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Diaoyu Dao and its affiliated (附属) islan...

Diaoyu Dao and its affiliated (附属) islands which consist of(由…组成)Diaoyu Dao Huangwei Yu Chiwei Yu Nanxiao Dao Beixiao Dao Nan Yu Bei Yu Fei Yu and other islands are in the northeast of China’s Taiwan Island in the waters between 123°20’-124°40’E (东经) and 25°40’-26°00’N (北纬). They belong to the Taiwan Island. The total area of these islands is about 5.69 square kilometers.

Diaoyu Dao in the western tip of the area covers an area of about 3.91 square kilometers and is the largest island in the area. The highest part on the island stands 362 meters above the sea level. Huangwei Yu which is about 27 kilometers to the northeast of Diaoyu Dao is the second largest island in the area with a total area of about 0.91 square kilometers and a highest height of 117 meters. Chiwei Yu about 110 kilometers to the northeast of Diaoyu Dao is the easternmost island in the area. It covers an area of about 0.065 square kilometers and stands 75 meters above the sea level.

Ancient ancestors (远古祖先) in China first discovered and named Diaoyu Dao through their  fishing activities on the sea. In China’s historical books Diaoyu Dao is also called Diaoyu Yu or Diaoyu Tai. The earliest historical record of the names of Diaoyu Dao Chiwei Yu and other places can be found in the book Voyage with a Tail Wind published in 1403. It shows that China had already discovered and named Diaoyu Dao by the 14th and 15th centuries.

These historical reports clearly show that Diaoyu Dao and Chiwei Yu belong to China. The sea waters around Diaoyu Dao is traditionally(传统)Chinese fishing ground. Chinese fishermen have been involved in fishing activities in these waters for generations(世代).

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1.Where is Diaoyu Dao?

A. In the north of China.

B.  25°40’-26°00’E.

C. In the northwest of Taiwan Island.

D. 123°20’-124°40’E .

2.The largest island of Diaoyu Dao is ___________ square kilometers.

A. 5.69             B. 3.91            C. 0.91             D. 0.065

3.The largest island of Diaoyu Dao is _________ meters taller than the second largest one.

A. 75 meters        B. 117 meters

C. 245 meters        D. 362 meters

4.How did ancient Chinese people find Diaoyu Island?

A. They grew up there.

B. They wrote historical books there.

C. They worked and fished on the sea there.

D. They drank water there.

5.Which of the following is NOT true?

A. Diaoyu Dao has more than 8 islands.

B. Huangwei Yu is about 110 kilometers to the northeast of Diaoyu Dao.

C. China had already named Diaoyu Dao by the 14th and 15th centuries.

D. The sea waters around Diaoyu Dao is traditionally Chinese fishing ground.


1.D 2.B 3.C 4.C 5.B 【解析】 试题分析:这篇短文主要讲述了钓鱼岛的情况,包括钓鱼岛的地理位置,最大岛屿的面积和海拔,以及第二大岛屿的面积和海拔。钓鱼岛最找是由中国祖先发先并命名的,它是中国领土的一部分。 1.D细节理解题。根据文中第一段描述Diaoyu Dao and its affiliated (附属) islands, …in the waters between 123°20’-124°40’E (东经) and 25°40’-26°00’N (北纬).钓鱼岛及其附属岛屿,位于东经123°20’-124°40’,北纬25°40’-26°00’的水域,故此题选D。 2.B细节理解题。根据文中第二段描述Diaoyu Dao, in the western tip of the area, covers an area of about 3.91 square kilometers and is the largest island in the area.位于这片区域西部的钓鱼岛,面积大约3.91平方千米,是这个区域最大的岛屿。故此题选B。 3.C判断推理题。根据文中第二段描述The highest part on the island stands 362 meters above the sea level. 最高的部分是海拔362米;Huangwei Yu,…the second largest island in the area, with a total area of about 0.91 square kilometers and a highest height of 117 meters.钓鱼台列屿,该区域第二大岛屿,有1.91平方千米,最高海拔117米;从而得知它们海拔相差245米,故选C。 4.4】C细节理解题。根据文中第三段描述Ancient ancestors (远古祖先) in China first discovered and named Diaoyu Dao through their fishing activities on the sea.中国远古祖先通过在该区域捕鱼而首先发现了该岛屿并命名为钓鱼岛。故此提选C。 5.Eating healthy food and doing exercise help him to study better.可知健康的饮食和做锻炼帮着他学习更好了。故选B。 考点:考查社会现象类阅读。

My 10-year-old Donna said, “Mom, I made a new friend at school today. Can she come over tomorrow?” Donna was a shy girl and I wanted her to make some friends to bring her out of her shell.

“Sure, honey, that sounds great.” I said, thinking back to my own best friend, Lillian. We lived across the street from each other in Washington Heights, New York. We met at the age of 10, too. Like my daughter, I was shy, but Lillian drew me out. She was one of the friendliest people in school, with shiny black hair and a mile-wide smile.

In senior high school, Lillian went on a trip to Florida. This was the first time we had to be away from each other for a few days. “I’ll be back soon.” she told me. But three days later, Lillian’s sister told me that she had fallen into a river and hadn’t come out any more. Soon, my family moved to New Jersey. Whenever I thought of her, tears came into my eyes.

The next day Donna brought her new friend home. “Hi, Mrs. Loggia.” the little girl said. Her hair was so shiny and black and she shot me a big smile. “My name is Laura.”

My daughter’s new friend was so much like Lillian. I was still puzzled (迷惑) when Laura’s mom came to pick her up later that afternoon. I opened the door to let her in. “Judy!” she cried. “It’s me, Lillian’s sister, from Washington Heights.” Yes, my daughter’s friend looked familiar (熟悉的). She was Lillian’s niece.

1.The underlined words in the first paragraph “to bring her out of her shell” mean ____.

A. to help her become less shy

B. to help her become smart

C. to help her live happily

D. to help her walk out of her house

2.Why did Laura look familiar to the writer?

A. Because she looked like Donna.

B. Because she also had shiny black hair and a big smile.

C. Because she was from Washington Heights.

D. Because she was as old as her daughter.

3.The writer lost her best friend because _______________.

A. she moved to New Jersey

B. they were different from each other

C. her best friend moved to Florida

D. her best friend lost her life on a trip

4.“I knew we would be best friends forever.” is a sentence from the passage and should be put at the end of _______.

A. Paragraph 2      B. Paragraph 3

C. Paragraph 4       D. Paragraph 5

5.We can know from the passage that             .

A. Laura and Donnaare of the same age

B. The writer didn’t know about Lillian’s death.

C. Laura was Lillian’s daughter.

D. Judy moved to New Jersey because of Lillian’s death



Parents are the closest people to you in the world. They love you just because you’re you. And they would do anything for you.

Like a lot of middle school students Zhang Li has a problem. She and her parents don’t get on well. “I really want to be my daddy’s good girl. But it seems he just doesn’t understand. He talks to me but doesn’t listen to me” said Zhang Li a student from Grade Three.

Do you and your parents also have problems?

Well why don’t you take a walk and have a walk on Saturday? May 15 is International Day of families(国际家庭日). On that day people around the world give thanks for good things about families and work on family problems.

A study last year showed that 1500 Beijing families had the same problem as Zhang’s family. The children 12 to 15 years old didn’t like talking with their parents much. They weren’t happy at home. Of course lots of other children feel that way. But you and your parents will be much happier if you can be friends.

Here are some ways to have a good talk with your parents: find a good time to talk like when you’re eating dinner going out for a walk or watching TV. Tell them something you’re interested in or ask them about their lives when they were young. They love to talk about that! Listen to them carefully and look at them in the eyes. Be honest your parents will trust you more. And a trusting family is a happy family.

1.Zhang Li and her daddy don’t get on well because ___________.

A. her daddy doesn’t talk to her

B. her parents don’t love her.

C. she doesn’t like her parents

D. they can’t understand each other

2.The purpose(目的) of ________ is to let people in the world think more about families and family problems.

A. the writer of the article

B. International Day of Families

C. the story of Zhang Li

D. the study of Beijing families

3.The problem discussed in the passage mostly happens to ___________.

A. junior school students

B. families in Beijing

C. families in Hebei

D. primary school students

4.The underlined word “that” in the last paragraph means “____________”.

A. going out for a walk or watching TV

B. something your parents are interested in

C. your parents’ lives in the past

D. some way to have a good look

5.Which of the following is NOT a good way for kids to get closer to their families?

A. Find a good time to talk

B. Don’t talk to their parents.

C. Listen to them carefully

D. Be honest to their parents




What comes to your mind when you talk about donations? You probably think of a group of people with        in hand asking people to donate money. But my school think of a       way of raising funds—Fun Night.

Fun Night is like a party. Students pay money to get in and have dinner at school. The      they pay will go towards helping poor children     .

Two months ago I took part in Fun Night. There were all kinds of     in Fun Night. The most popular game was the “jousting ring”(夺环). I “jousted” with several of my      and tried to knock plenty of them off the ring.     they developed different strategies(策略) to win such as starting in a crouched position(蹲姿) to gather more strength when pushing.

Sometimes they attacked me       I was ready. It would usually be     as cheating(作弊) but we didn't care and       playing. After all it was just     not. a competition.

The best of Fun Night was not the fun activities. The fact was that we raised a lot of money by having a     time. A lot of students at my school wouldn't     money if they were simply asked to hand it over. But this kind of event not only made them     to give ______ allowed them to have a great time playing games with friends. I realized that charity can be fun. We raised 2000 yuan on that night.

1.A. boxes     B. books      C. schoolbags   D. clothes

2.A. another     B. different   C. silly         D. magic

3.A. seat      B. attention   C. stationery   D. money

4.A. in danger  B. in need    C. in a hurry    D. in love

5.A. rules     B. subjects  C. games        D. lessons

6.A. neighbours B. cousins      C. visitors     D. friends

7.A. However   B. Luckily      C. Otherwise     D. Hopefully

8.A. before     B. unless     C. after         D. if

9.A. named       B. treated     C. called       D. discovered

10.A. finished  B. started      C. continued     D. stopped

11.A. a game    B. an opinion  C. a research    D. an experience

12.A. tiring    B. hard        C. long           D. good

13.A. save     B. make       C. donate       D. spend

14.A. afraid    B. glad         C. sorry        D. angry

15.A. and      B. or         C. but also       D. To



Thanks for listening to my problem and giving me your advice.

—____. That’s what friends are for.

A. It’s nice of you  B. With pleasure

C. Never mind         D. My pleasure



—This physics problem is too difficult. Can you show me ________ Wang Lin?  —Sure.

A. what to work it out           B. what to work out it

C. how to work it out           D. how to work out it



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