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下列单词中,划线部分发音不同的一个是 . A. planned B. stopp...

下列单词中,划线部分发音不同的一个是         .

A. planned           B. stopped     C. lived          D. played


B 【解析】 试题分析:在浊辅音或元音后,ed发[d];在清辅音后ed发[t],在[t]、[d]后ed发[id] A. planned [d]; B. stopped [t];C. lived [d];D. played [d]故选B。 考点:考查字母组合的读音。  

写 作








参考词汇: left-behind children 留守儿童

A large number of farmers leave the countryside to search for work in the cities.




















[1]When we talk about paintings, we usually think of pictures on paper.But recently, a college student brought us another kind of painting.She paints animals and birds on the bald (光秃的) parts of trees and tree holes! Thanks to her paintings, an old street in Shijiazhuang, Hebei Province has become her exhibition hall.

[2]The ____________ of these paintings is Wang Yue, a college student from Dalian Polytechnic University.She got the idea of painting on trees while she was visiting her home for Spring Festival.In winter, the bald parts of trees look really ugly, so I wondered whether painting pictures on them might help cover some flaws (瑕疵) of the city. Wang said.It is also part of her graduation (毕业) work.

[3]Painting on a tree hole is not as easy as painting on paper.I had to think about the shapes and sizes of the tree holes and adjust (调整) my designs accordingly, she said.Before I began, I had to clean off the dust (尘土) from the tree holes first.

[4]Her first painting was some clouds, but many people couldnt understand it.After that, she began to paint animals.

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1.Where did Wang Yue paint in her hometown during the Spring Festival?


2.Fill in the blank in Paragraph 2 with a proper word.


3.Why does Wang Yue paint in such a way?


4.Translate the underlined sentence in Paragraph 3 into Chinese.


5.Why are most of Wang Yues paintings about animals?





job, also, good, peaceful, percent, hard, deal, by, because, tell

Kangkang is a student at No.1 Middle School, Xining.He got back home on March 1 after four days out in the open.He ran away from home 1.___________ he felt stressed out about the coming senior high school entrance examination (中考).The boy is not the only one stressed out over exam.Reporters did a survey at a middle school.It showed that 722.____________ of these students feel stressed.

People often feel stressed when they have a big 3.___________, such as performing a play, taking a test, or playing in a sports match.Some stress is 4.____________.It makes you more active.If you have an important test, stress can push you to study5.__________.But too much stress is unhealthy.It can 6.____________ make you feel worried and tired.

What is the best way to 7.___________ with stress? During the days when you are preparing for the exams, you can take a walk and chat with your classmates.You can also 8.____________ each other your worries.It makes you stay 9.____________.Doctors suggested (建议) that, besides sharing thoughts with friends, students could also relax 10.__________ enjoying music, reading a book or just spending some time alone.




1.They m____________ their daughter to a rich man.

2.The number of w____________ animals on the earth is decreasing (逐渐减少).

3.Its very important for us to learn science and t____________.

4.Food safety has become one of the hottest topic recently.

—Yeah, it receives ____________ (千) of Interest hits (点击) a day.

5.____________ (依据) to my watch, its time for dinner.



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