满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

根据所给汉语意思,用单词或短语完成下列英文句子。 1.我的英语老师对我产生了巨大...



My English teacher has _______________ me a lot.


She found a wallet _______________on the ground on_______________.


It’s important to know _______________________________.


Her son __________________ coke, but now he _______________ milk.


Scrooge ___________ the importance of _________________ people around us.


1.influenced 2.lying her way home 3.how to ask for help politely 4.used to drink is used to drinking 5.realized sharing joy with 【解析】 试题分析: 1.本题是考查动词影响这个单词的拼写:influence,同时又考查了现在完成时态,has后应该加动词的过去分词形式,因此答案为influenced。 2.本题既考查了find sb./sth. doing这一结构,同时又考查了on one’s way home, 在某人回家的路上这一短语。注意lie的分词形式为lying; one’s应该与主语一致,故答案应填her。 3.本题考查了疑问词后加不定式这一结构,寻求帮助ask for help, 有礼貌的应该用副词形式politely来修饰动词help, 所以应填how to ask for help politely。 4.本题是考查used to do及be used to doing的区别。前者过去常常的意思,后者习惯于干某事的意思。因为是现在习惯于,be动词应为is,故答案为used to drink , is used to drinking。 5.本题是考查realize这个英语单词的拼写,以及share joy with这个动词短语。通过汉语“意识到了”说明应该用过去时态;of为介词,后跟动词的ing形式,share分词应去e加ing, 故答案应为realized , sharing joy with。 考点:完成句子

What is the hottest English word these years? “Selfie" may be one of them. It was even named Word of the Year by Oxford Dictionaries in 2013. The word was first used in an Australian online forum in 2002. Now, almost everybody knows it.

Selfie is a photo that one takes of oneself. People usually take selfies with a smart phone and send them to a social media website. Nowadays, more and more people are taking selfies. From your best friend to your favorite pop star, selfies are taking over Renren and Sina Weibo.

What makes people love selfies? Selfies can help to remember what's going on in their personal life. "Almost every day, I take a photo of myself at school, and save it in my Ozone. These photos record my happy and sad moments." said Huang Xu, 16, from Hunan. Another usual reason for taking a selfie is to share online. They hope to make friends and share their feelings with others. "During summer vacation, my classmates and I shared many selfies online. Through these photos, we got to know each other's holidays and feelings," said Wang Lin, 15, from Henan. "I'm too shy to ask someone to take pictures of me, but it's easier to do it by myself."

Although taking selfies is popular among young people around the world, they should be careful at the places where they take selfies. People are warned(警告)not to take light-hearted selfies in serious places, such as in some traffic accidents. In order to protect art works, selfie is banned in some museums and galleries, too.

1. The word "selfie" has a history of about       .

A.12 years      B.13 years    C.15 years    D.20 years

2.In Paragraph 3, the writer mentioned (提到) 2 young people to       .

A. talk about their school lives

B. introduce the development of selfie

C. help people take a clear and beautiful selfie

D. explain the different reasons why people love selfies

3.The underlined word "banned" means         .

A. not visited      B. not stopped

C. not allowed      D. not watched




The 2014 FIFA World Cup, the twentieth World Cup football match, will be held in Brazil from June 12th, 2014 to July 13th, 2014. Thirty-two teams from different countries will bring us sixty-four wonderful games during the World Cup. This is the second time the World Cup is held in this country and the fifth in South America. Thousands of football fans are looking forward to watching the games.

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A Bite of China(舌尖上的中国), a mouth-watering documentary TV program featuring delicious Chinese food, has interested a large number of people. The program has become very popular since it was shown on TV. The documentary provides not only Chinese delicious food but also the relations between people and food. “We made this documentary with our respect and love for food. I hope it will help people learn more about Chinese food as well as Chinese culture.” said the director Mr. Chen.

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Lu Jialei, a school girl from Hangzhou, China, won the championship of the first Chinese Character Dictation Contest, which made her become famous overnight. Lu is a hard-working girl and always comes top at school. “I like reading and I’m crazy about learning Chinese characters. I enjoy the contest and hope more and morepeople become interested in learning Chinese characters.” said Lu Jialei after winning the contest.

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1.How long will the 2014 FIFA World Cup last?

A. About a week.         B. About two weeks.

C. About a month.       D. About two months.

2.What kind of TV program is A Bite of China?

A. A documentary.    B. A comedy.

C. A thriller.      D. An action movie.

3.Which is NOT true according to the articles?

A. Lu Jialei always gets good grades at school.

B. The World Cup has been held in South America twice.

C. Many people like watching the TV program A Bite of China.

D. Lu Jialei hopes more people can take much interest in Chinese characters.

4.Where may the articles probably come from?

A. A story book.            B. A science report.

C. A sports magazine.       D. The Internet.



Mr. Lee was in bed and was trying to go to sleep when he heard the bell ring. He turned on the light and looked at his clock. It was twelve o'clock. "Who can it be at this time of night?” He thought. He decided to go and find out. So he got up, put on his dressing gown(长袍) and went to the door. When he opened the door, there was nobody there. "That is very strange." Then he went back to his bedroom, took off his dressing gown, got back into bed, turned off the light and tried to go to sleep.

A few minutes later he heard the bell ring again. Mr. Lee jumped out of bed very quickly and rushed to the door. He opened it, but again he found no one there. He closed the door and tried not to feel angry. Then he saw a piece of paper on the floor. He picked it up. There were some words on it: “It is now after midnight, so it is April Fool's Day. April fool to you!”

“Oh, it was the English boy next door!" Mr. Lee exclaimed (惊叫) and almost smiled. He went back to bed and fell asleep at once. The bell did not ring again.

1.When did Mr. Lee go to bed? He went to bed__________.

A、before twelve o'clock

B、when the bell rang

C、when he saw the boy

D、after twelve o'clock

2.From this passage, we learn that we can _________on April Fool’s Day.

A、dance and sing at night

B、send presents to children

C、play tricks on others

D、give others a piece of paper

3.How many times did the bell ring?

A、One   B、Two  C、Three   D、Four



“How are you?” is a nice question. It’s a friendly way for Americans to greet each other. But How are you?”is also a very unusual question. It often doesn’t need an answer. The person who asks” How are you?” hopes to hear the answer“Fine”even if the person’s friend isn’t fine. In fact, they are not really a question or an answer. They are simply other ways of saying “Hello”or“Hi”.

Sometimes people also don’t say exactly what they mean, For example, when someone asks Do you agree?”the other person might think,“No,I disagree. I think you’re wrong.” But it isn’t very polite to disagree so strongly, so the other person might say,“ I’m afraid …”It’s a nicer way to disagree.

People also don’t say exactly what they are thinking when they finish talking with other people. For example, many phone talks finish when one person says” I have to go now.” Often, the person who wants to finish the phone call gives an excuse,” Someone’s at the door.” The excuse might be real, or not. Perhaps the person who wants to finish the phone call simply doesn’t want to talk anymore, but it isn’t polite to say that. The excuse is more polite, and it doesn’t hurt the other person.

When they are greeting each other, talking about an idea, thinking of finishing a talk, people don’t say exactly what they are thinking about. It’s an important way that people try to be nice to each other, and it is part of the game of language.

1.“How are you?”is another way of saying “Hello” or “Hi”.

2.It is polite to say” No,I disagree. I think you are wrong” if you don’t agree with others.

3.When someone says” I have to go now” on the phone, it means he wants to go on talking.

4.“Someone is at the door ”may be an excuse for finishing a phone call.

5.Sometimes, people don’t say exactly what they are thinking about just because they try to be nice to each other.



Being a young person is one thing, and being a good young one is    _   . A good person should have these qualities(品质): First of all, health. A healthy body is the best riches(财富). ____   it, nothing can be done well. If you are poor in health, you will have to take        day after day. Even you can’t work, do sports and so on. Secondly, do something for others. Help those in trouble and        the people around you. If everyone did the same,           wonderful world it would be! Thirdly, have the ability to work with others. Cooperation(合作) and communication are two important keys to better human relation. Everyone needs friends           no one can live through life alone or do everything he wants to.

Besides the examples above, patriotism is the one we should never       . Patriotism means love for one’s country. It is one of the highest qualities of human’s. Everyone should love his own country. But people         think that patriots(爱国者)must be soldiers or that they live in a time of fighting for their country. This is      . A good young person’s work is not only fighting. A good young person will do the things his country asks him to do.

I think a good young person of today should also have some training in art       they can live better and enjoy more.

1.A. other        B. one          C. another       D. the others

2.A. With        B. Without      C. After        D. Before

3.A. medicine   B. food           C. drink        D. fruit

4.A. take after  B. talk about    C. argue with    D. care about

5.A. how         B. how a          C. what         D. what a

6.A. if           B. because        C. while        D. though

7.A. remember     B. answer         C. forget        D. ask

8.A. sometimes   B. never         C. sometime    D. hardly

9.A. good         B. bad            C. right       D. wrong

10.A. so that     B. such as        C. when         D. but



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