满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

_____ a cold Sunday evening, a thief bro...

_____ a cold Sunday evening a thief broke into her house and stole a lot of money.

A. On         B. In          C. At          D. for


A 【解析】 试题分析:句意:在一个寒冷的星期天晚上,一个小偷闯入她的家,偷了很多的钱。 在具体的某一天或具体的某一天的早上,晚上,下午,中午用介词on;在某一时间段内用介词in;在某一时间点用介词at;做某事做了多长时间用介词for。结合句意可知选A。 考点:考查介词。  


学会自我保护是青少年需要具备的一种意识和能力。请根据以下提示,并结合自己的观点,以“How Can We Protect Ourselves?”为题,写一篇不少于80词的短文,谈谈在生活中青少年应该怎样自我保护(self-protection)。

提示:1. never swim alone;

2. be careful to make friends;

3. call the police when you are in danger;

4. eat healthy food;

5. don’t crowd(go upstairs and downstairs)












1.Our life is ______________ changes, but there are also a lot of challenges. ( 充满 )

2.It’s good for your health to put some ________________ in your new house. ( 绿色植物 )

3.We should help  _______________(互相,彼此)

4.She was _______________ working with you.(期望).

5.Could you please tell me your_______________?(电子邮件地址).




1.Don't be afraid of ____________ mistakes because nobody will be right all the time. ( make )

2.He is a super star ____________ Jay Chow.  (name)

3.Our teachers have always taught us the moon ____________around the earth. (move)

4.To ____________ surprise, he passed the test. (I)

5.He is a kind-hearted man, so we can get along with him ___________. (easy)



Some people think only school children do not agree with their parents, however, it is not true. Communication is a problem for parents and children of all ages. If it’s hard for you to communicate with your parents, don’t worry about it. Here are some advice for you to bridge the generation gap (代沟).

Don’t argue with your parents. Don’t get to your parents when you are angry. Your parents probably won’t consider your ideas if you are shouting at them. And you can’t express yourself well if you are angry. Go some place to cool off. Make sure you understand why you are unhappy. Then think about what you want to say to your parents. If you don’t think you can speak to them at the moment, try writing a letter.

Try to reach a compromise (和解). Perhaps you and your parents disagree on something. You can keep your disagreement and try your best to accept each other. Michael’s mother didn’t agree with him about buying a motorcycle. They argued over it. But they finally came to a compromise. Michael bought the motorcycle, but only drove it on certain days.

Of course, your parents might refuse to compromise on something. In these situations, it is especially important to show love and respect (尊敬) to them. Showing respect will keep your relationship strong.

Talk about your values. The values of your parents are probably different from those of your own. Tell your parents what you care about, and why. Understanding your values might help them see your purposes in life.

A good relationship with your parents can make you a better and happier person. It is worth having a try!

1.According to the passage who have a communication problem?

A. parents and other people

B. only school kids and their parents

C. teachers and their students

D. parents and children of all ages

2.How many pieces of advice does the writer give us to bridge the generation gap?

A. 5.       B. 4.          C. 3.          D. 2.

3.The underlined word “bridge” in the passage means “______”.

A. 建立     B. 通过      C.消除      D. 到达

4.If the values of your parents are different from those of yours, you’d better ______.

A. argue with them

B. keep away from them

C. agree with them all the time

D. tell your parents what you care about

5.The best title for the passage is______.

A. How to bridge the generation gap

B. How to deal with family problems

C. How to be good parents

D. How to be a good child



A Bite of China (舌尖上的中国) has become a hot topic on the Internet in China. It is a seven-episode(集) program. It is about traditional Chinese food.

The documentary has attracted over 100,000,000 Chinese audiences(观众). Most of them don’t see this program as a common food show, because it shows them the value of Chinese food and the changes in China today. The audiences can see how hard the cooks and farmers work to make such wonderful Chinese food.

Chen Xiaoqing, the lead director of the program, says that the program is not only about eating, but also about Chinese culture. His friend Liu Wen said, “We also wanted to show international audiences what China is like today.”

“A Bite of China will be out of English version(版本), said Chen Xiaoqing. “We should be thankful to the people who make so much delicious food.” added a reporter Wang Lu.

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1.How many episodes are there in “A bite of China”?

A.4.         B. 5.           C.6.                    D. 7.

2.What kind of program is “A Bite of China”?

A. A soap opera.                      B. A comedy.

C. A documentary.                     D. A sports show.

3.What’s the meaning of the underlined word attracted”?

A.描述     B.吸引    C.产生   D.改变

4.Who works hard to make such wonderful Chinese food according to the passage?

A. farmers and reporters

B. reporters and cooks

C. cooks and farmers

D.  farmers and audiences

5.Which of the following is true according to the passage?

A. The lead director of the program is Wang Lu.

B. Most people regard this program as a show about reporters.

C. “A bite of China” talks about not only food but also Chinese culture.

D. About 100,000 Chinese audiences are interested in this program.



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