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阅读填空 请根据材料内容,完成各题,每空一词。 We need animals....



We need animals.Every animal has its place in the balance(平衡) of nature.We should try to help save the animals.

Some people think zoos are good places.The zoos give the animals the comfortable and safe living places.If the animals get hurt or ill, people will take care of them.The zoo is a good place to know the rules in the wild world.We can be much closer to nature.We can know more about the animals in the zoos by watching, listening even smelling instead of just looking at the pictures in books.

Some people don’t think animals feel happy in the zoos.Animals like pandas, wolves and bears usually live in the wild.They play and find food by themselves.They are free and happy in the wild.If they are in the zoos, food is enough and rooms are comfortable.They do not need to do their best to find food to eat or places to stay in.They just walk around, sleep day and night, but they are not free at all.

I think we should build national parks as wild life nature reserves to protect animals.If we do nothing, animals will get fewer and fewer.

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1.zoos 2.provide 3.after 4.closer 5.watch 6.worry 7.sleep 8.own 9.free 10.protect 【解析】 试题解析: 1.根据文意,以及表格的内容,可知填zoo(动物园)。 2.根据第二段中的The zoos give the animals the comfortable and safe living places,可知应填provide。 3.根据第二段中的If the animals get hurt or ill, people will take care of them,可知take care of的意思和look after的意思是一样的。故填after。 4.根据第二段中We can be much closer to nature,可知填closer。 5.根基第二段中的We can know more about the animals in the zoos by watching, listening even smelling instead of just looking at the pictures in books,可知此处填watch。 6.根据第三段中的If they are in the zoos, food is enough and rooms are comfortable,可推断此处应该填worry。 7.根据第三段中的They just walk around, sleep day and night, but they are not free at all,可知应填sleep。 8.根据第三段中的They play and find food by themselves,可知on one’s own的意思与by oneself一直,故填own。 9.根据第三段中的They are free and happy in the wild,可知应填free。 10.根据最后一句中的I think we should build national parks as wild life nature reserves to protect animals,可知应填protect。 考点:用单词适当形式填空


Mr.Jones had a quarrel with Mrs.Jones the other day.So they were very angry with each other.For several days they did not s  1. to each other at all.One evening Mr.Jones was very t 2. when he came back from work, so he went to bed at once after d  3. .Of course he did not say a  4. to Mrs.Jones before he went upstairs.Mrs.Jones washed the dishes and then did some sewing.When she went up to bed much l  5. than her husband, she found a p  6. of paper on the small table near her bed.On it were the words, ‘Mother---Wake me up at 7 a.m.---Father.’

When Mr.Jones w  7. up the next m 8. , it was nearly 8 a.m.---and on the small table near his bed he saw a  9. piece of paper.He took it and r 10. these words: ‘Father---Wake up.It’s 7 a.m.---Mother.’




1.__________(luck), I fell down from my bike and hurt my left leg.

2.When we have trouble, our teachers always give us a lot of useful __________(advise).

3.He is an __________(active) boy so he seldom takes part in activities.

4.The Greens ____________(plan) where to go at this time yesterday.

5.I ______________(think) about the question already.





1.It is so cold today.The _______________(温度) is below zero.

2.The reserve is a _______(完美的) home for wild birds.

3.With our teachers’ __________(支持),we finally won the game.\

4.It has just rained.The road was so wet that I ___________(几乎) fell down.

5.Some people like ___________(交流) with others by email.




The kangaroo is the world’s largest living marsupial (有袋动物).It was first found on the island of southwestern Australia.The animal was given its name by a famous English tourist in the 18th century.

The kangaroo may be 7 feet(2.1m) tall when standing upright and the male can weigh as heavy as 200 pounds(90kg).The female (雌性) is smaller and lighter than the male.The kangaroo’s head is small, but its ears are large, and its fore feet are really small.The animal has strong back legs and long tail.

The kangaroo usually covers from 5 to 10 feet(1.5 to 3m) with each jump.The female is usually faster than the male.The mother kangaroo has a pouch (育儿袋) in its abdomen (腹部).The baby kangaroo grows up in the mother’s pouch slowly.

The kangaroo lives on grass and other plants.It is always moving from one place to another, lying down to sleep on the ground during the night.It likes to enjoy the warm sunshine.When it’s in danger, it can use its back legs and strong tail to protect itself.Answer the following questions with No more than 6 words

1.Who gave the kangaroo its name in the 18th century?


2.Which kind of kangaroo looks smaller and lighter, the male kangaroo or the female kangaroo?


3.Where does the baby kangaroo grow up?


4.What does the kangaroo eat?


5.What does the kangaroo use to protect itself in danger?




An old man was fishing on the bank of a river.A child came to see him fishing.The old man was really good at fishing and it didn’t take long for him to catch a full basket of fish.The old man saw that the child was very cute, and he wanted to give her a whole basket of fish.But the child shook her head.The old man was surprised and asked, “Why don’t you want the fish?”

The child answered, “I want the fishing rod(竿) in your hands.”

The old man asked, “Why do you want the rod?”

“It doesn’t take long to eat all the fish in a basket.But if I have the fishing rod, I can go fishing by myself and I won’t be afraid of not having any more fish to eat.”

I think you will certainly say that the child is very smart.Wrong! If she doesn’t know how to fish, she can not have fish to eat, even though she has the fishing rod.It’s useless to only have a fishing rod.Fishing skills are the most important, not the fishing rod.

Too many people think that if they have a “fishing rod” in their life, they will no longer fear(害怕)the wind and rain.They are just like the child, who thought that if she had a fishing rod, she would have fish to eat.

1.The old man was fishing on the bank of ___________.A.a river

B.a lake

C.a pool

D.a stream

2.Why did the child refuse(拒绝) the fish the old man gave her?A.Because she didn’t like fish

B.Because she wanted his fishing rod

C.Because the old man had few fish

D.Because she wanted to learn fishing skills

3.The writer thought the child was _______ after she explained why she didn’t want the fish.A.smart




4.The article mainly tell us ____________A.if you have a “fishing rod” in your life, you won’t be afraid of anything.

B.if you have a fishing rod, you’ll have a lot of fish to eat

C.“fishing skills” are more important than “the fishing rod” in life.

D.“the fishing rod” is more important than the fish that people catch

5.What is the best title for the article?A.The Fishing Rod

B.The Fishing Man

C.The Fishing Girl

D.The fishing Experience



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