满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

You’d better the test paper before handi...

You’d better         the test paper before handing it in.

A. go ahead    B. go on          C. go off          D. go over


D 【解析】 试题分析:句意:在你上交试卷之前,你最好检查检查试卷。此题考查动词短语,A.前进;B.继续;C.想起;D.复习。根据句意,应选D。 考点:考查动词短语释义。  

I still like those good old songs I often listened to         myself in my spare time.

A. enjoy       B. enjoying       C. to enjoy        D. enjoyed



Some students can do very well in English exams, but sometimes they can         understand what a native (本土的) speaker says.

A. exactly      B. simply        C. easily          D. hardly



—I hear it 's not easy to get a ticket for Captain America Ⅲ, everyone wants to watch it.

—Exactly. You cant find a ____________ film this year.

A. less excited        B. more exciting

C. most exciting       D. 1east excited



—What will be on show next week?

—The photos _________________.

A. were taken by Henry

B. that was taken by Henry

C. will be taken by Henry

D. taken by Henry



         fast runner Su Bingtian is! He finished______ in the 100- metre race in 9.99 seconds.

A. How; first                  B. What a; first

C. What a; the first           D. How a; the first



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