满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

A man and his friend were walking throug...

A man and his friend were walking through the desert(沙漠). During the trip they had a _____,and the man hit his friend in the face. His friend was hurt, but without saying _____, he wrote in the sand, “Today my best friend hit me in the face.”

They ______ on walking until they found a lake, where they decided to take a bath. The man’s friend fell into the lake and was in danger, but the man saved him. After he came back to life, he wrote on a ______ : “Today my best friend saved my life.”

The man who had hit and _____ his best friend asked, “______ I hurt you, you wrote in the sand and now , you wrote on a stone. Why?” His friend _____, “When someone hurts us, we should write it down in sand where wind can _____ it away. _____, when someone does something good for us, we must write it down in stone where it can _______ for ever.”

1.A. talk            B. joke             C. fight          D. picnic

2.A. something       B. nothing          C. anything       D. everything

3.A. kept            B. continued        C. turned         D. tried

4.A. sand            B. stone            C. tree           D. wall

5.A. killed          B. hurt             C. saved         D. made

6.A. Before          B. While            C. Until         D. After

7.A. replied        B. asked            C. questioned     D. required

8.A. blow          B. send             C. fly            D. put

9.A. Although        B. But              C. However        D. If

10.A. last          B. keep             C. be stayed      D. be laid


1.C 2.C 3.A 4.B 5.C 6.D 7.A 8.A 9.C 10.A 【解析】 试题分析:这篇短文主要叙述了两个朋友在沙漠发生的故事,告诉读者应该如何正确处理朋友之间发生的矛盾及当别人给予帮助时该如何感恩。 1.C考查名词及语境理解。talk:谈话,joke:玩笑,fight:打架,picnic:野炊。联系下文“…the man hit his friend in the face”的描述可知,这里指的是打架。结合选项可知应选C。 2.C考查不定代词短语及语境理解。something:一些,nothing:没有什么,anything:任何,everything:所有。联系下文“…he wrote in the sand”的描述可知,这里指的是他什么也没有说,这是在沙滩上写。without相当于not,not …anything即是nothing。故选C。 3.A考查动词及语境理解。keep on doing sth表示坚持继续做某事,continue to do sth表示继续做某事,turn to do sth表示转而做某事,try to do sth表示试着做某事。根据语境可知应选A。 4.B考查名词及语境理解。sand:沙子,stone:石头,tree:树,wall:墙。根据下文“I hurt you, you wrote in the sand and now , you wrote on a stone.”可知,这里指的是他在石头上写字。故应选B。 5.C考查动词及语境理解。killed:杀死,hurt:伤害,saved:挽救,made:制造。根据前文“Today my best friend saved my life.”可知,这里指的是那个打了又救了他好朋友的人。故应选C。 6.D考查连词及语境理解。Before:在……之前,While:当……时候,Until:直到……, Afte:在……之后。根据语境可知,这里指的是我伤害你之后,你写在沙子上,而现在我救了你,你写在石头上。故应选D。 7.A考查动词及语境理解。replied:回答,asked:询问,questioned:提问,required:要求。根据前文“The man who had hit and ----his best friend asked ”可知,这里指的是他的朋友回答。故应选A。 8.A考查动词及语境理解。blow:吹,send:送,fly:飞,put:放。根据前文“wind”可知,这里指的是风会把它吹走。故应选A。 9.C考查连词及语境理解。Although:尽管,表示让步;But:但是,表示转折;However :然而,表示转折,与后一分句用逗号隔开。If:如果,表示假设。根据语境可知应选C。 10.A考查动词及语境理解。last:持续,keep:保存,be stayed:停留,be laid:放置。根据语境可知,这里指的是写进石头的东西可以持久。故应选A。 考点:人生百味类短文。

I didn’t have _____ to say, so I said _____.

A.something; anything     B.anything; nothing

C.anything; something     D.nothing; something



—Do you know about Yuan Longping?

—Only a little. But Chinese people are proud of the man ______ hybrid rice

is famous.

A.who      B.which    C.that     D.whose



Two years _____ since I came here.

A.passed    B.has passed     C.have passed    D.past



He became a famous writer when he was ______ .

A.in his fifty        B.in his fifties

C.in fifty years old  D.in fifties



Fei Junlong and Nie Haisheng are the ______ of our nation.

A.proud      B.pride      C.prize    D.price



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