满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

补全对话 根据对话内容,从方框内选择恰当的句子将对话补充完整。(选项中有两项是多...



A: You don’t look well. What’s the matter?

B: 1.

A: Oh dear! Why don’t you go to bed for a rest?

B: 2.

A: Shall I call him and tell him you’re ill?

B: 3.

A: OK. I’ll do that. I’m going to the shop now. Can I get you some medicine?

B: 4.

A: Yes, of course. Is there anything else I can do?

B: 5.

A: See you later then. Take care!

A. Oh, yes, please. His number is in the phone book.

B. No, I’ll be all right. Thanks for your help.

C. My head hurts and I feel really hot.

D. Could you buy me a box of cold pills, please?

E. It doesn’t hurt very much.

F. I can’t. I will play ping-pong with our teacher this afternoon.

G. Do you think it’s a good idea?



1.C 2.F 3.A 4.D 5.B 【解析】 试题分析: 1.C根据What’s the matter?“怎么啦?”可知此处回答自己哪里不舒服。故选C。 2.F根据Why don’t you go to bed for a rest?“你为什么不去上床休息一下?”可知此处回答不去休息的原因。故选F。 3.A根据Shall I call him and tell him you’re ill?“我可以给他打电话,告诉他你生病了吗?”可知此处是征询意见,希望得到肯定的回答。故选A。 4.D根据Can I get you some medicine?“我能给你买些药吗?”故此处回答买药的事情。故选D。 5. 考点:补全对话。

Do you know how to study better and make your study more effective(有效的) We all know that Chinese students usually study very hard for long_______ This is very good, but it doesn’t _______ a lot, for an effective students must have enough sleep, enough food and enough rest and exercise. Every day you need to go out for a walk or visit some friends or some nice places. It’s good for your study.

When you return _______  your studies, your mind will be refreshed(清醒) and you’ll learn more _______study better. Psychologists(心理学家) _______ that learning takes place in this way. Here take English learning_______ an example. First you make a lot of progress and you feel happy. Then your language study seems_______the same. So you will think you’re learning _______ and you may give up. This can last for days or weeks, yet you needn’t give up. At some point your language study will again take another big_______. You’ll see that you really have been learning all along. If you get enough sleep, food, rest and exercise, studying English can be very effective and _______ . Don’t give up along the way. Learn slowly and you’re sure to get a good result.

1.A. days     B. time     C. hours     D. weeks

2.A. help     B. give      C.make      D. take

3.A. after      B. for       C. at        D. to

4.A. yet      B. and       C. or       D. But

5.A. have found B. have taught C. have feared D. have protected

6.A. with      B. for       C. as        D. To

7.A. to have   B. to make   C. to take D. to stay

8.A. something B. anything C. nothing   D. Everything

9.A. work      B. jump    C. walk      D. result

10.A. hard      B. common   C. interesting D.impossible




Jose grew up in a poor Puerto Rican neighborhood in New York City. He was not only poor but also blind.

_______ Jose was still very young, a friend _______a $10 guitar for him and Jose taught himself to sing songs with it. At the age of ten, he took his_______to a theatre and played _______ people. Jose played very well. People _______ and clapped(鼓掌) for the _______ boy. Jose said that day was the start of his _______. By the time he was twenty, he became well-known. Then he made an excellent _______called “Light My Fire”. It was his first record. Then, Jose became one of the famous stars in_______ .

Now Jose writes his _______songs and performs all over the world. Jose thinks it all started with the $10 guitar

1.A. When           B.Unless            C.As soon as            D. Until

2.A. gave          B. sent            C. bought              D. lent

3.A. parents        B. friend         C. record             D. Guitar

4.A. for           B. with             C. at                  D. in

5.A. walked into   B. stood up         C. took risks          D. cleared out

6.A. safe           B. soft             C. blind               D. quiet

7.A. interest       B. project          C. success             D. life

8.A. tool          B. toilet          C. board              D. Record

9.A. sports        B. theatre         C. culture             D. music

10.A. own           B. nervous         C. thick               D. wide



—She can’t come to your party.

—_______ Without her the party won’t be perfect.

A. What a shame.    B. What a sweet memory!

C.Hurry up.         D. Feel free.



You could consider  ______tea art to a couple of ______.

A. achieving;French     B. succeeding;Japanese

C. holding;Germany     D. introducing;Germans



---____ you ____ your homework?

--- Not yet.But I’ll finish it soon.

A.Did ;finish              B. Will;finish

C. Are;finishing           D. Have;finished



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