满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

交际用语 A: Mr. Smith, you often help childr...


A: Mr. Smith, you often help children.   1. .

B:Yes, of course. Children often write to me and ask how to solve(解决 ) their problems.

A:   2. .

B: Many can’t decide when to study and when to play. I think they should learn to achieve(得到)a balance( 平衡) between study and play.

A: I agree. Sometimes I get too much homework and   3. .

B: You must feel stressed out(有压力的 ) from time to time, right?

A: Yes. Can you give me some advice?

B: OK. 4.  .

A: I see. Thanks for your advice.

B: OK. 5.  .

A: I don’t know which to do first.

B: What problems do most students have?

C: What’s your job?

D: You can talk to your teachers, parents or friends.

E: Can you tell me something about your job?

F: It’s so kind of you to tell me this.

G: You are welcome.


1.E 2.B 3.A 4.D 5.G 【解析】 试题分析: 1.E.联系下文描述,可知此处问的是史密斯的工作,故选E,你能告诉我一些关于你的工作的事情吗? 2.B联系下文,许多人不能决定什么时候玩什么时候学习。可知选B,大部分学生有什么问题? 3.A联系前文,有时我有太多作业要做。及下文,你肯定有时感到有压力,是吗?可知选A,我不知道首先做什么。 4.D联系上文,你能给我一下建议吗?可知选D,你可以对你的老师,父母和朋友说说。 5.G联系前文,谢谢你的建议。可知选G,不客气。 考点:情景交际

Nasreddin was cutting a branch(树枝)off a tree in his garden. While he was sawing(锯),

another man passed in the street. He stopped and said, “Excuse me, but if you continue to saw that branch like that, you will fall down with it.” He said this because Nasreddin was sitting on the branch and cutting it at a place between himself and the trunk(树干)of the tree.

Nasreddin said nothing. He thought, “This is some foolish person who has no work to do and goes about telling other people what to do and what not to do.”

The man continued on his way. Of course, after a few minutes, the branch fell and Nasreddin fell with it.

“My God!” he cried. “That man knows the future!” And he ran after him to ask how long he was going to live. But the man had gone.

1.One day Nasreddin was cutting a branch _____ a tree in his garden.

A.on         B. in         C.at          D.off

2.While Nasreddin was sawing, another man _____ .

A. told him to stop working

B.told him he would fall down

C. would borrow something from him

D.would help him saw that branch

3.After the man went away, Nasreddin thought _____ .

A.that was a silly(傻的)person

B. that was a wise(聪明的 )person

C.that was a proud(骄傲的 )person

D.that person cheated(欺骗 )him

4.What happened after a few minutes?

A. The branch fell

B.Nasreddin fell down to the ground

C. Nasreddin hurt himself

D. Both A and B

5.This story is about _____ .

A. a foolish man

B. a wise man

C. cutting a tree

D. the necessity(必要性) of taking good advice



The best way of learning a language is using it. The best way of learning English is talking in English as much as possible. Sometimes you’ll get your words mixed up(混淆)and people will not understand you. Sometimes people will say things too quickly and you can’t understand them. But if you keep your sense of humor(幽默感), you can always have a good laugh at your mistakes you make. Don’t be unhappy if people seem to be laughing at your mistakes. It’s better for people to laugh at your mistakes than to be angry with you, because they don’t understand what you are saying. The most important things for learning English is : Don’t be afraid of making mistakes because everyone makes mistakes.”

1.The writer thinks that the best way for you to learn a language is _____ .

A. writing in it        B. using it

C. listening to it      D. learning its grammar

2.What should you do in learning English?

A. We should be careful not to make any mistakes

B. We should write as quickly as we can

C. We should speak English as much as we can

D. We should laugh more often

3.When people laugh at your mistakes, you should _____ .

A. not care           B. be happy

C. feel worried        D. be unhappy

4.When you make a mistake, you should _____ .

A. keep quite          B. get angry

C.be kind              D. keep your sense of humor

5.The story tells us that _____ .

A. only foolish (愚蠢的)people make mistakes

B. few people make mistakes

C.there is no one who doesn’t make mistakes

D. people never make mistakes



My name is Jim Brown. There are five people in my family. My family members like different kindsof music. My grandfather likes classical music, and he thinks pop music is boring. My grandmother enjoys folk music. She hates rock music because she thinks it’s too noisy. My father prefers jazz to country music. But my mother likes country music very much. She doesn’t like classical music because she thinks it’s too serious. My favorite music is rock music. It’s exciting. Andmy favorite pop singer is Cui Jian.

1.The Browns like      .

A.different music

B.sweet music

C.the same music

2.Jim’s grandfather thinks pop music is too     .

A.noisy         B.wonderful      C.boring

3.His grand mother hates      .

A.rock music     B.folk music     C.Jazz

4.What kind of music does his mother like?

A.Jazz          B.Rock music     C.Country music

5.Who is Jim’s favorite pop singer?

A.S.H.E          B.Liu Huan      C.Cui Jian




Mary was ill, so she went to see _____ .

“Doctor, I’m not feeling _____ ,” said Mary. “Every time I do my homework, I feel _____ . If I go to school on foot, I have to sit down and   _____ for a few times.”

The doctor looked over her _____  . At last he said, _____ serious, but I’m afraid you are eating too much.”

“I don’t understand. What do you mean?” asked Mary.

“I mean you eat   _____ food,” said the doctor.

“Oh! You mean I’m too_____ . That’s a problem,” said Mary. “What should I do?”

“The answer is easy,” said the doctor. If you want to be thinner and healthier, you _____ eat a lot of food and you should also do much _____ .”

1.A. her mother    B. the teacher    C. the doctor    D. her friend

2.A. terrible       B. ill          C. good         D.well

3.A. hungry         B.thirsty       C. tired         D. happy

4.A. stand up      B. lie down     C. eat food      D. have a rest

5.A. carelessly     B. careless     C. carefully    D. careful

6.A. Something      B. Anything      C. Everything    D. Nothing

7.A. too many      B. many too      C. too much     D. much too

8.A. thin          B. healthy       C.stressed out   D. heavy

9.A. must          B. should        C. shouldn’t    D. didn’t

10.A. housework     B. homework       C. shopping    D. Exercise



-----How did Kate get so much money?

-----Her best friend _____ it _____her.

A. borrowed; from        B. borrows;for

C. lent;from           D. lent;to



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