满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

连词成句。 1.Sunshine Town, used, a, town, be...


1.Sunshine Town, used, a, town, be, with many, people, to,


2.heard, haven’t, Jim, I, yet, from


3.America, long, been, how , away, has, he ,from ?


4.attend, Tianjin, to, a, he, gone, meeting, to, has


5.to, direct, a, we, going, are, to, take, Chengdu, flight



1.Sunshine Town used to be a town with many people. 2.I haven’t heard from Jim yet. 3.How long has he been away from America? 4.He has gone to Tianjin to attend a meeting. 5.We are going to take a direct flight to Chengdu. 【解析】 试题分析: 1.1】句意:阳光镇是有很多人的一个小镇。根据句意,故填Sunshine Town used to be a town with many people. 2.2】句意:我还没有收到吉姆的来信。根据句意,故填I haven’t heard from Jim yet. 3.3】句意:他已经离开美国多长时间了?根据句意,故填How long has he been away from America? 4.4】句意:他去天津开会了。根据句意,故填He has gone to Tianjin to attend a meeting. 5.We are going to take a direct flight to Chengdu. 考点:考查连词成句。


What do you know about the sea? We know that it looks very b________1.,when the sun is shining on it. We also know that it can be very rough (汹涌的) when there is a strong wind. What e______2. do you know about it?

The first thing to remember is that the sea is very big. When you look at the m_______ 3.of the world, you will find there is more sea than land. The sea covers three quarters of the world. Some parts of the sea are shallow (浅的). But in some places the sea is very deep. The h_______4. mountain in the world is about 9 kilometers high. But the deepest place of the sea is n_______5. 11 kilometers deep.

The sea can be very cold. At the top, the w______6. may be warm. But if you go down, it b________ 7.colder and colder. In most parts of the sea, there are lots of fishes and p________8.. Some live near the top of the sea. Others live deep down.

You know that the sea water is salty (咸的). If you swim in the sea, you can t______9.the salt. Some parts of the sea are more salty than other places. For example, the Dead Sea is so salty that swimmers cannot sink (下沉) in it! And fish cannot live in it, either. What a s_______ 10. sea!




1.Are these clothes their _____________ (wife)?

2.People in the _______________ (south) part of China like eating noodles.

3.Now there are a number of               (factory) in our hometown.

4.The air____________ (pollute)is more and more serious.

5.Look at these children ,they are playing _____________ (happy) in the park .




1.Have you been to Nanjing _______________ (最近)?

2.My English has _______________ (改进) a lot after joining English Corner.

3.The little girl will travel______________ (在国外)to learn more about art.

4.My uncle often goes to Shanghai on _________________ (公事) .

5.Finally we______________ (意识到) the importance of protecting the environment.




As the sultan’s next birthday approached, everyone in the kingdom started getting scared(吓坏的). On the morning of his birthday, they stayed in bed with their heads under their blankets-- too scared to get up and face the day.

Luckily most people had nothing to worry about.

But two of the sultan’s subjects(国民), Ali and Baboo, had a lot to worry about- for they were told to go before the sultan.

“My challenge for you two,” roared the sultan to the shaking duo (两人),” is a camel race.” The sultan stopped talking for a moment, to let what he had said sink in.

That doesn’t sound too bad, they both thought, although they didn’t say so, lest(以免)the sultan make the challenge harder.

The sultan knew that Ali and Baboo would like what they had heard. But he wasn’t getting soft in his old age.

There was something he hadn’t told them.

Just as Ali and Baboo started to feel good, the sultan started talking again. “The winner of the race is the person whose camel comes last!” he told them, with a huge grin on his face. “The loser will get five years in prison and a tattoo of his chest to remind him of his failure.”

1.Why did people stay in bed with their heads under their blankets?


2.Who had a lot to worry about?


3.Is the challenge a camel race ?


4.How many years would the loser be in prison?


5.What do you think of the sultan?





Rainforest Layers

This is part of a script for a television programme about rainforests . This part is about the different layers there are and what lives there.

At the very top of the rainforest there are only a few trees. These trees have grown taller than most. They can be between 40 and 60 metres tall. They have been growing since long before we were born. Eagles, bats and even monkeys live here.

Below this is a large layer of leaves-the tops of many, many trees. From the above, it looks like a floor. These trees are between 30 and 45 metres tall. More wildlife lives here than anywhere else in the rainforest. This is home to many birds, butterflies, tree frogs and snakes. A quarter of all insects live here. There are also large animals here. Leopards and jaguars can come up to this layer from the lower layer to hunt for food.

Close to the ground, many smaller trees and bushes grow. They grow quickly, trying to grow towards the light—and die quickly. Most insects live in this layer.

The forest floor has lots of decay. It is so dark here that very little can grow. Dead leaves and animals fall to the ground and decay. The only thing that grows here is fungi. It feeds on the decaying leaves and helps to break them down quickly. The rainforest floor is home to larger animals such as elephants, leopards, and bears.


1.  things


Trees grow 2. than most, and between 40 and 60 meters tall. Eagles, bats and    3.

live here.


4.  wildlife of the rainforest lives here, they are between 30 and 45 meters tall; many birds, butterflies, tree frogs, snakes and insects live here; large animals come to this layer to   5. for food .


Many 7. trees and bushes grow close to the ground; they grow quickly and 8.  quickly;  most insects live in this layer.


Dead leaves and animals   9.  to the ground and decay; fungi and 10.  animals, such as elephants, leopards and bears live here.



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