the thorn(刺)cut into its body. The girl carefully helped the butterfly out. Instead of flying away, the little butterfly changed into a beautiful fairy(仙女).

"For your wonderful kindness," said the fairy, "I will grant(保证)you any wish you like."

The little girl thought for a while and answered, "I want to be happy!"

"Very well!" The fairy leaned toward her and whispered in her ear. Then the good fairy disappeared.

As the little girl grew up, she stayed happy. Everyone asked her the secret(秘密)of her happiness. She would only smile and answer, "The secret of happiness is that I listened to a good fairy when I was a little girl."

When she was very old and on her death bed, her neighbors were afraid that her secret of happiness would die with her. "Tell us, please," they asked. "Tell us what the good fairy said."

The lovely old woman simply smiled and said, "She told me that everyone, no matter how secure(安稳的)they seemed, how old or young, how rich or poor, had need of me."

Everyone has need of you.

1.What happened when the butterfly tried to get itself free from the bush?

A. It saved itself.   B. It got cut deeper.

C. It got tired.     D. It got sick

2.Why did the fairy grant the little girl a wish?

A. Because the girl asked her to do so.

B. Because it was the fairy's job.

C. Because the girl helped her out.

D. Because the girl was too poor.

3.How did the fairy grant the little girl's wish?

A. By giving her a lot of money.

B. By giving her a big house.

C. By helping her find her parents.

D. By telling her how to stay happy.

4.According to the passage, what is the secret of happiness?

A. Being needed by others.

B. Being rich.

C. Being helped by a fairy.

D. Being loved by others.



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