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书面表达。(16分)题由重庆名校资源库 刘微莉 编辑 如今,一股运动风刮遍全中国...

书面表达。(16分)题由重庆名校资源库 刘微莉 编辑

如今,一股运动风刮遍全中国。在我们的校园里,越来越多的同学爱上了运动。请你写一篇题为“What can we get from sports ?”的短文。


1. 学生对运动项目的兴趣不同,参加的理由各异。

2. 多数学生在……时进行运动,是因为……

3. 男生参加运动,是因为……    他们喜欢……

4. 女生也喜欢运动,是因为……    她们喜欢……

5. 你对运动的观点和态度。




What We Get from Sports

Students in our school have one thing in common …… an interest in sports .





What can we get from sport? Students in our school have one thing in common. They all have an interest in sports. But they have an interest in different sports events and have different reasons. Most students like to do sports after school. Because they have longer time to do what they like. Most boys do sports,such as baskeball, football and volleyball. They like to play against with other team and win the game. Most girls like badminton, ping-pong, and running. In my opinion, doing sports is good for our health. But we have to pay attention to the time and don’t excise too much. 【解析】 试题分析:这篇作文要求我们介绍一下自己学校里同学们的运动情况,现在越来越多的同学喜欢上了运动,他们对运动的兴趣不同,而且男生和女生喜欢的运动类型也不同。我们在运动的时候需要注意什么问题,发表一下自己的看法。通过分析可知,这篇短文我们应主要使用一般现在时态,第三人称形式来叙述。写作时,我们要注意内容的完整,我们应根据题目中给出的提纲,将这些内容先补充完整;另外我们还需要注意我们的表达,要符合英语的语言规范,并且要尽量使用一些好的句型和句式,增强文章的表现力,提升作文的档次。 写作亮点:这是一篇优秀的范文,短文中作者按照题目的要求,介绍了同学们参加运动的情况。作者使用了正确的时态和人称,内容完整,层次清晰。首先作者先点明现在喜欢运动的同学们越来越多了;然后作者介绍了男生和女生各自喜欢的运动是什么;最后作者发表了自己对运动的观点。短文中作者使用了较为丰富的句型,如But they have an interest in different sports events and have different reasons、Most boys do sports,such as baskeball, football and volleyball.、In my opinion, doing sports is good for our health等。 考点:提纲类作文。  



I was studying in Los Angeles , the USA . It is a big city with 1. people living in it than in my whole country . I come from Singapore . It is one of the smallest   2.  in the world . We rented(租)a flat in a community near a favela(贫民窟).

For several months I did not have a car , so three times a week I used public transportation(交通)to go to the city centre . During these trip . I would ride with the people who took the   3.  bus from the favela to work .

When I got on the bus , all the seats were already taken . But when people saw that my bag was very heavy , they offered to hold it on their lap(范围)to   4.  me feel lighter(轻松). At first , I was 5.  . Then I realize that these people did not want to steal(偷盗)from me they only wanted to help me .

Once , on my way back , I had to wait   6.  a long time at a bus stop . I was alone , expect for a woman who was very poor . She carried a small paper bag of popcom and nothing else . While we were waiting , she walked over and gave me some popcom . I thank her , but did not want to help   7.  to it . She then insisted(要求)that I should take some from what was evidently(明显地)her only food .

I wonder   8.  it is true that the more you have , the more difficulties you will have to share anything with others .





1.He’s already been to Paris .(改为否定句)

He __________ been to Paris __________ .

2.My cousin has practiced drums since he was five years old .(对划线部分提问)

__________ __________ has you cousin practiced drum ?

3.Ning Zetao became famous after he won the championship in the competition .(改为同义句)

Ning Zetao __________ become famous __________ he won the championship in the competition .


Tom __________ __________ in the sun on the beach .

5. I really don't know what I can do to help her out .(改为简单句)

I really don’t know what __________ __________ to help her out .





National Eye Care Day on June 6th is a good chance for us to improve our eye health . What are common eye problems we have today ? How can we protect our eyes ? Read on to find out the answer .

Eyes are important in our everyday life . We use them to read books , see colors and view the wonders of the world . But sometimes , we use them too much and it hurts them .

In the past , nearsightedness(近视)was a common eye problem among children . This is mostly because of their bad eye habits , such as watching TV too long and reading books in bed .

However , today’s technology is changing the way we live . Children spend more time working and playing in front of computers , smart phones and iPads . US children spend more than 42 hours a week in front of electronic screens(电子屏幕), US’ABC news reported .

This has caused a new problem for our eyes : digital(数字的)eyestrain(眼疲劳). People with digital eyestrain may get headaches , dry and red eyes , eye pain , watering and other eye problems .

But don’t worry . The following tips can help you protect your eyes . Try them out .

Screen advice :

1. When you are watching electronic screens , keep them at least 30 cm from your eyes . Try not to use your smart phone in direct sunlight .

2. Blink(眨眼)more often when you are looking at the screen . This can help to stop dry eyes .

3. Remember to take a 20-20-20 break : every 20 minutes , take a 20-second break and look at something 20 feet ( about 6 meters ) away .

4. Spend less time in front of screens . One to two hours a day is OK for your eyes .

1. Do people get a good chance to care about their eye health on June 6th every year ?


2.When is National Eye Care Day ?


3.Why was nearsightedness a common eye problem among children in the past ?


4.How many times had you better take a break if you need to watch the electronic screens for one hour ?





A.I am so sorry for my mistake .

B.No , I didn't .

C.When should I say sorry to her ?

D.Is it very difficult to say sorry to others?

E.Whats the matter ?

F.But I am OK .

G.No , not yet .


A: Hello , Bob ! 1. You look sad .

B: I lost my sister’s favorite book and she cried . 2.

A: Have you apologized(道歉)to her ?

B: 3.  I am afraid she will not forgive(原谅)me .

A: An apology says we are sorry for out mistakes . It’s a way to show we will try to do better in the future .

B: OK , I get it . 4.

A: Maybe tomorrow . Give her some time to calm down(冷静)and think things through .

B: 5.

A: I don’t think so if you mean to make things right again .

B: OK ! I will try . Thank you .



I was driving home on a very hot afternoon and about to near a crossing(十字路口). One of the major traffic light had gone out , and a police officer was standing in the middle of around twenty lanes of very busy traffic . The fact was that he had no hat or shade(遮棚)to shield(保护)him from the burning sun but , he was upbeat and doing a fabulous(出色的)job .

I saw a drugstore on the comer , and while I was there , I wanted so badly to get some water for the officer ! I had some hesitation(犹豫), though , as it was a little out of my comfort zone(安全区)to communicate with a stranger in this way .

I discussed , struggled , left , drove part-way home , turned around , went back to the drugstore , got water , and then found myself thinking about how to hand it to him in the busy crossing . I knew that he might not be able to take it he wouldn’t have hands to hold it since he was busy making motions(动作)to direct(指挥)the traffic but I had to try .

I drove into the crossing , rolled down my windows as I passed the officer , and gave him the bottle of water . Though he wasn’t able to take the bottle , he broke into a smile and said , Thank you .

I drove home , feeling better for having persisted(坚持). And I was even inspired to call the station that afternoon to make sure they knew what a great job he did that day . It felt good to spread(传播)the positivity(正能量), and it was the least I could do .

1. Why did the police officer direct the traffic in this heat(温度)?

A. Because there was too much traffic .

B. Because one of the major traffic light didn’t work .

C. Because a serious traffic accident happened .

D. Because he wanted to stop drunk driving .

2.Why did the writer stop his car at the drugstore ? Because __________ .

A. he was afraid the police officer knew he had drunk too much

B. he needed to make a call

C. he wanted to buy a bottle of water for the police officer

D. he couldn’t stand the burning sun

3. The writer called the station to __________ .

A. tell there was a bad traffic light at the crossing

B. complain the police officer didn’t accept his water

C. ask his driving license back

D. praise(赞扬)the police officer’s great job

4.What is the main idea of the passage ?

A. It is a hard job to work as a traffic police officer

B. Spreading the positivity can make the world more beautiful

C. The government should find better ways to solve the heavy traffic .

D. Trust is very important to make friends with a strange man .



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