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书面表达 (本大题共10分) 假如你的朋友Mike 明年打算去游览上海迪士尼乐园...

书面表达 本大题共10

假如你的朋友Mike 明年打算去游览上海迪士尼乐园,请你写一封90词左右的信,介绍一下上海迪士尼,并给出你的建议。要点如下:

1. 上海迪士尼将于明年春季开业。 它是由Walt Disney Company 建造的世界上第六个主题公园。

2. 据报道每天会有成千上万的游客去游览。

3. 它和其他迪士尼公园不同,在公园的中央有一个中国式的园林。

4. 你可以在那里欣赏到绿草,鲜花和水的美景。

5. 去太空山乘坐室内过山车很刺激。和迪士尼人物合影你会非常愉快。

6. 请你用2-3句话就交通和园内环保方面提些建议。

Dear Mike,

Im very glad to know you want to visit Shanghai Disneyland next year. Id like to tell you something about it.




I hope all these can be helpful to you.

Best wishes.



Shanghai Disneyland will open next Spring. It is the sixth theme park built by Walt Disney Company in the world. It is said/reported that thousands of visitors will visit it every day. It is different from others. There is a Chinese garden in the centre of the park. You can enjoy the beautiful view of green grass, fresh flowers together with water there. It is exciting to take the indoor roller coaster on Space Mountain. What great fun you’ll have taking photos with Disney characters .I think you can go there by underground. Remember not to drop litter carelessly in the park. 【解析】 试题分析:这篇作文给出了写作的提纲,在写作时要构思好文章的结构,可按照时间顺序来写,注意要点的齐全。句子要完整,表达准确,注意时态的变化和主谓一致。文中可适当使用一些连接词来加强文章的逻辑性。 写作亮点:这篇作文结构清晰完整,表达准确流利,要点齐全。文中有许多实用的表达方式You can enjoy the beautiful view of green grass, fresh flowers together with water there. It is exciting to take the indoor roller coaster on Space Mountain. What great fun you’ll have taking photos with Disney characters .等等。 考点:考查提纲类作文。  

动词填空  (本大题共8分,每小题1分)

1.What a heavy rain! We have no choice but ________(wait) at the bus stop.

2.Dont miss Mayuns wonderful speech. Im sure each of us __________(attract)

3.---How soon ______ your friend ________(return)?   ----Im not sure, maybe in half an hour.

4.The Apple Watch young people were looking forward to ______(come) into the market at last.

5.-----Did you see a woman in a red skirt pass by just now?

------Sorry, I didnt. I ___________(chat) with my online friends.

6. How pleased the girl was! She ______________(choose) to play the lead role in the new film directed by Zhang Yimou.

7.This book is so important that it is worth _______(read) again and again.

8.This is the first time that I ___________(play) baseball, What great fun!




1.She invited me to her mothers ________(forty) birthday party the day before yesterday.

2.She left her book at home this morning because of her _________(care).

3.How unlucky he was! He was ________(mistake) for the suspect.

4.I am sure China will be able to hold the Winter Olympic Games _______(success) in 2022.



In the 1920s and 30s the airlines were just beginning. It was unusual for people to travel by air because it was expensive and dangerous. In those days, there were no flight attendants to look after the passengers. Young men ,or “stewards” helped the passengers onto the airplane and carried the passengers’ luggage(行李)but they did not provide food and drinks. But then in 1930,a woman called Ellen Church invented the “stewardess”.

Ellen Church was born in 1904 on a farm in Iowa. She was a different child. She didn’t want to work on a farm or marry a farmer —she wanted a more adventurous(冒险的)life. Ellen studied to be a nurse at the University of Minnesota and then got a job in a hospital. For the next few years she stayed at the hospital but also took flying lessons and got her pilot’s license.

Ellen was twenty-five years old when she first got in touch with Boeing Air Transport. She loved flying but she understood that airlines were a man’s world. Although women like Emelia Earheart were becoming famous, she realized it was impossible for a woman to have a career as a pilot .But she had another idea. Most people were frightened of flying because. flying was still an unreliable(不可靠的) way to travel. There were often delays(延误),many crashes and the bad weathers made many passengers sick. Ellen thought nurses could take care of passengers during flights and B.A.T. agreed.

The young woman from Iowa and seven other nurses became the first air stewardesses.

At first pilots were unhappy because they did not want stewardesses on airplanes, but passengers loved the stewardesses. In 1940 there were around 1000 of them working for different airlines. The early “stewardesses” had to be under twenty-five-year-old, single and slim. When a woman joined an airline, she had to promise not to get married or have children. It was hard job and not well paid. They worked long hours and earned $1 an hour.

In the 1970s, stewardesses were unhappy in their job and airlines had to make some changes. Since the 1970s, “stewardesses” have been called flight attendants. They are well paid and work fewer hours than in the past.

1.The last sentence of the first paragraph suggests that _________.

A. the word “stewardess” was made up by Ellen Church

B. Ellen Church was the first woman who flew a plane

C. Ellen Church was the first woman who worked on a plane

D. Ellen Church was the first woman passenger on a plane

2.From the second paragraph, we learn that ________.

A. Ellen did not behave in the same way as most other girls

B. Ellen’s family was not rich enough to support her education

C. Ellen was fond of working as a nurse in the hospital

D. Ellen has an unhappy childhood that changed her completely

3.The main reason for Boeing Air Transport offering Ellen the job was ________.

A. her flying experience      B. her university education

C. her nursing experience    D. her life attitudes

4.The passage mainly talks about _______.

A. the background of early flying pilots

B. the experience of flying passengers

C. the history of early flight attendants

D. the development of airplanes



For a long time, humans have used technology (科技) to study the world around us, and Mars is the latest place were using machines to explore. Besides the earth, the red planet is seen, as the one place in our solar system most likely to have life.

Early last month, the first American robot, Spirit, landed on Mars without any problem. Opportunity, the second robot, landed on the planet more than a week ago. Scientists are very excited about these machines safe landing on Mars. It means that now we have an excellent chance to look for water and other signs of life. So far, the robots have found some stones that could show Mars was once a wet and warm planet.

But the trips made by Spirit and Opportunity were dangerous. Mars is often called the death planet, because in the past its environment has been unfriendly to the robot explorers. Before Spirit and Opportunity, nearly forty spaceships had been sent to Mars since the 1960s. Two-thirds of them failed. The first spaceship, Korabl, sent in 1962 by Russia was among them. It broke apart (分裂) near the earth.

1.For a long time humans think ________.

A. they can surely find life on Mars

B. there may be life on Mars

C. its too late for them to explore Mars now

D. Mars is the only planet that has life on it

2.The two robots ________.

A. have found out that it is warm and wet on Mars

B. were sent to Mars to find some stones

C. were the first two American robots that landed on Mars

D. are the only machines that have landed on Mars so far

3. The third paragraph mainly tell us ________.

A. its a very hard and dangerous trip for spaceships to Mars

B. two-thirds of the spaceships sent to Mars have failed

C. Spirit and Opportunity landed on Mars successfully

D. Mars is called the death planet



Uncle Li and Uncle Wang are good friends. They live next to each other and their farms are both at the foot of the mountain. So they can help each other. But neither of them likes to use his head. They're both poor though they work hard. Most villagers have built new houses, but they still live in the low and broken houses. They never find out why.

Once Uncle Li went to town to buy some medicine for his wife. In the town he heard the apples in a city were expensive. He told Uncle Wang about it as soon as he went back. They decided to carry some apples to the city. They borrowed some money from their friends and bought nearly 1,000 kilograms of apples in the villages and carried them to the city on a tractor. Bad luck! A lot of apples has already been carried there when they arrived. A few days later they had to sell them at a low price (价格)。They felt unhappy and returned to their village.

"I can't understand why we sustained (蒙受) losses in business while others always profit (盈利)" Uncle Li asked one day.

"The tractor was too small " Uncle Wang said without thinking. "We'll carry more apples on a truck next time!"

"I agree!" said Uncle Li. "How foolish (傻的) we were !"

1. Uncle Li and Uncle Wang live in the low and broken houses because __________.

A. they hope to save money

B. they're both poor

C. their farms are at the foot of the mountain

D. they're not far from their farms

2.The two farmers had to sell their apples at a low price because ________.

A. theirs weren't as good as the others

B. theirs were much less than the others'

C. a lot of apples had been already carried to the city

D. they forgot to carry them on a truck

3.Which of the following is true?

A. The two farmers found out why they were poor.

B. The two farmers will soon get rich.

C. Neither of the farmers is clever.

D. The two farmers decided to buy a truck.



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