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书面表达现在是星期天早上8点半, 请根据下面图片中的提示, 写一篇短文, 介绍一...

书面表达现在是星期天早上8点半, 请根据下面图片中的提示, 写一篇短文, 介绍一下人们都正在做什么。

要求: 1. 包含图片中的内容, 可适当发挥;

2. 图片中的人物可根据自己喜好自由发挥;

3. 不能出现真实的校名和姓名;

4.  50~60个词。

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A Happy Sunday








A Happy Sunday Today is Sunday. People choose different kinds of activities to get relaxed. Some pupils are going outing with their teachers. They are singing songs along the way. Some people are waiting for a bus. But they are behaving differently. An old man is even doing sports while waiting for the bus. A beautiful girl is taking photos of the beautiful scenery. Another girl is eating an ice-cream. They both look happy. Others are climbing the Great Wall. It will pay to climb the Great Wall. 【解析】 试题分析:这篇作文要求我们根据所给的图片信息,来书写一篇不同人物在周日做的不同活动的英语短文。图片中有不同人物活动的具体信息,我们应用正确的英语将这些内容表达出来。这些信息包括了有人在郊游,有人在等公交车,有人在照相,吃冰淇淋,还有一些人在爬长城等。文章应该使用现在进行时态,第三人称为主。写作时,我们可以根据需要将这些信息进行重新整理和安排,使文章的意思衔接更自然。而且这些关于介绍人物时所使用的词汇和句型,是学生们比较熟悉的,所以将平时的积累发挥出来就可以。当然我们要尽量使用一些好的句型和连词,使文章上下文意思连贯,更出彩。 写作亮点:这是一篇非常优秀的作文,短文中作者按照题目的要求,给我们介绍了所有图片中的相关信息,结构清晰,要点全面。而且作者在写作时,并不是完全按照题目中给出的顺序,逐句翻译的,而是将这些信息进行了整合,让意思关联紧密的放在一起表达,这一点很好。短文中的语言合乎英语的表达规范,而且作者还使用了一些较好的句式,增强了文章的连贯性。如非谓语动词的固定搭配使用:while doing sth.、 合成动词连接副词的短语:go outing、get relaxed、wait for、behave differently. 介词短语all kinds of、along the way、take photos of、连词An old man is even doing sports while waiting for the bus.句型:It pays to do sth.做某事是值得的等。 考点:图画类作文。  



We don’t have any milk.                  drinking some juice?


Please              the computer.


The teacher let the students              all the dirt.


The library is        the office building       the classroom building.


Cola is                 you




Hello, everyone! My name is Betty. I’m thirteen years old. I’m in Class Two, Grade Seven. Today I want to tell you something about my school .

There are 2, 000 students in my school. ①我们有32个教室。In our school we have a big library. It’s behind our classrooms. There are many books in it. We can read them and learn a lot from them. The science labs are ②next to the library. Between the library and the science labs there is a dining hall. After school, we have our dinner there. After school, we can play table tennis, football and basketball in the playground. My school is very beautiful.






Betty is in Class Three, Grade Seven.


Where can we play table tennis, football and basketball?







阅读下列短文,用方框内所给单词的正确形式填空。每个词限用一次。 满分5 manfen5.com


1.    to see the animals   2.  Wulan Zoo. We have many  3.  of animals, such4.  pandas, giraffes, lions and tigers. They come from many   5.  countries. The pandas are   6.  China. They’re beautiful and very shy. The giraffes from South Africa are cute. Our tigers and kangaroos 7.  from Australia. The tigers are very   8.  . The lazy lions come from   9. . Let’s go and 10.  them. You’ll have a very good time here.




A: It is Thursday today. 1.__________

B: Yes, we do.

A: 2.__________

B: At eleven o’clock in the morning.

A: 3.__________

B: No, it isn’t. My favorite lesson is English.


A: My favorite lesson is Chinese.

B: 5._________

A: Yes, we do.

B: We have an English lesson every day.

A. When is it?

B. What about you, Tony?

C. Is geography your favorite lesson?

D. Why do you like it?

E. Do you have a Chinese lesson every day?

F. Do you have a geography lesson today?

G. No, we don’t.




Spring Festival comes on February 8th this year! Boys and girls like it very much because they don’t go to school from January 17st to February 28th. And they can have new clothes and much money. The money is called hongbao. It means lucky money. They can also eat lots of food. But in Liangshan, Sichuan, some boys and girls are not happy. They don’t have warm clothes or food. They can’t go to school. They need help. Do you want to help them? Call us at 87865866.

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1. Spring Festival is on ________.

A. February 1st       B. February 8th

C. January 26th       D. January 9th

2. Most boys and girls can have________during Spring Festival(春节期间).

A. new clothes         B. computer

C. a soccer ball       D. a telephone

3.Can the children get hongbao?

A. Yes, he can.         B. No, he can’t.

C. No, they can’t.     D. Yes, they can.

4. In Sichuan, some boys and girls don’t have ________.

A. parents            B. food

C. warm clothes       D. B and C



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