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Do you like fruit salad? Do you want to...


Do you like fruit salad? Do you want to make fruit salad by yourself? Then you can follow the steps:

Step 1: Prepare some fresh fruit, such as strawberries, bananas, apples and oranges. Yogurt is very important. It can make your fruit salad more tasty. Don’t forget salad. You may choose different salad as you wish.

Step 2: Wash the fruit carefully. Make sure they are clean enough.

Step 3: Cut them in different shapes if you like. Anyway, cut them into pieces.

Step 4: Put all your fruit into the plate and sprinkle some yogurt and salad. Mix and stir.

Now, your delicious fruit salad is coming. Prepare your forks and your mouth! Enjoy yourself!

1.  _______ can make your fruit salad more tasty.

A. Fruit  B. Salad  C. Yogurt  D. Sugar

2. _______ isn’t mentioned (提及) in the instruction.

A. Strawberries  B. Pears  C. Apples  D. Oranges

3. Your fruit can be in _______.

A. the same shapes and pieces

B. the same shapes and halves

C. different shapes and pieces

D. different shapes and halves


1.C 2.B 3.C 【解析】 试题分析:本文介绍了水果沙拉的制作方法。 1.C细节理解题。依据短文中的句子“Yogurt is very important. It can make your fruit salad more tasty.”可知,酸奶可以使你的水果沙拉更可口。故答案为C。 2.B细节理解题。依据短文中的句子“such as strawberries, bananas, apples and oranges.”可知,pears没有提到。故答案为B。 3.细节理解题。依据短文中的句子“Cut them in different shapes if you like. Anyway, cut them into pieces.”可知,把水果切成片,切成不同的形状。故答案为C。 考点:社会生活类方法介绍。


Don't Let the Candle Off

A man had a little daughter---an only and much-loved child. He lived for her--- she was his whole______. He was so happy to hear his girl's voice that he hardly imagined what he would do______her. But unluckily, one day, his daughter became seriously ill. He was very______. He tried all he could to_____her. At last, his efforts (努力) was _____ and the child died. The father became a bitter recluse (隐士) after that, shutting _________ away from his friends and refusing(拒绝) every activity that might______ him back to his normal self. But one night he had a dream. He was in heaven, seeing a group of little child angels. They were dressed in white and______in a line passing by the Great White Throne. Every angel_______a candle. He noticed that all the candles were bright except one. Then he found that the child with the______candle was his own little daughter. ______ to her, he held her in his______, hugged her gently, and then asked, "Why is it, darling, that your candle alone is unlighted?" His daughter said, "Daddy, they often relight it, but your ______always put it out." Just then he______.The lesson was very clear, and its effects were immediate. From that hour on he was not a recluse, but socialized (交际)freely and gladly with his former friends and colleagues. No longer would his darling's candle be put out by his useless tears.

We can't avoid having a sad______during lifetime, but we should remember not to let our beloved person's candle off.

1.A. heart      B. life        C. faith     D. mood

2.A. without    B. by           C. through   D. over

3.A. angry     B. worried      C. calm        D. satisfied

4.A. help       B. persuade (劝说)C. save    D. serve

5.A. useful     B. useless      C. important   D. unimportant

6.A. herself    B. himself     C. themselves  D. itself

7.A. put        B. fetch        C. hold        D. bring

8.A. running   B. walking      C. speeding    D. travelling

9.A. carried    B. picked       C. packed     D. caught

10.A. little   B. beautiful   C. dark       D. bright

11.A. Smiling  B.Talking      C. Rushing    D. Jumping

12.A. hands    B. arms        C. breast     D. face

13.A. tears     B. dreams      C. hopes       D. complaints

14.A. got up    B. turned around C. went back D. woke up

15.A. part      B. spirit(精神) C. feeling  D. behavior



--- Tom, would you please not make so loud noise? Dad is sleeping. ---- _________, mom.

A. Yes, I know         B. OK, I know

C. Sorry, I won’t     D. Sorry, I will



---Why is the woman crying there?

---Because she is ______. Her only son is lost and no one can help find him now.

A. hopeful      B. useless      C. cheerful     D. helpless



Tom, ______ too much TV.

A. not watch   B. doesn’t watch

C. don’t watch  D.watches



Here comes the bus. Let’s            .

A. get on it        B. get it off

C. to get on it     D. to get it off



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