满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Do you like traveling? If you are intere...

Do you like traveling? If you are interested, come to our travel service as soon as possible, offer the following travel lines for you to choose.

2-Day Guangwu Mountain Croup Tour

How about going to Guangwu Mountain for the weekend? You can enjoy its beautiful view and taste a lot of delicious healthy food.

Tour Price:$280 Call us at 0827-555-6888

4-Day Qingdao Private(私人的)Tour

Qingdao is famous for its sunshine, white sandy beaches and clear water. You can relax here, walking along the beaches and breathing the fresh air!

Tour Price:

1 person

2-5 persons

6-9 persons


$550/ person


Call us at 0827-666-5888

5-Day Colorful Taiwan Group Tour

If you like to take a round-island trip, Taiwan is the best place for you! You can climb A-li Mountain, go boating in Sun Moon Lake and experience the various cultures of the island.

Tour Price:$8500 Call us at 0827-222-8666

8-Day London Private Tour

Come to London for a few relaxing days to enjoy the view of the Thames(泰晤士河)and visit such places of interest as Tower Bridge and Big Ben.

Tour Price:

1 person

2-5 persons

6-9 persons


$ 15800/person

$ 13800/person

Call us at 0827-333-9555


1.How long will the Guangwu Mountain Group Tour last?

A. Two days.   B. Five days.

C. Eight days.  D. Three days.

2.Mr. Li and Mrs. Li are planning to take the 4-Day Qingdao Private Tour with their two sons. How much will they pay?

A. $2720.   B. $ 2120.     C. $2200.   D. $ 2320.

3.If you want to go boating in Sun Moon Lake, you should call   .

A. 0827-555-6888     B. 0827-333-9555

C. 0827-222-8666     D. 0827-666-5888

4.If you take the 8-Day London Private Tour, you will be able to   .

A. breathe the fresh air

B. enjoy the view of the Thames

C. climb A-li Mountain

D. experience the various cultures of the island

5.The information above may come from a   .

A. driving school        B. travel service

C. sports center         D. school office


1.A 2.C 3.C 4.B 5.B 【解析】 试题分析:这是旅行社提供的四则旅游信息,有光武山小组两日游、青岛私人四日游、多彩台湾小组五日游和伦敦私人八日游。 1.A细节理解题。根据图表中第一则广告2-Day Guangwu Mountain Croup Tour描述,可知光武山小组游要持续两天时间,故选A。 2.C推理判断题。根据图表中第二则广告2-5 persons ¥550/person 描述,可知李先生,李太太和她的两个儿子四个人每人550元,共需2200元,故选C。 3.C细节理解题。根据图表中第三则广告 Call us at 0827-222-8666描述,可知要想去日月潭划船,拨打电话0827-222-8666,故选C。 4.B细节理解题。根据图表中第四则广告Come to London for a few relaxing days to enjoy the view of the Thames(泰晤士河)描述,可知要参加8天的伦敦私人游,可以欣赏泰晤士河的美景,故选B。 5.B推理判断题题。根据图表中的四则广告描述,可知这些信息可能来自旅行社,故选B。 考点:广告布告类短文阅读。

There is an old Chinese saying, “If someone gives you a little drop of water, you should return a spring of water. ”That means if someone helps you a bit, you should remember it and thank them gratefully(感激地)in return.

We should live in a world of gratitude. We should prove it with actions, not just words. We thank people who hurt us, because they teach us important things. We thank people who give us up, because we learn how to be independent. We thank people who are selfish(自私的), because we learn the importance of being kind. Of course, we should thank people who help us. We should thank people who teach us. We should thank people who care about us.

We thank our parents. They work hard all the time in order to give their sons and daughters a better life. They cook meals for us, they do the chores for us, they always give us food and clothes, they teach us what is right and what is wrong.

We thank our teachers who give us dreams. They teach us a lot of things but they ask for nothing from us. We are well-educated by them.

There are a lot of people that we should be grateful to in our life. We should find a way to thank them.

1.According to the writer, what should you do if someone helps you?

A. We should thank them gratefully in return.

B. We should do nothing.

C. We just go away at once.

D. We should give them money.

2.The word “them” in the fourth paragraph refers to(指代)    .

A. parents B. teachers   C. friends    D. students

3.We should thank our parents because    .

A. they work hard for us all the time

B. they give us everything they can

C. they teach us what is right and what is wrong

D. A, B and C

4.Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A. We don’t have to care about those who care about us.

B. We learn nothing from our teachers.

C. Our parents work hard to give us a better life.

D. Our parents don’t cook for us.

5.What’s the meaning of the underlined sentence?

A. 滴水之恩, 涌泉相报    B. 落花有意, 流水无情

C. 大地回春, 春意盎然    D. 兵来将挡, 水来土掩




It was Sunday afternoon. My younger brother and I were alone at home. My parents went for a party and asked me to look after my brother. I was doing my homework while my brother was watching TV. Suddenly the doorbell rang. Ding-Dong! My brother thought that it was our parents, so he opened the ______ quickly.

A tall man wearing a black raincoat stood outside. He said that he came to sell books and he______ politely, “Are your parents at home?

Without thinking, my brother said, “No. ”Then the man asked, “Would you like to______some storybooks? ”I told him we didn’t want to buy. When I wanted to close the door, he suddenly pushed(推)the door very heavily and came into our house. He took out a______ and ordered me to tie(绑)up my brother’s hands with a rope(绳子). I tied up his hands in a special way so my brother could untie ______ easily. The man then tied my hands up and locked______ of us in the kitchen. Soon, he went upstairs to ______money. I taught my brother to untie the rope on his hands. He then untied me. I rushed to the telephone to call the police, ______the line was dead. The doors were all locked from the outside. It was lucky that the man ______ to lock the kitchen window. So we got out of the house through the kitchen window and went to the______ pay phone to call the police.

Soon the police came to our house and the man was caught by the police. By that time, my parents had come home. We told them the whole story. My parents were happy that we were not hurt. They told me that we shouldn’t open the door to strangers. I learnt a lesson on safety.

1.A. window     B. door       C. book           D. TV

2.A. asked      B. ask        C. answered      D. answer

3.A. lend      B. borrow     C. sell          D. buy

4.A. kiss      B. knife      C. gift          D. pen

5.A. himself   B. Itself     C. herself       D. themselves

6.A. most     B. some       C. both           D. all

7.A. look at  B. look after C. look like     D. look for

8.A. and        B. so         C. or             D. but

9.A. wanted      B. liked      C. forgot         D. tried

10.A. farthest  B. nearest    C. largest        D. smallest



The rivers will become dirtier and dirtier ______  we take action to protect them.

A. since    B. if   C. until   D. unless



—Excuse me, is the museum far from here?

—No, it’s about  ______ .

A. 5 minutes walk        B. 5 minute walk

C. 5 minutes’ walk      D. 5 minute’s walk



Gina has been in Shanghai for ten years. Shanghai has become her second  ______ .

A. family  B. house      C. home   D. room



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