满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

书面表达 (本大题共5分) 假如你校将开展“读好书,促成长”活动,请你根据这项活...

书面表达  (本大题共5分)



1. 获取知识,开阔视野;2. 放松和愉悦,益于学习


1. 作业多,没有足够时间读书; 2. 无良好读书习惯;3. 电视和网络占时多。






Dear friends,

Reading is very important in our daily life.




Lets start reading now!


Dear friends, Reading is very important in our daily life. First, reading can help us get more knowledge. It can also help to open up a whole new world to us. Second, reading can help us relax and make us happy. It is good for our study. But sometimes there is much homework for us to do. We don’t have enough time to read. Some of us don’t have good reading habits. We often spend too much time watching TV and searching the Internet. I think our school can have a “Reading Week” once a term. We should spend more time reading some useful books. Let’s start reading now! 【解析】 试题分析:这篇作文给出了写作的提纲,在写作时要构思好文章的结构,注意要点一定齐全。句子要完整,表达准确,注意时态的变化和主谓一致。文中可适当使用一些连接词来加强文章的逻辑性。 写作亮点:这篇作文结构清晰完整,表达准确流利,要点齐全。文中有一些好的表达方式如I think our school can have a “Reading Week” once a term. We should spend more time reading some useful books.等等。 考点:考查提纲类作文。  

完成句子   按所给的汉语,用英语完成下列句子,在答题卷相应的横线上填写答案。(本大题共10分,1-4小题每空0.5分,5-6小题各1.5分)


Has the teacher told us ________ ________ ________ ________ our homework?

2.Sandy 多久用一次电脑搜索信息?

________ ________does Sandy use her computer to ________ ________ information?


They were ________ ________ after a busy days work.


When looking at these old photos, the old man _______ _______ ______ ______ his childhood.


He                                                               half a year.


Its very important                                            as often as possible.



动词填空 用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空,在答题卷上相应的横线上填写答案。(本大题共8分,每小题1分)

1. When I was a child, I once dreamed of __________ (receive) a letter from the queen in the UK.

2.---Is everybody here?

---No, sir. Jim and Mike ____________ (not arrive) yet. They are still on their way.

3.---I didnt see you at Susans birthday party yesterday evening. Why?

---Because I ____________ (wait) for a call from my best friend in Hong Kong.

4. Now most teenagers refuse ______ (communicate) with their parents when they have problems.

5.You have to walk home or take a taxi because the last bus __________ (leave) ten minutes ago.

6.No one is sure what ____________ (happen) to himself next minute.

7.---Tom doesnt look well. Whats wrong?

---He ____________ (catch) a bad cold.

8.Please dont play with your mobile phones while we ______ (have) such an important meeting.




1.The rain kept beating ____________ (撞,碰) the windows, and the little girl looked so sad.

2.We all look forward to ____________ (实现) our dreams by taking online tours.

3.Her friend ____________ (嫁) a world-famous football player last year.

4.I really hope to go abroad for getting more traveling ____________ (经历).




1.The more books you read, the richer ____________ (know) you will get.

2.Next week it will be his grandfathers ____________ (ninety) birthday.

3.The UK is a ____________ (Europe) country. Like China, it also has a long history.

4.Cutting down too many trees makes it ____________ (possible) for people to protect wild animals

in the world.



任务型阅读  阅读下面的短文,根据短文内容完成表格中所缺信息,在答题卷上相应的横线上填写答案,每空限填一词。(本大题共5分,每小题1分)

Scientists said that in the past 100 years, as the global(全球的) temperatures went up by 0.74, the temperature in North China has climbed 1.4 in only 50 years.

China needs to cut down carbon dioxide(二氧化碳) emission(排放),because it’s the main reason for global warming. The good news is that China has seen the importance of going green. China has decided to cut energy use down by 20% and pollution emission by 10% in the 11th Five-Year Plan.

Can you slow down global warming? Sure! You and your family can take action.

Here are some pieces of advice to help you save the earth.

Wear used clothes. It means that you save the energy when you wear your brother’s, sister’s or dad’s old T-shirts.

Change your light bulbs(灯泡). Use energy-saving light bulbs. Don’t forget to turn off the lights when you leave a room and turn off your television and computer when they are not in use!

Take a bus. Taking a bus saves a lot of oil(石油) every year.

Say no to plastic bags. The next time your parents go to the market, ask them to use baskets.

Open the windows. Don’t often use the air conditioner(空调). Let some fresh air in. When you have to use the conditioner, set the temperature higher in summer and lower in winter to save energy.

The main 1.

for global warming

Too much carbon dioxide in the air.

2. on how to save the earth.

1. Wear used 3.     clothes.

2. Use energy-saving light bulbs and 4. to turn off the lights and your television or computer when you don’t need them.

3. Take a bus.

4. Use baskets instead of plastic bags when you or your family go 4 .

5. Try to use the air conditioner 5. .



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