满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

从方框中找出能够回答句子的答句,并填入相应的大写字母( 5分)。 (其中有两项为...

从方框中找出能够回答句子的答句,并填入相应的大写字母( 5分)。


A.I am doing my homework.

B.I was watching TV.

C.Neither did I.

D.Youre right. Thanks.

E.He should go to the doctor.

F. Sure, Mum.

G. No, I couldn’t.

A. I’m doing my homework.

B. I was watching TV.

C. Neither did I.

D. You’re right. Thanks

E. He should go to the doctor.

F. Sure, Mum.    G. No, I couldn’t.

1.    My sister didn’t go to the party.

2.    What were you doing at the time of the rainstorm?

3.    Could you please clean the room?

4.    Why don’t you talk to your parents?

5.    What should he do?


1.C 2.B 3.F 4.D 5.E 【解析】 试题分析: 1.句意:我的姐姐没有去参加聚会。因为上句是否定句,所以答语可以用neither开头的否定的倒装句,故用C。 2.句意:在暴风雨发生的时候,你在做什么?因为上句用的是过去进行时,所以答语也应该用过去进行时,故选B。 3.句意:请你打扫房间好吗?因为上句是表示请求的句子,所以用sure来回答,故选F。 4.句意:为什么你不和你的父母聊聊呢?上句是表示建议的句子,故选D。 5.他应该做什么?因为问句用的是should来问的,所以答语用should来回答,故选E。 考点:情景交际

根据对话内容,从方框中选出恰当的选项补全对话,其中有两项多余 ( 5分)。

A: Hello, Bill! Today is Saturday. Would you like to go to the zoo with me?

B: Hello, Sam! 1.      

A: Why?

B: I can’t walk today. I have to lie in bed and rest.

A: 2.      

B: I cut my foot when I helped do the housework yesterday.

A: I’m sorry to hear that. 3.      

B: Yes. My father took me to the hospital.

A: 4.      

B: The doctor said it was nothing serious. He put a bandage on my foot.

A: 5.      

B: Much better.

A. What did the doctor say?

B. Oh, how do you feel now?

C. What’s wrong with you?

D. Did you help do the housework?

E. What should you do?

F. I’m afraid I can’t.

G. Did you go to see the doctor?




Kelly’s favorite subject is P.E. But she has a hard time in P.E. class. She is not good at jumping very far, she has trouble throwing a ball, and she can’t run really fast. Sometimes, some kids make fun of (取笑) her. So why does Kelly love P.E. class?

The reason is that her teacher Mr. Burns always tells her to do her best. Though she only runs for a few minutes, Mr. Burns says, “Good job! Next time you will be able to go a little longer.” Mr. Burns even put a small box on the floor so Kelly would be able to practice jumping over it.

That night when Kelly finished dinner, she put three boxes and began practicing jumping over them. She made it! Kelly thought to herself, “Tomorrow I will be able to jump over those boxes in P.E. class.”

And sure enough, Kelly jumped over three boxes in class the next day. The other kids said to her, “Good job!”

There was a relay race (接力赛) on Tuesday. Kelly was scared that she would not be able to go very far. But when Mr. Burns said, “Ready! Set! Go!”, Kelly thought to herself, “I can do it.” When Kelly ran around the track (跑道), she heard many cheers and kids shouting, “Go Kelly! You can do it!” That was all she needed to hear. Kelly ran fast. She finished first! The kids cheered for her. Kelly felt so good. “Thank you Mr. Burns,” said Kelly. “Kelly, you ran the race, not me.” “Yes, but you always said I could do it.”

1. According to Paragraph 1, we can learn that Kelly has trouble _____ in P.E. class.

A. playing soccer          B. skating

C. swimming               D. running

2. How did Mr. Burns help Kelly practice jumping?

A. By jumping with her.

B. By asking other kids to help her.

C. By putting a small box on the floor.

D. By giving her a book on how to jump.

3.In Paragraph 3, Kelly jumped over _____ box(es) after dinner.

A. 1               B. 2               C. 3               D. 4

4.Kelly was scared before the relay race because she was afraid that _____.

A. she would fall

B. she would not run very far

C. other kids would make fun of her

D. other kids would run faster than her

5.At the end of the story, we can learn that Kelly felt _____.

A. happy        B. bored                C. upset         D. independent




A few months ago, I learned that the city food bank needed some volunteers. I used to be the      in my group of friends. So, I sent letters to 10 friends. I’d like to     a group that would volunteer to make and serve dinner for the disabled people. I wanted to      my friends to be part of the group. Almost all of my friends      .

One day, several of my friends brought some food and helped prepare the     . “I got such a strong feeling of satisfaction when I saw the      people get the food!” said one friend. Later, another friend made a list (清单) about serving,      we could do quickly and easily. Now each month there are new faces that join the group.   One woman      invited another group of her friends to serve.

It’s hard to imagine that simple      asking friends to help have made a great difference. At first, I just wanted to be an organizer. Now, I     my idea. I also love to work as a volunteer, because I can get more joy from the happy faces of the disabled people.

1.A. volunteer       B. organizer         C. singer                D. nurse

2.A. set up            B. cheer up        C. give up              D. clean up

3.A. take           B. move           C. invite               D. teach

4.A. refused          B. agreed          C. stayed               D. left

5.A. training         B. journey           C. party              D. meal

6.A. disabled        B. strong            C. clever               D. kind

7.A. but            B. so               C. because            D. or

8.A. still               B. hardly            C. only                  D. even

9.A. words            B. visits             C. letters              D. e-mails

10.A. keep            B. get             C. change         D. open



I’m sorry to hear that he cut ______. He should be careful.

A. himself          B.  myself

C. me             D. him



I’m afraid you have to get ______ X-ray, young man.

A. a               B. an        C. the             D. 不填



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