满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

My sister and I are very different.When ...

My sister and I are very different.When people meet us both,they are always surprised to learn that we are sisters.This is because we don’t look like each other,we have different personalities(性格) and our lifestyles are different.

Do you resemble your brother or sister? My sister and I don’t resemble each other at all. I am tall,but she is very short.I have short dark brown hair and green eyes.She has long blond hair and blue eyes.I am strong but she is not.I have big hands and feet;Her feet and hands are very small.When we were kids,she was thin,but I was heavy.Now,we are both heavy.

We also have opposite personalities.She is always stressed out.I am calmer and more outgoing.She is always worried about what other people think and say about her.But I really don’t care. When she has a problem,she just worries about it,but when I have a problem,I try to fix(解决) it.She easily gets angry,especially with our mother.But I’m more patient.

Our lifestyles are very different.I love old things and hardly ever go shopping.But she goes shopping twice or more a week.I have cats.She has a dog.I read.She watches TV.

1.The writer and her sister are different in _____ ways.

A.two        B.three      C.four

2.The underlined word “resemble”means “______ ” in Chinese.

A.相似       B.想念      C.害怕

3.The writer’s sister is a ______ girl.

A.thin and tall

B.thin and short

C.heavy and short

4.We can learn from the underlined part “but I don’t really care”that the writer _______.

A.is stressed out

B.doesn’t care about her sister.

C.donesn’t care about others’ opinions(看法)

5.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A.The writer was fat when she was a kid.

B.The writer is always angry with her sister.

C.The writer and her sister both have blue eyes.


1.B 2.A 3.C 4.C 5.A 【解析】 试题分析:本文介绍了作者和她的姐姐长相、性格和生活方式不同。作者个子高,她姐姐个子矮。她姐姐紧张、有压力,她冷静、更乐观。她喜欢旧的东西,几乎不去购物。她姐姐一周购物两次或更多次。 1.B推理判断题。根据This is because we don’t look like each other,we have different personalities(性格) and our lifestyles are different.可知我和姐姐长相、性格和生活方式不同,共三方面不同。故选B。 2.A词义猜测题。根据 My sister and I don’t resemble each other at all. I am tall,but she is very short.可知我个子高,她个子矮,因此我们两个不相似,故选A。 3.C细节理解题。根据I am tall,but she is very short.和Now,we are both heavy.可知姐姐个子矮,体形胖,故选C。 4.C词义猜测题。根据She is always worried about what other people think and say about her.可知她总是担心其他人怎么认为她、评价她。根据连词but可知此处表示转折,我与姐姐不一样,应是不在乎其他人对自己的看法。故选C。 5. 考点:日常生活类短文阅读。


Summer Sale!

Save on every record and tape in the store.


Specials  on all records and tapes.


$5.98           $4.48

$6.98           $5.48

$7.98           $6.48

Sale starts on June 15 and ends on June 29.

No mail or telephone orders during the sale.

Add: 308 Park Street


1.The Music Store _____.

A. will open on June15.

B. is having a summer sale.

C. has sale prices only in summer.

2.What records and tapes in the store are on sale?

A. Disco.              B. Rock.          C. A and B

3. If you buy a tape that lists the  price is $ 7.98 during the sale, how much can you save?

A. $3.50               B. $1.50          C. $4.50

4. The sale will last(持续) _____.

A. 10days            B. 15days        C. a week

5.Which of the following is true?

A. The last day of the sale is June15

B. There is no phone in the store

C. You can’t buy things over the phone.




One day,Mary ______ shopping with her mother.When they reached ____ the supermarket,Mary was very ____.There were many nice things and many people _____it.

Mary’s mother told her ______her.They walked around and they _______some things for breakfast.

When they came to one shelf(货架).Mary ______ some boxes of chocolate.Mary wanted her mother to buy some ______ her.

Her mother gave _______a box of brown chocolate.Mary shook(摇晃)her head.She wanted a box of white chocolate.Her mother didn’t understand her.

“Why do you want a box of white chocolate?” asked her mother.

“I will not bite my fingers(咬手指) when I eat them ______ night.” Answered Mary.

After hearing this,Mary’s mother laughed and they left the supermarket happily.

1.A.went        B. go      C.goes

2.A.to          B.at       C./

3.A.happy     B.sorry    C.sad

4.A.on        B.for       C.in

5.A.to go with B.went with C.going with

6.A.bought      B.took      C.brought

7.A.looked     B.watched   C.saw

8.A.to         B.for       C.with

9.A.her        B.she       C.him

10.A.on        B.in        C.at



Lily works as _______ as Lucy.They both get good grades.

A.hard               B.harder               C.hard---working



----How did you feel about the trip?

---- _____________.

A.By train

B.The weather was fine

C.It was great.



--- Are you feeling better now?

--- Yes. I’m __________ to go to school.

A.good enough

B.enough well

C.well enough



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