满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

根据中文,完成下列句子。 1.过去的几年中我们学校发生了巨大的变化。 Great...



Great changes ___________________________ in our school over the years.


Leo’s friend _____________________________________ chopsticks.


He drove ____________________________________ sixty miles per hour.


Hundreds of people _____________________________ the shop.


The UK ________________________ England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.


Australian seasons are the ___________________________________________ .


1.have taken place 2.has got used to (using) / has been used to (using) 3.at the speed of 4.have gathered in front of 5.is made up of 6.opposite of ours 【解析】 试题分析: 1.over the years.表示从过去到现在的一段时间,所以用现在完成时,故填have taken place 2.get used to doing sth,习惯做某事,故填has got used to (using) / has been used to (using) 3.以多少的速度用介词at,,故填at the speed of 4.in front of 在……前面,根据句意,所以用现在完成时,故填have gathered in front of 5.be made up of 由……组成,故填is made up of 6. 考点:句子翻译。


1.Jim wants to clean his car if it _______________( not rain ) tomorrow.

2.The government has taken action ______________(improve) the situation.

3.Mother’s Day is coming, but I __________ (buy) a present for my mother yet.

4.Millie ____________(laugh) in front of the TV when I entered the living room.

5.In the past, a lot of people ___________ (live) in the small town.

6.I ___________(study) in the school since I came here.

7.Katherine often uses her computer ___________(communicate) with her friends.

8.It will take you two hours __________ (pass) this level in the game.

9.Do you mind ___________ (tell) me how to use the new function of the program?

10._________(learn) about it, just find it in the menu at the top of the page and click on it.

11.We all know that 365 days ____________(make) one year.




1.The Smiths have decided to move house because of water _________(pollute).

2.Simon shouted to me, It’s none of your _______________(busy).”

3.Tim’s relative has been ___________(die) for two weeks.

4.The young girl hopes to get ____________(marry) soon.

5.Snakes live on birds and _____________ (mouse).

6.Chinese market is much ____________(huge) than before.

7.Broadway has been famous for its theatres since the early _________(twenty) century.

8.The ___________(Asia) games take place every four years.

9.When we were young, all of us have a lot of _____________(美妙的) dreams.

10.After watching the football match, all the boys still felt ___________(激动的).

11.More and more people like to travel _________(去国外) to spend their holidays.

12.They had to stay in the __________(国际的) airport because of the bad weather.

13.I think both of the _____________(网站) are good for children.

14.Come on, boy! You need to _____________(放松).

15.Have you ever been to _____________(欧洲) before ?



Linda and David have travelled by air from London to Sydney, Australia. Linda has promised(答应)her mother that she will ring her to let her know that they arrived safely. This is something she had done ever since she was a child. David thinks it is not a good idea to ring so far, to spend too much, and to say so little.

But Linda promised to ring. "However," she says, "‘it doesn’t cost much when you just think that it’s the other side of the world. It’s only six pence per second (每秒六便士)."  "If you’re on that telephone for less than one minute, I’ll eat my hat, David says, "And one minute’s nearly four pounds(镑). " "That’s no more than you’d pay for a new hat," Linda answers.

She has asked the man at the hotel desk to get her the number. The telephone rings. Linda picks it up.  "Hello, Mum. Is that you ?" She says.  "Six pence per second," David told her.

“Hello, love. " It is Mrs Lee, Linda’s mother, speaking from London. "I can hear you very clearly just like you are in the next room. It‘s a better line than when you called me from your office. Do you remember? I shouted at that time, and still you couldn’t hear me sometimes. " "Yes, Mum. "Linda puts in. "I just wanted to ring to ……. " "I remember how you rang when you went to Betty‘s house to eat, when you were a little girl. And then when you …" Mrs Lee is a great talker

"Nearly four pounds." says David. Linda tries to tell her mother that it is time to say goodbye. "Yes, all right," says Mrs Lee," But you will write, won‘t you, as you did when you were at work …" Once again, Mrs Lee talks about the past. and there is no stopping her. "Four pounds fifty, ’says David. At last, Linda cuts her mother short, promises to write, and rings off.

"There! That was long, wasn’t it ?" " Four pounds, ninety pence. " David answers. " And you didn’t even say that we‘ve arrived. "

1.Linda is telephoning home to ______.

A. tell her mother some bad news

B. say that she and David have arrived safely

C. report an accident to her mother

D. say that she and David have left London

2.David says, ’Nearly four pounds, because ______.

A. he wants to let Linda know the cost of the call

B. he wants to buy himself a new hat

C. Linda has not told her mother they have arrived

D. he wants Mrs Lee to know how much the call costs

3.Mrs Lee goes on talking for so long because______.

A. she likes to hear all about the past.

B. she likes talking

C. Linda had not told her that she has arrived

D. she is going to pay for the telephone call

4.Linda tries to stop her mother by ______.

A. telling her how much the call is costing

B. writing a letter as she has promised to do

C. telling her that they have arrived safely

D. promising to write, and ringing off



Do you know how to play a game called “Musical Chairs”?It is easy to play and most people enjoy it. All you need are some chairs,some people and some way of making music.You may use a piano or any other musical instrument(乐器),if someone can play it. You may use a tape recorder. You can even use a radio.

Put the chairs in a row(排). The chairs may be put in twos,back to back. A better way is to have the chairs in one row with each chair facing in the opposite direction to the chair next to it.

The game is easy. When the music starts,the players walk round the chairs. Everyone goes in the same direction, of course they should walk in time to the music. If the music is fast they should walk quickly. If the music is slow,they should walk slowly.

The person playing music cannot see the people in the game. When the music stops,the players try to sit on the chairs. If a person cannot find a chair to sit on,he drops out(出局). Then,someone takes one chair away before the music starts again. When the music stops again,one more player will be out.

At last,there will be two players and one chair. The one who sits on the chair when the music stops is the winner.

1.If ten people are playing musical chairs, you must begin with______.

A. nine chairs                 B. ten chairs

C. eleven chairs               D. one chair

2.When the music starts, the players must______.

A. run about the room      B. get down

C. walk around the chairs   D. sit on the chairs

3.Which of the following statements is NOT true?

A. The game “Musical Chairs” is not difficult to learn.

B. The last two players can sit on the last chair.

C. The winner can sit on the chair.

D. If the person plays music, he cannot be the winner.



November 9 is a time for us to learn a lot more about fire. This is what to do in a fire.

a. Shout out. Shout as loudly as you can, because people may be asleep.

b. Call 119. Never try to put out a fire yourself. Tell 119 where you are and what is on fire.

c. Keep down close to the floor. There is less smoke down there, so it’s easier to breathe(呼吸) and see where you are going.

d. Test the door. If the door is cool, open it carefully. If the door is hot, do not open it! Try to find a different way out.

e. Get out. Do not stop to pick up anything. A fire can become very big in a few seconds.

f. Don’t use the lift. Always use the stairs. The lift may go wrong and keep you inside.

g. Don’t go back. Even if you have left your pet or favorite toy inside, do not go back for it. Animals have a very good sense of smell. They often get out of buildings before people.

1.The passage tells us that we can ______ in a fire.

A. use the lift

B. try to put out a fire ourselves

C. open the hot door and go out

D. shout as loudly as possible

2.You should keep down close to the floor because ______.

A. people may be asleep

B. the firemen can find you easily

C. there is less smoke down there

D. you should look after your things carefully

3.The lift is dangerous in a fire because ______.

A. it is too small                  B. it may go wrong

C. it may keep you inside           D. both B and C



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