满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

根据要求完成大作文 “孝敬长辈” 是中华民族的传统美德,请结合你的情况和提示谈谈...


“孝敬长辈” 是中华民族的传统美德,请结合你的情况和提示谈谈:

1.在你的长辈(family members)中你最爱的人是谁?

2. 他或她是怎么对你的(对学习要求严格但和蔼可亲;鼓励你努力学习将来上大学)?

3. 你是如何孝敬长辈的(做些家务;努力学习)?


1. 语言正确,行文流畅,书写规范;

2. 词数80词左右;

3. 文中不能出现真实的姓名、学校或所在地名等。


I love my father most Of all my family members, I love my father most. He is a taxi driver and works hard every day to support the family. He is strict in my study but kind to me. He always encourages me to study hard and go to a good university in the future. However, when he comes back home every day, he looks tired. What can I do to help my family? I can do some housework after school, such as cooking, cleaning the house, washing the clothes and so on. Of course, I always try my best to study hard, which is more important and makes my father happy. 【解析】 试题分析:本题要求按照提纲提示,写一写“我最爱的人”。要求从三个方面进行写作:最爱的人是谁?他或她是怎么对你的?你是如何孝敬长辈的?短文重点是长辈如何待你及你是如何感恩两个方面。要做到语言正确,行文流畅,书写规范。短文用一般现在时态,用第一、三人称形式。 写作亮点:短文叙述清楚,层次分明:第一段点明最爱我的父亲;第二段介绍父亲及父亲是如何对我的;第三段描述自己如何孝敬父母。短文重点突出,详略得当:第一段点到即止;第二、三段详细描述,生动具体。 考点:考查提纲类短文。  



要求: 1.词数不少于30词。

2. 条理清晰,语言连贯,可适当发挥。

get on with

work together with

make progress in

have confidence in

be thankful to




What will you do if you fail? Some people may choose to give up. However, one of the best ways to succeed is to keep your direction and stick to your goal. Your direction is like a light which shows you the way in darkness. Without it,you will easily get lost. Direction means goals. You can get nowhere with no goals. You can try to write your goals on paper and make some plans to achieve them. Then you will know how to plan your time properly.





The Internet_________________the world.


After a three-day rest,the travelers_______________again.


He was going to meet me earlier, but he________________.


His father drives to work every day and he often_______________.


I think it’s fun to_______________cartoon characters.











Nowadays many new and useful inventions have come into use. If I were a scientist, I would have my own invention-a magic door, a door that can take me to every part of the world. Since our life is getting busier and busier, my magic door is really needed. The population of the world is rising day by day, and the number of cars used is getting larger. So traffic jam becomes a big problem for people in both poor and developed countries. Moreover, by using a large number of cars, people have to face another problem-the pollution of the air. All those reasons lead to the need for such an invention like a magic door . It can take the place of

ways of transportation. Magic doors have many advantages(好处)。 First , you can go wherever you want in a minute. Just open the door and go through it, you can stand in another place. Two parts of the door are two parts of the world. Thus, magic doors can meet the need for discovering new places for people . Second, magic doors sometimes can even make people safe. Magic doors can be used in everyday life. If you dropped into a river by accident , for example, people would go there at once to help you get out of danger by using magic doors. All in all, people can benefit(得益) a lot from magic doors. If magic doors were invented and came into use widely, not just imagination, there would be a big change in our life!

My own invention-a magic door

The__1.__for the magic door

The traffic_2.__.

The__3.__of the air.

The advantages of the magic door

It can help people go_4._they want.


It can also make people__5..




Saying no can be very difficult. People who are very shy often have little confidence. It is very hard for them to say no.They would feel shy when they say no, but doing things that they don’t want to do will make them unhappy. A simple and direct No” is the best way. If you want to explain, you can keep it simple. Just say,“No,I have already made plans for this time”or“No,I’m not free at that time.” Other indirect but polite ways of saying no:

*Sorry, I can’t do this right now.

*I’m afraid I can’t, but thank you for asking.

*Please accept(接受)that I cannot come.

*I’d  rather not.

To say no you should:

*Start the sentence with the word” No”.

*Shake(摇晃)your head when you say no to make sure others understand. Your voice should be clear and direct.

Sometimes it is difficult to say no. You can try to reply and explain in the following way: “Sorry. I would like to take care of your cat next weekend, but I will be going out. I know it will be hard to find someone to take care of the cat. I will try to help you next time.” Remember that: you have the right to say no!

1.Who usually have trouble saying no according to the passage?

2.How can indirect ways of saying no sound?

3.When you really want to say“No”,how should you make your voice?

4.What does the writer encourage us to do?

5.When it is really difficult to say no, what are you supposed to try to do?



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