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汉译英(共5小题;每小题2分,每空1分,满分10分) 根据汉语意思完成英语句子,...




The word “duang” is very        on the Internet in 2015,but we can’t find it in a modern Chinese        .


Thick haze is bad for our health.Everyone should               in saving the environment.


Liu Xiang said goodbye to his loved hurdle,but we are           him.


Don’t spend too much time on game.I think you             the life.


To               Liu Wei played the piano by foot so well in China’s Got Talent.


1.popular, dictionary 2.play roles 3.proud of 4.are wasting 5.our surprise 【解析】 试题分析: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 【考点定位】汉译英。



What does an elephant never do?An elephant never eats meat.An elephant always eats     and it eats a lot.It eats for about six hours a day,usually at night.When it’s very hot,around midday,it gets together with other elephants and sleeps for a few hours.It usually sleeps on its feet.After sunset,it starts to walk to look for water.An elephant sometimes walks for fifty miles to find water and goes without water for three days.

An elephant shows feelings.②    It is happy to see a friend.It takes care of a sick elephant.When an elephant dies,all the other elephants are sad.

They bury(埋葬)the elephant in the ground with their tusks(獠牙).They usually don’t leave that place for three days.When elephants travel,they always stop when they come to the place where a friend is under the ground.Elephants have great memories!



A.It eats and it sleeps.

B.It laughs and it cries.

C.It travels and it stops.

3.How many hours does an elephant eat for a day?  (three words)

4.How does an elephant sleep?      (three words)

5.How do the elephants bury a dead elephant?      (two words)





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Mr.Johnson had never taken planes before,but he had read a lot about air accidents.So one day when a friend 1. him to take his own small plane,Mr.Johnson was very 2. .Finally,his friend persuaded(说服)him that it was very 3.,so Mr.Johnson got into the plane.

His friend 4. the engine and began to taxi(滑行)onto the runway of the airport.Mr.Johnson had ever heard the mos5.   part of a flight were taking off and the landing,so he was very afraid and closed his 6. .

7. a minute or two he opened his eyes again,looked out of the8. of the plane,and said to his friend, “Look at those people down there.They look as9. as ants,don’t they?” “Those are ants,”answered his friend, “we’re 10. on the ground.”



Do you know Ma Yun?He is Founder and Chairman of Alibaba(阿里巴巴)Group.Ma was born in Hangzhou.At an early age,Mawanted to learn English so he rode his bike each morning in order to go to a nearby hotel and talked with foreigners.He would guide them around the city for free in order to practice and improve his English.

Ma is never afraid of failure in his youth.Although he failed the university entrance exam three times,Ma entered Hangzhou Normal Univrsity(师范大学).He majored in English and graduated in1988.While at school,Ma was elected student chairman.He later became a lecturer(讲师) in English and International Trade at the Hangzhou Dianzi University.

In the early of 1995,he went to the United States,and with the help of his friend he got introduced to the Internet.In April 1995,Ma,his wife and a friend collected twenty thousand dollars and started an Internet company.He named their company“China Yellow Pages”.Within three years,his company had made 5,000,000 Chinese Yuan.In 1999,he decided to give up his job in the US,and went back to Hangzhou with his team in order to found Alibaba.Alibabais a China-based business-to-business marketplace site on the Internet,which serves more than 79 million members from more than 240 countries and areas.In September 2014 Alibaba became one of the most valuable companies in the world.Ma Yun becomes one of the most successful businessmen in China.

1.Why did Ma Yun guide foreigners around the city for free?

A.Because he was a volunteer.

B.Because he was a translator.

C.Because he wanted to practice his spoken English.

2.What is the name of Ma Yun’s first company?

A.Hangzhou Dianzi.

B.China Yellow Pages.


3.Which is the right order of the following events according to the passage?

a.Ma Yun started an Internet company“China Yellow Pages”.

b.Ma Yun founded Alibaba.

c.Ma Yun went back to Hangzhou with his team in 1999.

d.He became a teacher in English and International Trade.

A.a-b-c-d.           B.c-d-a-b.          C.d-a-c-b.

4.Which sentences is right according to the passage?

A.Alibaba serves more than 79 million members in China.

B.Alibaba is one of the most valuable companies in the world.

C.Alibaba had made¥5m,000,000 in three years.

5.What is the best title of the article?

A.The Story of Ma Yun.

B.The story of China Yellow Pages.

C.The Story of Alibaba.



Different countries have different ideas about manners-how you behave when you are eating.In England,table manners are important.Good table manners in England are as follows:

★How to sit:You should sit up straight in your chair.It is not a good idea to lean(倾斜)forwards or backwards.When you eat, you should not lean towards the plate,but bring the knife,fork or spoon towards you.At the same time,do not out your elbows on the table,nor reach over someone’s plate for something.

★Using your fingers:English people normally don’t pick food up with their fingers when they are eating main courses.If you are not sure,the safest is to use your knife or fork.There are,however,some foods that are usually eaten with fingers.They include sanwiches,burgers,crisps and fruit.

★Your mouth:It is not polite to talk with your mouth full of food,or to eat with your mouth open.And if possible,do not make any noises.Never lick(舔)your plate after eating.

★How much to eat:It is polite to eat the food that you have been offered,so a clear plate is a good plate.It shows that you enjoyed the food.If you can’t finish everything and need to leave a little,that’s also okay.You could say something like“That was very nice,thank you,but I’m just too full to eat another bite.”

1.How should you sit when you are eating in England?

A.You should lean backwards.

B.You should lean forwards.

C.You should sit up straight in your chair.

2.What food do Englishmen eat with their fingers?

A.Beef.                B.Pizza.                C.Juice.

3.What is the good table manners in England?

A.Reach over someone’s plate for something.

B.Lick your plate after eating.

C.Eat an orange with fingers.

4.What can we infer(推断)according to the passage?

A.Eating with the mouth closed is a good manner.

B.We mustn’t leave anything on the plate any time.

C.Saying sorry means we are full.

5.What does the passage mainly talk about?

A.The differences between England and China.

B.Good table manners in England.

C.The importance of table manners.



When I was a six-year-old girl, I spent the summer with my grandmother.She sent me down to the store with a list.Behind the counter(柜台) was a lady,Miss White.

“Excuse me,”I said,she looked up. “I need to get these.”I continued,holding up my list. “So?Get them?”Miss White pointed to a sign. “There is no one else here except you and me,and I am not your servant(仆人),so get yourself a basket over there.”

I visited Miss White twice a week that summer.Going to the store was like going into a war.But by the end of the summer,I could finish the one-hour shopping trip in around 15 minutes.Before returning home,I stopped at the store to get some candies at the last time.

“All right,”she said, “What did you learn this summer?”

“That you are mean(吝啬的)!”I replied.

Miss White just laughed. “I know what you think of me,”she said. “Well,I don’t care!My job is to teach every child I meet life lessons.You will be glad when you are older!”Glad I met Miss White?Ha!The idea was unreasonable.

Many years later,one day my daughter came to me with homework troubles.

“It is too bad,”she said.

“Could you finish my math problems for me?”

“If I do it for you,how will you learn to do it yourself?” I said.Suddenly,I was back at the store where I had learned the hard way to do shopping by myself.

Life is full of all kinds of troubles.You may be given a hand once or twice,but luck may not find you every time.So try to work it out yourself.

1.What did Miss White probably do?

A. A teacher.

B. A shop assistant.

C. A bank clerk.

2.Why did the little girl stop before returning home?

A. Because she wanted to say goodbye to Miss White.

B. Because she needed the help of Miss White.

C. Because she wanted to buy something.

3.What do you think of Miss White according to the passage?

A.She is intelligent.

B.She is mean.

C.She is lazy.

4.What does the underlined word“unreasonable”mean?




5.What did the little girl learn from Miss White’s life lessons?

A.We have to learn how to ask for help.

B.We have to learn how to get on with strangers.

C.We have to try to work out troubles by ourselves.



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