满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

书面表达 假如你们班要举办一次有关“学生该不该做家务”的讨论会,请你根据以下提示...




1. Do you often do chores?

2. What chores do you often do?

3. What do you think of doing chores?

Hello, everyone!





Thank you for your listening!


Hello, everyone! Now let me say something about myself. I usually do chores at home. I often sweep the floor, do some washing and clean the rooms. On weekends, I often help my mother do some cooking. I think we should do some chores at home. Most parents are busy and they are tired after work. So we should try our best to help them. And we can learn a lot from doing chores, too. Thank you for your listening! 【解析】 试题分析:考生首先要认真阅读前面的提示认真审题,确定文章的中心。注意文章文体、人称和时态。本文主要介绍自己的观点,因此一般现在时运用较多。根据情景的发展,按顺序安排好材料。同时应选用合适的连接词或过渡词,使文章具有一定的连贯性。当然,写作时尤要注意文章结构的合理,表述的条理性和准确性。 温馨提醒:考生必须认真查验是否有漏写情况,有无拼写错误及标点误用等。 写作亮点:该范文结构清晰,要点全面,语言规范,语篇连贯。尤为突出之处在短语和句子的巧妙运用,如do chores;sweep the floor;do some washing;try one’s best to do;On weekends, I often help my mother do some cooking;Most parents are busy and they are tired after work等这些短语和句子的运用也让文章增色不少。学习中注意总结,牢记一些固定句式及短语,写作时就可以适当引用,使文章的表达更有逻辑性,更富有条理。 考点:话题作文。  

Should children do chores? Yes. Chores are good for them. Doing chores teaches them many important things. It will help them in their life.

There are many things that parents can do to encourage their children to do chores. Here are some suggestions:

Start early. Parents start giving their children chores to do when they are young.

Parents should show their children how to do chores and teach them one chore at a time.

Change the chores as children grow. Parents should make sure that the chores they give to their children are appropriate to (适合于)their children’s ages and abilities( 能力).

Pay children for the chores they do. For example, pay them 1 dollar for taking out the rubbish.

Don’t nag(唠叨).

Don’t do chores for their children if they forget or refuse.

What are good for children


What doing chores teaches children


What parents should do as children grow


How much parents can pay for taking out the rubbish


What the fifth suggestion is




She is Liu Hui, a middle school student in Anhui, one of the “ stay at home children” in her town. Liu Hui is 12 years old and lives1.____ her sister. Her parents left home to 2._____ money in big cities when she was only four. Liu Hui has to take 3.______ of her younger sister. They have to stay at home alone 4._____ they have to go to school in the town.

“I used to feel 5.____ without my parents at home,” she said, “but now I know 6._____ they do so. They have to go away to make money for us so that we can live 7.____ better life.”

Every day, Liu Hui gets up at 6:30 a.m. And cooks 8._____ . Then the two girls go to school. They have supper at 6:00 p.m. Then Liu Hui does housework and 9.____  her sister with her homework. She usually goes to bed at 9:30p.m.

Though busy, Liu Hui is still the best student in her class. She said, “My life is OK. But I still hope my parents will come back and live with 10._____.





The boys could ________  ________ food at the food bank.


They can ________ a good classroom _________ these children.


Let’s ________ this article ________ that one.


When the school basketball competition started, Benny was still ________ her _________ to school.


I ___________ believe you __________ I see it with my own eyes.





1.He is trying his best to __________(理解)her meaning.

2.Karen __________  (借)a storybook from one of her friends.

3.__________(最近)I am more interested in English.

4.I think parents should spend more time __________ (交流,沟通)with their children.

5.She does not care about her __________(丈夫)at all.

6.Tom is the second son. He has an e__________ brother.

7.He smokes when he is under s__________.

8.He lay down on the sofa and soon fell a__________.

9.She wore a g__________ ring on her finger.

10.He didn’t m__________ so he was single(单身)all the time.




1. My friend Jenny always takes a walkman with her and listens to loud music. I think it may hurt her ears. But she doesn’t seem to care.

2.Sam saw some bird eggs under a tree when we had a trip in the forest. He wanted to take them home. I stopped him. He’s angry with me .

3.Jack let me play with his favorite toy car. I made it go too fast and crashed.

4.All my friends have many new clothes. They wear clothes in different style every day. But my parents can’t afford(负担得起) it. I think it’s a shame.

5. My close friend always wants me to give him the answers in exams. I do that. But I’m afraid I might be caught. If I don’t do that, he might not be my friend anymore.

A. Try to talk to him, and tell him it’s wrong for you two to do that. Then try to help him with his lessons in your spare time. If he can’t accept it, let it be. Maybe he’s not such a good friend.

B. You shouldn’t regret(遗憾). The beauty of one’s looking or appearance doesn’t stand(代表) for everything. You are young and still depend on your parent. The most important thing is to study hard and you are sure to have a good future.

C. Let her know being grown-up isn’t so bad. We can have our own idea, do everything in our own ways.

D. I used to have the same problem. You can try my ideas; they really work. First, talk about the things you like best and can do best. Then try to make friends with your neighbors.

E. You can get some examples from newspapers, magazines or TV shows. Let her know it’s really bad.

F. Tell him that he has done something bad to animals. If he takes the eggs home, how will their mother feel when she can’t find them? On the other hand, what kind of birds are they?

G. Say sorry to him first. And try to repair it. Or you may give him your favorite toy car instead. Or buy a new one for him.




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