满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Think back to a time in your life when y...

Think back to a time in your life when you tried something new.

When I was a teenager I volunteered to pass out water at a local race. I was so excited to see all the different runners who passed by and quickly took a cup of water. Some ran past, some walked past and a few wheeled past.

I saw so many types of people doing it. I thought maybe I could do it too! The next year I decided to run for the race, but I had little running practice. I just wanted to finish. On the day of the race, it was terribly hot. After running for about 5 miles, I was thinking, “I must be crazy. Why did I do this? What was I thinking?” And at one moment, I said to myself, “I am never doing this again!”

That first 10 km race was quite an experience. I jogged, I walked, I jogged and walked. At times, I didn’t know if I could finish.

Near the end, a 70­-year­-old man ran past me, very fast, and I felt a little embarrassed (尴尬的) that I was more than 50 years younger than he and I couldn’t even keep up with him. But then I realized something. He was running his race and I was running mine. How often in life do we compare(比较) ourselves to others when we really shouldn’t? I decided that I would not give up on running races,and that one day I would be one of those 70­year­olds who were still running.

As I crossed the finishing line, I was proud of myself. I didn’t regret (后悔) having such an experience.

1.What did the writer do at a local race as a volunteer?

A. He helped old runners.

B. He passed out water to the runners.

C. He cheered for the runners.

D. He took back the cups from the runners.

2.Why did the writer join the race?

A. He  was crazy about running.

B. He just wanted to experience.

C. He had practiced running very hard.

D. He wanted very much to win a prize.

3.How did the writer’s feeling change after running about 5 miles?

①He regretted.

②He encouraged himself.

③He felt a little embarrassed.

A. ①—②—③       B. ②—①—③       C. ①—③—②     D. ②—③—①

4.Why did the writer feel embarrassed?

A. Because the old man ran faster than him.

B. Because he ran most slowly.

C. Because he was over 50 years younger.

D. Because he ran faster than the old man.

5.What is the best title of the passage?

A. To be No.1.                B. Let’s compare.

C. A volunteering job.         D. Running your own race.


1.B 2.B 3.C 4.A 5.D 【解析】 试题分析:短文大意:本文讲述作者比赛时的经历,因疏于锻炼、仅仅是想完成比赛的他正当后悔自己的选择时,却被一位70多岁的老人赶上。作者顿生感慨.看到老人超越了自己,于是决定不放弃,最后到达终点。 1.B细节理解题。根据文中“When I was a teenager I volunteered to pass out water at a local race.”可知作者在在当地竞赛中支援给运动员递水,所以选B。 2.B细节理解题。根据文中“I saw so many types of people doing it. I thought maybe I could do it too! The next year I decided to run for the race,”可知他想体验一下。所以选B。 3.C细节理解题。根据文章倒二和倒三段的叙述可知该选C。 4.A细节理解题。根据文中Near the end, a 70­-year­-old man ran past me, very fast, and I felt a little embarrassed (尴尬的) that I was more than 50 years younger than he and I couldn’t even keep up with him.可知作者感到有点尴尬是因为那七十岁的老人跑得比他还快,所以选A。 5.标题归纳题。根据短文最后两段作者的感悟可知该选D。 考点:人生感悟类阅读。

An explosion( 爆炸)  from a factory in Kunshan killed at least 69 people and more than 120 people got hurt. China had its worst accident in industry on a Saturday in 2014.

The accident happened in Kunshan city, Jiangsu Province in China. And the explosion was from Zhongrong Metal Products Company, who makes car wheels for the U.S. The Kunshan government told us 264 workers were there when the explosion happened and 44 died at once. “We heard a really loud explosion at about 7 a.m. this morning, so we rushed out of our rooms, said Zhou Xu, a 26-year-old worker at that company. Another worker said, “First the ambulance came and then many wives rushed to the factory to see if their husbands were okay.”

Now, Shanghai government is sending doctors to Kunshan to save the wounded. And the doctor said the number of the dead may increase.

Chinese government is looking into the cause of the disaster. And President Xi also paid special attention to it. He said, “ Those who are found responsible(有责任的) must be punished.”

1.How many people died in the industrial accident?

A. 69.          B. 120.           C. More than 69.         D. 189.

2.Where did this accident happen?

A.  Kunshan city in Jiangsu  province.

B.  Kunshan city in Hunan province.

C.  Shanghai city in China.

D.  Kunshan in Shanghai city.

3.Who is Zhou Xu?

A.  The leader in Zhongrong Metal Products Company.

B.  A worker in Zhongrong Metal Products Company.

C.  Someone works for Kungshang government.

D.  The wife of one of the wounded .

4. What happened when the accident happen?

A.  Workers rushed out of their rooms.

B.  Ambulance came.

C.  Wives rushed to the factory to make sure of the safety of their husband.

D.  All of the above.

5.We can know from the doctor that ____________________________.

A.  there will be more deads

B.  there will be less deads

C.  many injured can be saved

D.  doctors can’t do anything for the injured



完形填空  阅读短文,从每题所给选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

Just ten years ago, Oscar, a common dog was one day away from being enthanized(安乐死) in the SPCA, an organization which helped pets find owners. Today he is a famous ____ by becoming the first dog who has travelled 200,000 km around the world.

Oscar’s story ____ in 2004 in the SPCA in South Africa. The organization failed to find a suitable ____ for the weak and sick dog, so people decided to help him die ____ .A woman named Joanne Lefson saved him.

She wasn’t wrong. Oscar had been such a(n)____ pet, and Joanne wanted to show him off to ____ people that dogs in the SPCA were not weak or sick, and could be a perfect pet. Maybe they also needed to go through a trip of bad luck ____ humans.

In 2009, the two set off on their tour with a clear purpose --- try to ____homes for all the dogs that live in the SPCA. In the last three years, they have ____ many places all around the world. So far, the ____dog has gone for “walks” on the Great Wall of China ____ also has visited some of the world’s most ____places like the Eiffel Tower in Paris, Statue of Liberty in New York, and the Sphinx in Egypt.

Joanne ____her house to pay for her dream. She said that her “dog saving program” was everything of her life. So even there is lots of ____ during their journey, they will still never give up and ____ on helping other dogs.

1.A. traveller        B. artist       C. director     D. worker

2.A. meant            B. ended        C. began      D. opened

3.A. park            B. home         C. shop        D. hospital

4.A. bravely         B. suddenly    C. willingly   D. peacefully

5.A. amazing       B. awful       C. boring       D. interesting

6.A. warn            B. tell        C. encourage   D. ask

7.A. like            B. unlike      C. as          D. different from

8.A. repair          B. find        C. build        D. get

9.A. managed       B. left       C. watched      D. visited

10.A. happy          B. funny        C. lucky        D. old

11.A. and             B. yet          C. so           D. but

12.A. free           B famous        C. creative     D. special

13.A. cleaned        B. bought      C. sold        D. chose

14.A. fun            B. sadness     C. experience D. difficulty

15.A. act            B. allowed      C. go          D. live



I am wondering ________________________.

A. how soon the meeting will begin

B. whether it minds if I park my car here

C. that Love Ship is suitable for children

D. if this song is worth listening



Why not find something to do? You can ______ do the dishes ______ sweep the floor.

A. neither, nor    B. not only, but also

C. both, and      D. either, or



-- He hardly has time for his hobbies, ________he?

--         . He has too much homework to do.

A. doesn’t; No   B. does; No

C. does; Yes        D. has ; Yes



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