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看图填词 A little panda picks up a pumpkin a...


A little panda picks up a pumpkin and wants to take it home. 1.     the pumpkin

is too big. The panda     2.  take it home.

Suddenly she sees a bear riding a  3.  toward her. She watches the bike. “I know! I have a good  4.  .” She jumps and shouts happily, “I can  5.  the pumpkin. It’s     6.   a wheel.”

So she rolls the pumpkin  7. her home. When her mother sees the big pumpkin, she is surprised, “Oh, my God!   8.   can you carry it home?” The little panda answers proudly,

“I can’t lift it, but I can roll it.” Her mother smiles and says,“What a   9.  girl! You can use  your    10.  to do something,”

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1.But 2.can’t 3.bike 4.idea 5.roll 6.like 7.to 8.How 9.clever 10.head 【解析】 试题分析:短文大意:一只小熊猫摘了一只大南瓜,想把它带回家。但是南瓜太大了。熊猫不能把它带回家。 突然她看见一只狗熊骑着一辆自行车朝她走来。她看着自行车想出了一个很好的主意。她将南瓜滚回了家。 1.句意:但是南瓜太大了。所以填写But,但是。 2.句意:熊猫不能把它带回家。所以填写can’t,不能。 3.句意:突然她看见一只狗熊骑着一辆自行车朝她走来。所以填写bike,自行车。 4.句意:我有一个很好的主意。所以填写idea,主意。 5.句意:我可以滚南瓜。所以填写roll,滚。 6.句意:它像一个轮子。所以填写like,像。 7.句意:所以她把南瓜滚到家。所以填写to,到。 8.句意:你怎样能把它带回家?所以填写How,怎么。 9.句意:多么聪明的一个女孩!所以填写clever,聪明的。 10.所以填写head,脑袋。 考点:看图填词。

The world is an interesting place. Different people like different things. Some people like loud music.Other people don't. 1.______.

Many people like sports, but they do not all like the same sports. In some countries, cricket (板球运动)is a very popular sport. In others it is not popular at all. No one plays it or watches it on TV. However, most people like soccer. The World Cup is very popular. 2. ______.

Different people like different foods. Some people do not like meat. 3._____. Some people do not like potatoes or bread. They prefer rice.

4.______ Most people have their favorite colors. Some people like bright colors. Others prefer pale colors.

Many people like traveling. Different people like different places. Some people like to go to the country.They like the fresh air. Some people like to go to the cities. Because they like shopping. 5.______.

What do you like? Have you got an idea?


A. They like soft music.

B. Not everyone likes the same color.

C. Millions of people watch the games on TV.

D. Different people like different kinds of pets.

E. They eat fruit and vegetables most of the time.

F. So they don't raise pigs in their countries.

G. Some other people enjoy beautiful places like the mountains or beaches.



Mrs. King is an American doctor. She is now in China. She works in a children’s hospital(儿童医院)in Beijing. She is also learning Chinese medicine (中医) there. She likes Chinese medicine very much. She loves working for children. She works hard in the day and reads English books on (关于) Chinese medicine at night. She learns Chinese from the Chinese doctors and her Chinese friends. Now she can speak some Chinese. She can read some Chinese books, too.

Her husband Mr. King is a teacher. He teaches English in a junior high school in Beijing. He works hard, too. He works from Monday to Friday. He teaches three classes every day. Sometimes, on Saturdays and Sundays, he teaches other English classes. He wants to make more money .


1.Mrs. King works in a _____.

A. shop

B. junior high school in Beijing

C. hospital in Beijing

D. hospital in America

2.Both of the Kings _____.

A. live in America

B. live in Shanghai

C. work hard

D. work every day

3.Mr. King works _____.

A. in a junior high school in Beijing

B. in a children’s hospital in Beijing

C. in a junior high school in America

D. in a children’s hospital in America

4.Mrs. King learns Chinese from _____.

A. her teacher

B. the books

C. the doctors

D. the Chinese doctors and her Chinese friends

5.Which of the following sentences is NOT true?

A. Mrs. King can speak English and Chinese.

B. Mrs. King doesn’t know anything about Chinese medicine.

C. Mrs. King is from America.

D. Mr. King sometimes teaches other English classes on weekends.



Li Qiang and Li Gang are brothers. But their living habits are different. Now let’s go to Li Qiang’s room. Li Qiang cleans his bedroom every day and puts his things away. Look! There is a computer on the desk. There are two balls under the bed. A guitar and a kite are on the wall. Some books are on the shelf. So he must be a careful boy. Now let’s go to Li Gang’s room. The room is not clean. Can we see his clothes on the desk? Oh, yes. We can see a football and a knife on the desk, too. Li Gang never does any cleaning on weekends. So his room is in a mess.

What do you think of Li Qiang and Li Gang? Li Qiang is a good boy. Li Gang must learn from his brother.


1.How often does Li Qiang clean his bedroom?

A. Every day.    B. Every week.

C. Twice a week.  D. Every month.

2.There is a guitar ______.

A. on the desk   B. on the wall

C. on the shelf  D. under the bed

3.What can we see on Li Gang’s desk?

A.His clothes and a computer.

B. A kite, a football and a knife.

C. His clothes, a football and a knife.

D. Some books, a football and a computer.

4.What does “in a mess” mean in Chinese?

A. 杂乱无章.   B. 整洁. C. 漂亮.     D. 拥挤.

5.Which of the following sentences is NOT true?

A. Li Qiang and Li Gang are brothers.

B. Li Gang does not clean his bedroom on weekends.

C. Li Gang is a careful boy.

D. Li Qiang does some cleaning every day.




Someone says, “Time is money.” But I think time is_____ important than money. Why? _____ when money is spent, we can get _____ back. However, when time is _____ , it will never return. That is why we mustn’t waste time. It goes without saying that the _____ is usually limited (有限的). Even a second is very important. We should make full use_____our time to do _____ useful. But it is a pity that there are a lot of people who don’t know the importance of time. They spent their limited time smoking, drinking and playing. They don’t know that wasting time means wasting parts of their_____. In a word we should save time. We shouldn’t leave today’s _____ for tomorrow. Remember we have no time to_____.

1.A. much      B. less    C. much less   D. much more

2.A. Because  B. For     C. As          D. And

3.A. their     B. them    C. it          D. its

4.A. cost      B. bought  C. gone        D. finished

5.A. money    B. time    C. day         D. food

6.A. for        B. of       C. to          D. into

7.A. nothing   B. Something C. anything  D. everything

8.A. time      B. food    C. money       D. life

9.A. newspaper B. dinner   C. work        D. TV

10.A. lose      B. save     C. spend       D. able



—I don’t think physics is boring and difficult.

—_____ .

A. All right.     B. Good idea.

C. You’re right. D. Thank you.



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