满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

A year ago, I paid no attention to Engli...

A year ago, I paid no attention to English idioms, though my teacher emphasized the importance again and again. But soon, the importance of English idioms was shown in an amusing experience.

One day, I happened to meet an Englishman on the road, and soon we began to talk. As I was talking about how I was studying English, the foreigner seemed to be astonished, gently shaking his head, shrugging his shoulders, saying , “You don’t say!” I was puzzled, I thought, perhaps this is not a proper topic. “Well, I’d better change the topic” So I said to him, “Well shall we talk about the Great Wall? By the way, have you ever been there?” “Certainly, everyone back home will laugh at me if I leave China without seeing it. It was magnificent.” He was deep in thought when I began to talk like a tourist guide, “The Great Wall is one of the wonders in the world, We are very proud of it.” Soon I was interrupted again by his order “You don’t say!”I couldn’t help asking, “Why do you ask me not to talk about is?” “Well, I didn’t request you to do so,” he answered, greatly surprised .I said , “Didn’t you say you don’t say?” Hearing this, the Englishman laughed into tears .He began to explain, “You don’t say actually means really? It is an expression of surprise .Perhaps you don’t pay attention to English idioms.”

Only then did I know I had made a fool of myself. Since then I have been more careful with idiomatic expressions

1.A year ago, the writer paid no attention to English idioms because ______________.

A. English idioms were too difficult to master

B. He cared little about the teacher’s emphasis

C. His teacher didn’t emphasize the importance

D. He had no interest in English learning

2.The write happened to meet an Englishman____________.

A. some day       B. everyday

C. every day      D. yesterday

3.When the writer first heard “You don’t say!” he thought _____________.

A. the Englishman was not interested in his English studies

B. The Englishman was only interested in the Great Wall

C. He has talked too much

D. He had to stop talking at once

4.The underlined word “amusing” means _________.

A. interesting   B. important   C. terrible    D. lucky


1.B 2.A 3.A 4.A 【解析】 试题分析:这篇文章讲述了作者通过自己的一次非常有趣的经历,告诉我们英语习语的重要性,要记住英语老师对学生说的都是正确的。 1.1】B细节理解题。根据文章A year ago,I paid no attention to English idioms, though my teacher told us the importance again and again.可知,一年前,作者没有重视英语习语,是因为作者没有意识到他们的重要性。故选B。 2.2】A细节理解题。根据One day, I happened to meet an Englishman on the road, and soon we began to talk.可知某一天,作者碰巧碰上了一个英国人。故选A。 3.3】A 细节理解题。根据根据文章I was puzzled. I thought , perhaps this is not a right topic.可知,作者第一次听到“You don’t say,”他以为外国人对这个话题不感兴趣,故选A。 4.A细节理解题。根据文章中对故事的介绍可知,这是一次非常有趣的经历。所以,amusing的意思是interesting有趣的。故选A。 考点:考查日常生活类短文阅读。

Some people like to collect stamps. Others prefer posters or coins. But Pinky Bhutia is different. She collects children. In her mountain village, in Sikkim, she is known as the wonderful young woman who adopts(领养) all the children she can.

Pinky was 14 when she adopted her first child, a Nepali baby girl, whose parents passed away. Pinky’s parents did not mind. Pinky left school and started working fulltime because she had a baby to feed. Today, she has twelve adopted children, and two sons from her marriage.

Pinky is about 30 years old and she comes from a common family. If you passed her on the street, you wouldn’t give her a second look. She lives in a brown mud-washed(泥刷的) house. There is a vegetable garden outside. Red hens with noisy chicks run all over the garden looking for food.

If you ask her why she provides a home to so many kids, she smiles shyly. But her eyes are serious. “I know what it is to be poor and hungry.” As a child, her only dream was to eat a full meal, and her favourite amusement was watching people with shoes and imagining what it felt like. By adopting poor and homeless children she is making sure that they never feel that hopeless.

Pinky feels very proud when she sees her children happy and bright. Her oldest baby, Sarita Rai, is now 20 years old. Then, there is 19-year-old Nimbhe who came to Pinky because her mother was unable to look after her. She started to work in a government office two years ago. Ten-year-old Bhim and 14-year-old Kumar came to Pinky five years ago, after their father’s death. They started living on a patch of land given by Pinky and grew vegetables for sale.

1.After Pinky adopted her child, she ________.

A. began to raise some chickens

B. didn’t go to school anymore

C. asked her parents foe help

D. left her mountain village

2.By adopting those poor and homeless children, Pinky wants to ________.

A. teach them to grow vegetables

B. offer them good jobs

C. make sure they live in hope

D. help them become rich

3.Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A. Pinky likes collecting coins and posters.

B. Bhim and Kumar are from the same family.

C. People in Pinky’s village have no shoes to wear.

D. Sarita Rai works in a government office.

4. We can infer(推断) from the passage that Pinky is a ________ person.

A. kind     B. strict     C. bright     D. careful



“Before I came here,” one child said, “I thought swimming was running through an open fire hydrant(消防龙头).”

“Here” is a summer camp that’s only an hour from New York City—but a world away. This camp is run by the Fresh Air Fund(基金会). Since 1877, the fund has helped poor children from New York City spend summers in the country. Each year, over one thousand children, age 6—18,take part in the program. Some stay at the camp; others live with host families. The fund pays all money.

The camp is for 8 to 15-year-olds. At camp, children can learn about the stars, see deer and cows and other animals, and go hiking, fishing, and of course swimming. The children learn responsibility(责任) by helping out with chores like making beds and waiting on tables. They also learn a lot from teachers, who are often college students from around the United States and from other countries.

Host families from thirteen states and Canada offer to have children spend the summer with them. Many of these families have their own children. The visiting children become part of the family. They go with the family on picnics, to the pool or beach, and on trips. The children are from 6 to 12 years old when they make their first visit, and most are invited back. Some of the children and families become friends for life.

1. We can see from the passage that the summer camp ________.

A. is in the city of New York

B. makes lots of money each year

C. doesn’t have any teachers

D. can help children learn a lot

2.The last paragraph(段落) mainly tells us ________.

A. where the host families are from

B. how children get on with host families

C. what children do with host families

D. why host families invite children back

3.The purpose of this passage is to _______.

A. introduce the summer camp to people

B. get people interested in the Fresh Air Fund

C. encourage people to visit poor children

D. find host families for the summer camp





When I was eight years old, my family moved from Edinburgh to London because Father started a new job here. It was hundreds of miles away from my grandmother, so we sometimes spend spent hours ________to Edinburgh to visit her when we missed her terribly.

Granny never had much. She didn’t have       things, or live in a nice house, but I could feel with my      that she loved us deeply, especially when my world was turned upside down ________ my mother and father divorced(离婚) two years later.

I still remember those little things. Granny allowed me to sit on top of her ________ table, getting me to dip() my fingers in the sugar bowl or ________ from her coffee cup. Granny had a fancy bottle high on a shelf. One day after her death. I received a box. To my surprise, I found the ________ inside. She remembered once I had asked her for it.

Granny ________  her pennies in a glass jar. She could have used those pennies herself but she kept ________  for my brother Tommie and me. And I was always excited to ________the pennies between my brother and me. One of you, one of me.” I would repeat ________ the jar was empty. I don’t remember how much we got on our visits, but I know that’s ________she loved us and cared about us when we were far away from her. So if I am ________enough to find a penny lying on the ground one day, I am sure it is just the one from Granny in heaven.

Those childhood memories have never ________ me. Instead, they still give me warm feelings through the years. A granny’s ________ stays with a grandchild as long as he needs it. You know, love is just like that.

1.A. hiking     B. running      C. driving      D. walking

2.A. normal     B. expensive    C. cheap       D. old

3.A. life       B. heart        C. idea         D. thought

4.A. because    B. unless       C. while        D. before

5.A. bedroom   B. garden       C. bathroom     D. kitchen

6.A. fill      B. eat          C. use         D. drink

7.A. bottle    B. box         C. bowl         D. cup

8.A. used       B. found       C. saved       D. lost

9.A. them       B. it          C. her         D. us

10.A. store    B. offer        C. divide        D. provide

11.A. if       B. as           C. although      D. until

12.A. what      B. how         C. when          D. where

13.A. patient  B. sad        C. lucky         D. bored

14.A. gone away fromB. come back to C. come up with D. got along with

15.A. interest B. love         C. smile       D. mind





1.我最喜欢的明星是周杰伦(Jay Chou), 他三十几岁了,结婚一年多;



4.成就不局限于音乐界,他还曾在电影头文字D(Initial D)中担任主角。



1.第5点必须用二至三句话展开合理想象;     2.词数90个左右。



完成句子。 按所给的汉语,完成下列句子。


Amy ______________________________________  because she is afraid of darkness.


The artist _____________________________________ that people thought highly of him.


No one can _____________________________________________________ the Mars.


My brother is proud that he______________________________________ for many years.


Don’t lose heart! Children _________________________________________________by us.


They would rather ______________________________the show than be absent from this exam



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