满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Driving in rush hour traffic ______ be v...

Driving in rush hour traffic ______ be very dangerous, so you _____ be too careless.

A.should; ought to      B.could; should

C.might; mustn’t       D.can; can’t


D 【解析】 试题分析:句意:在交通高峰时段开车会很危险,因此你不能太粗心。A.should; ought to应该;应该;B.could; should 可能,应该;C.might; mustn’t可能,不准;D.can; can’t能,不能。交通高峰时开车危险,不能太粗心,故选D。 考点:考查情态动词。  

Jerry is always so busy that he can hardly _________ a few minutes to talk with his child.

A.spare    B.share   C.spend   D.save



---________ it is from our own planet Earth to Mars!

--- Yes, it takes months to travel to Mars by spacecraft.

A.How soon   B.How far

C.How long D.How often



—Jim took ___ one-hour ride just now.What a short time he spent finishing such a long way!

—He is ______ experienced rider.

A.an; the           B.a; an

C.a; the           D.an; a





和大部分学生一样,Carl有太多的作业无暇顾及自己的兴趣爱好,请根据你自身的经验,针对他的问题以“ Jim”的名义采用电子邮件的形式向他提出至少三条建议帮助他节约时间,钻研学业,劳逸结合,缓解压力。



Spending time doing something relaxing is not a bad idea during the winter months, especially as the Spring Festival holiday draws closer.

Sarah Combes a social worker at the Vista Clinic, ①建议人们参加许多活动并享受各类庆祝。

“We live in a busy city culture that tells us to do, do, do,”she said.But winter is a time when our bodies and ,minds need to rest.It is okay not to be as active as in the summer.

Combes believes it is okay to spend time by oneself, especially when you are around people all the time.But she believes during the Chinese Spring Festival, we all need to spend time with others so that we can enjoy such a special and exciting time of the year.

Most people find they eat and sleep a little more in winter and dislike the dark mornings and chilly(寒冷) days.We it to all find hard get of bed out

That is common for many people because our bodies and minds take time to adjust to any change in Lifestyle or weather.

The important thing is not to stay down.⑤ Get back up and keep on going, then we will see the rich  culture and warm people Combes said, This will make us fell merry.








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