满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

We are living in a colourful world with ...

We are living in a colourful world with green trees, red flowers and the blue sky. Everything has its colour. Our moods also have different colours.

I am a middle school student. Yesterday, I didn’t want to get up early for school, but I was woken up by mum at 6:00 a.m. At that time my mood was like grey fog. I felt tired and sleepy.

At noon, I helped a blind man cross the road on my way home. The blind man thanked me a lot. I felt very happy and the mood was like the red sun. It made me warm and sweet.

In the maths class, my red mood changed to black, because I failed the exam. When I got the exam paper, I couldn’t stop crying. But Mr Li told me to keep on studying hard.

After school, I walked home and thought about Mr Li’s words. I felt comfortable and energetic. The mood was like the blue sky, sunny and peaceful.满分5 manfen5.com


1. colours 2.morning 3.sleepy 4.across 5.red 6.maths 7.pass 8.sad 9.blue 10.energetic 【解析】 1.根据第一段最后一句Our moods also have different colours.可知该空填colours。 2.根据文章第二段…but I was woken up by mum at 6:00 a.m.所以是早上六点。故填morning。 3.根据文章第二段最后I felt tired and sleepy.可知该空填sleepy。 4.根据文章第三段…I helped a blind man cross the road on my way home.可知我帮助盲人过马路了;cross是动词,穿过;walk across穿过。故填across。 5..根据第三段I felt very happy and the mood was like the red sun.可知该空填red。 6.根据文章倒数第二段In the maths class, my red mood changed to black…可知该空填maths。 7..根据倒数第二段… because I failed the exam.因为我没有通过考试;也就是didn’t pass the exam.故填pass。 8.根据文章倒数第二段When I got the exam paper, I couldn’t stop crying.可知我拿到卷子后不停地哭,也就是很伤心。故填sad。 9.根据最后一段After school, I walked home and thought about Mr Li’s words…. The mood was like the blue sky, sunny and peaceful.可知该空填blue。

Many years ago, two friends, Mike and Jim, were walking through the desert. Somehow they began to quarrel (争吵) about small matters. Suddenly, Mike hit Jim in the face. Jim was hurt, but he said nothing. He just wrote in the sand: Today my best friend hit me in the face.

They kept on walking, and at last, they found a river. So they decided to take a bath.

Suddenly, Jim got stuck in the mire (陷在泥里). At that moment, Mike saved him. After Jim felt better, he wrote on a stone: Today my best friend saved my life.     

Mike saw this, and asked, “After I hurt you, you wrote in the sand. After I saved you, you wrote on a stone. Why?”

Jim answered, “When someone hurts us, we should write it down in sand. Then winds of forgiveness (宽恕) can blow it away. But, when someone does something good for us, we must engrave (铭刻) it in stone, then no wind can ever blow it away.”

1. When did the story happen?

2.What did Mike and Jim quarrel about?

3.Did Jim say anything when he was hit?

4.Where did Jim write after Mike saved him?

5.Who do you think might be deeply moved at last?



What is your favourite colour? Do you like yellow, orange or red? If you do, you must be an active person who enjoys life. Do you like blue? Then you may be quiet, shy and prefer following to leading.

Colours influence our moods. There is a relationship between colours and moods. A yellow room makes people feel cheerful and more relaxed than a dark green one; and a red dress brings us warmth and joy on the saddest winter day. Black is depressing (令人压抑的). There was a black bridge over River Thames. The number of people who killed themselves on that bridge used to be larger than that on any other bridge in the area---until it was repainted green.

    Light and bright colours make people not only happier but also more active. In the factory, the workers will work better, harder, and have fewer accidents when their machines are painted orange rather than black.

1. An active person may like ________.

A. yellow, orange or red

B. yellow, black or red

C. orange, blue or black

D. green, blue or brown

2.Most people feel more _______ in a yellow room than in a dark green one.

A. tired

B. bored

C. relaxed

D. worried

3.Why did more people kill themselves on the black bridge than on any other bridge?

A. Because the bridge was too crowded.

B. Because people didn’t like the bridge.

C. Because the colour of the bridge was depressing.

D. Because no one saved them.

4.In the factory, when the machines are painted orange, the workers will work ______.

A. worse

B. harder

C. more slowly

D. more carelessly

5.Which is the best title for the passage?

A. Your Favourite Colour

B. The Secret of Colour

C. The Colour of A Bridge

D. Stop People from Killing Themselves



Everybody makes decisions in daily life. They can be as important as what you will do in the future or as simple as what you will eat for breakfast. Any decision could be the turning point of your life.

I made an important decision when I was in Junior 3.

Before I made that decision I wasn’t a good student. I didn’t listen to my parents or teachers, and my grades became poor. Then came the high school entrance exam.

At the turning point of my life, my mom wanted to have a conversation with me. I felt impatient but when I looked at her eyes, I felt I couldn’t refuse. Instead of asking me to study hard, to my surprise, Mom just asked what I wanted to do in the future. Without thinking too much, I just said I would like to study hard.

Mom smiled and asked again: “I asked: what do you WANT to do?”

I had never seriously thought about the question before. So, I kept silent.

“Whether you want to go on studying or enter the society,” she went on, “it is your own decision. It should be made by yourself, not anyone else, including me. After saying that, she had tears in her eyes.

For the first time in my life I was asked to make my own decision. I sat in my chair and thought about my life, my future and what kind of person I wanted to become.

It took me what seemed to be ages to make the biggest decision so far in my life—I wanted to be a man who makes a difference in the world. To achieve that, I needed to study hard.

The path to my future became clear to me. I didn’t act rebelliously(叛逆地) any more. With passion (激情) in my heart, I studied hard.

Now, I’m 17 and I’m in one of the best schools in my city, in one of the best classes at the school and I am one of the best students in the class.

Thanks to that decision, I have become what I am today.

1. When did the writer make the important decision?

A. After he was 17 years old.

B. After he was in one of the best classes.

C. When he was a pupil.

D. When he was studying in Junior 3.

2.What was the writer like before the decision?

A. He didn’t do well in his lessons

B. He was a good student.

C. He was one of the top students in his class.

D. He did what his teachers and his parents asked him to do

3.How did the writer make the decision?

A. It was easy for him to make the decision.

B. It was his second time to make the decision.

C. He made the decision seriously.

D. It was his mother that made the decision for him.

4.Why did the writer make the decision?

A. Because his teacher talked with him patiently.

B. Because he didn’t want to act rebelliously any more.

C. Because his mother asked him to study hard as usual.

D. Because his father asked him to think about his future by himself.

5.Which of the following is TRUE?

A. The writer made the decision that he should work hard.

B. It took the writer several years to make the decision.

C. After hearing his mother’s words, the writer had tears in his eyes.

D. At the turning point of his life, the writer wanted to have a conversation with



Suzy---I’m really good at selling things and communicating with others. I also love helping people. I hope to work for the sales department in a big company. I think I can be a good saleswoman or a manager.

Daniel---I really like making things with my hands. I also enjoy searching for something better or different. I don’t enjoy working in the same place every day, and I hate being in noisy places. I think I’d like to be an artist or a computer engineer.

Billy---I’m good at talking and I really like children. I also want to keep people healthy. I’m patient and I’m willing to work extra hours. I think I can make a good doctor or a teacher.

Maria---I’m really interested in meeting people, and I enjoy wearing different clothes every day. I’m not so good at organizing time and computers. I am going to be a model or a social worker.

Millie---I enjoy helping people, but I can’t stand working at nights or weekends, I think it’s the time for me to relax. I want to be an accountant or a shopkeeper.

1. Suzy wants to be                .

A. a worker or a teacher

B. a nurse or a doctor

C. a saleswoman or a manager

D. a model or a driver

2.Daniel doesn’t enjoy working in               .

A. quiet places

B. different places

C. noisy places   

D. the office

3.            wants to be a teacher or a doctor.

A. Suzy

B. Billy

C. Maria

D. Millie

4.Maria likes                  .

A. meeting people

B. wearing different clothes

C. working at nights and weekends

D. both A and B

5.What do the underlined words “can’t stand” mean in Chinese?

A. 不能忍受

B. 不能站立

C. 不能坚持

D. 不能代表



Will you put others’ needs before your own?   will you get if you do? Here is an experience of mine.

It was a wet day and I had a time. I was busy and everyone I talked to was in a bad mood. What’s more, I went to work without breakfast and I left my   at home. So I couldn’t get lunch and was terribly hungry.

When I       work,I called to ask my wife to meet me at the door with some money so that I could quickly go to buy   . Then I quickly made my way home in hope of eating my    meal of the day at 5:00 p.m.

As I was halfway home, my wife told me by phone that a friend of ours was in      and needed a lift(搭便车)home. My mind said,“I will help him    I get the meal.” But my mouth said,“All right, I’ll give him a     .”

He jumped in the car with a smile on his face and repeated how    he was that I would drive him home. He told me he usually walked home from his company but that day the     stopped him from making that journey because he didn’t have an umbrella.

There    a lot of traffic. A drive to him normally took 10 minutes but that day it took 30 minutes.

Now you would guess the person that I was helping is a    friend of mine. But,in fact,he is a friend of a friend.

I wonder if I will see this person again but I feel glad that I was there when he      me.

So you will feel yourself helpful and useful when you 15  more about others.

1.A. How        B. Which        C. Why           D. What

2.A. fun        B. quiet         C. hard          D. good

3.A. keys      B. glasses      C. wallet      D. notebook

4.A. finished    B. over         C. complete     D. finishing

5.A. gifts      B. clothes      C. fruit         D. dinner

6.A. hot        B. first       C. simple       D. free

7.A. trouble     B. danger      C. fear          D. treatment

8.A. since       B. after        C. before       D. when

9.A. choice      B. greeting     C. ride       D. suggestion

10.A. sorry      B. thankful     C. surprised    D. pleased

11. A. rain      B. time          C. work         D. traffic

12.A. had        B. have          C. were         D. was

13.A. new        B. lovely        C. close      D. common

14.A. chose      B. phoned         C. joined       D. needed

15.A. learn     B. worry          C. care        D. talk



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