满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

You can believe in him, because he eats ...

You can believe in him, because he eats no fish and never tells lies.

A. 是个诚实的人    B. 爱吃鱼    C. 不爱吃鱼    D. 没有鱼


A 【解析】 试题分析:句意:你可以相信他,因为他是个诚实的人,从不说谎。根据never tells lies可知eats no fish的意思是“是个诚实的人”,所以选A。 考点:考查同义词。  

My mom always tells me that smoking would be harmful to our health.

A. 对……有益      B. 对……有用

C. 对……有帮助    D. 对……有害



Why not listen to pop music, Tom?

Oh, that’s not my cup of tea. I like classical music better.

A. it’s my favorite       B. that’s not my favorite

C. it’s good for me         D. I don’t want to drink tea



Every time when we are in the soup, our parents always try their best to help us.

A. are happy          B. are excited

C. are in trouble     D. are serious



The twins study very hard every day, so they take the cake in the exam.

A. eat the cake       B. relax themselves

C. get good grades     D. get the cake



Robots can help people do much work, and they never get          .

A. bore       B. bored          C. boring     D. to bore



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