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选词填空。从方框上选择恰当的单词补全对话。 A: Hello, Liu Mei....


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A: Hello, Liu Mei. In China, people are talking about Chinese Dream, aren’t they?

B: Yes. Chinese Dream is all the Chinese people’s dream. I think everyone should have his own __1._.

A: I agree __2. you. What is your dream?

B: Well, I have lots of dreams. But I want to be a doctor very much.

A: Sounds good. __3.__ are you going to do that?

B: Well, I will work hard and go to a famous medical college.

A: And then where do you want to work in the __4._?

B: In a hospital in my hometown. I hear it needs lots of doctors.

A: That’s great. I hope your dream will come __5.__.


1.dream 2.with 3.How 4.future 5.true. 【解析】 试题分析: 1.中国梦是所有中国人的梦想。我认为每一个人都应该有他自己的梦想。根据句意,故填dream 2.我赞同你说的。agree with sb,赞同某人的意见。结合句意,故填with 3.你打算怎样做到这件事呢?根据后文回答的是怎样做以实现自己的梦想,故填How 4.那么,你想将来在哪里工作呢?in the future,在将来。根据句意,故填future 5. 【考点定位】故事类短文阅读。



A: Excuse me, madam.

B: Yes? _1.__

A: I want to go to the train station, but I don’t know how to get the ticket from the TVM(自动售票机).

B: __2._ Well, just press here.

A: How much is the ticket?

B: __3._

A: All right. By the way, how often do the trains come?

B: __4.__

A: What time is the last one?

B: At 11:30 p.m.

A: OK. Got it. Thanks for your help.

A: __5._

B: Goodbye!

A: Bye-bye!

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No matter how old your kids are, you can take steps to improve a healthy diet and to encourage good eating habits.

Tip One: Family Meals

Family meals are nice for both parents and kids. Children like to guess what they are going to have and parents get the chance to introduce new foods to children. Parents can also use the mealtime as a chance to talk with their kids about their life.

Tip Two: Healthy Snacks

Kids, especially younger ones, will eat mostly what can get at home. That’s why it’s important to have enough healthy snacks, such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, yogurt and whole-grain biscuits.

Tip Three: Being a Good Example

The best way for you to encourage healthy eating is to eat well yourself. Kids will follow the lead of the adults they see every day. By eating fruits and vegetables and avoiding fast food and sweet drinks, you are sending the right message.

Tip Four: No Shouts about Food

Parents might find themselves shouting at children to get them to have healthy foods in front them. This in fact can make children dislike what they are asked to eat. You need to work a bit on different cooking methods(方法).

Tip Five: Get Kids Included(参与)

Most Kids will enjoy making the decision about food. Talk to them about making choices and planning a healthy meal. It can help them to make good decisions on their own about the foods they want to eat.


1.What’s the author’s attitude(作者的态度) toward snacks?

A. Snacks shouldn’t be eaten.

B. Healthy snacks can be accepted(接受).

C. Kids can only have snacks at home.

D. It’s not necessary to have snacks at home.

2.The best way for parents to encourage a healthy diet is ________.

A. to be a good example   B. to eat healthy snacks

C. to have family meals   D. to get kids included

3. _______ makes children dislike what they are asked to eat.

A. Avoiding fast food     B. Cooking at home

C. Laughing at children   D. Shouting at children

4.According to Tip Four, what should parents do if kids refuse to eat healthy food?

A. Explain how healthy it is.

B. Ask kids to get used to its taste.

C. Never cook the same food.

D. Try cooking it in a different way.

5.What is the main idea of the passage?

A. To let kids eat anything they like.

B. To help kids become a wonderful cook.

C. To help kids have a good eating habit.

D. To set a good example of eating healthy food.



When you hear about trees cut for paper, you might think of your favorite trees in the backyard, nearby parks or wild forests being cut to pieces.

the good news is that production and use of paper will not cause forests to disappear. Most trees used for paper come from timberlands(林地). People plant trees here for use. It usually takes 10 to 20 years for trees to grow big enough to be cut down. During that time, trees provide a home for animals and produce oxygen(氧气) for the earth. And after people cut down the big trees, they plant small ones again.

Often, a tree is not cut down for making paper at all. People use the big part for buildings. Paper is then made from the left small part.

We also recycle paper—People collect used paper and turn it into new products, likes boxes, newsprint and writing paper, in the factory. So it’s important for us to recycle paper and reduce(减少) the amount(数量) of it in landfills(垃圾处理场).


1.Trees for paper come from ______.

A. parks        B. rainforests

C. timberlands  D. people’s yard

2.The underlined phrase “that time” refers(指) to _____.

A. that of planting trees

B. that of trees growing up

C. that of producing oxygen

D. that of cutting down trees

3.People use the big part of a tree for _______.

A. buildings  B. furniture  C. paper  D. boxes

4. The last paragraph is talking about ______.

A. how to use paper B. how to use trees

C. how to make paper  D. how to recycle paper

5.Which of the following is TURE?

A. Use of paper makes forest disappear.

B. People cut down both small and big trees.

C. It takes 5 years for trees to grow big enough.

D. People can collect used paper to make boxes.




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1.Where is the swimming lesson?

A. Changchun Stadium.      B. People Theatre.

C. Great Swimming Pool.    D. Great Garden.

2.When is the concert?

A. On Thursday(18:00~20:00).  B. On Saturday(10:00).

C. On Saturday(15:00~17:00)   D. On Wednesday(10:30~12:00)

3.If you want to ask something about the basketball match, you can call _______.

A. 70564368  B. 58796382  C. 62603941  D. 89687255

4.On Saturday, you can _____.

A. have the swimming lesson and go to the concert

B. see the film Fast & Furious 7 and go to the concert

C. watch the basket match and see the film Fast & Furious 7.

D. watch the basketball match and see the film Fast & Furious 7.

5.If two adults and one child want to see the film Fast & Furious 7, the tickets will cost _____ yuan.

A. 8   B. 16   C. 40   D. 48



Confucius() is the greatest teacher in Chinese history. He was born on September 28, 551BC() in the Kindom of Lu, in today’s Shangdong Province. When he was young, he and his mother had a hard life. At the age of fifteen, he began to learn music, and he did well in it. Then he went on learning other subjects. When he was thirty, he became a teacher. He started his own school. He believed everyone should have a chance to get education whether they were rich or poor. He had about 3,000 students and many of them became famous.

Chinese see Confucius as the greatest thinker and also the greatest teacher. His most important ideas are kindness and good manners. He said young people should take care of old. People should stop thinking of themselves and work for others. His ideas are around in people’s everyday life. Today people can still hear them, and they go far into east and south Asia.

阅读短文,根据短文内容判断下列句子的正(T)误(F)。(每小题1 分,共5分)

1.Confucius is the greatest teacher in Chinese history.

2.Confucius and his mother had a comfortable life when he was young.

3.Confucius was good at music when he was fifteen.

4.As a teacher, Confucius thought that only the rich could get education.

5.Being kind and having good manners are Confucius’ most important ideas.



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