满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

John is a young(年轻的) man. He works in a ...

John is a young(年轻的) man. He works in a factory(工厂) in a new town(城镇). But he lives far from his factory. Every day he gets up very early. He eats breakfast at home. Then he goes to a bus station by bike. There he takes a bus to get to the River Stop from the bus station. There is no bridge across(横穿)the river. He takes a boat or ship to get across the river. He gets off the boat and then walks to his factory. He does the same thing every weekday.

1.Where does John work?


2.Is John’s home far from his factory?


3.How does he get across the river?


4.Does he get to his factory by boat or on foot at last(最后)?



1.He works in a factory (in a new town)./ In a factory. 2.Yes./Yes, it is. 3.He takes a boat or ship./By boat or ship. 4.He walks to his factory./He gets to his factory on foot. /On foot. 【解析】 试题分析:句意:约翰在新区的一家工厂上班。但是约翰住的地方离工厂很远,所以他每天都得早起。他先在家吃完早餐,然后骑自行车去公交车站。再坐公交车到渡口坐渡船过河,下船后再步行到厂子。约翰每天都做着同样的事。 1.根据文中He works in a factory(工厂) in a new town(城镇).可知约翰在新区的一家工厂上班,所以作答He works in a factory (in a new town)./ In a factory. 2.根据文中But he lives far from his factory.可知约翰住的地方离工厂很远。所以作答Yes./Yes, it is. 3.根据文中He takes a boat or ship to get across the river.可知他坐船过河。所以作答He takes a boat or ship./By boat or ship. 4.根据文中He gets off the boat and then walks to his factory.可知最后他走到他的工厂。所以作答He walks to his factory./He gets to his factory on foot. /On foot. 考点:任务型阅读。


A Good morning!  1.   ?

B Yes, I want to join the chess club.

A Good,  2.   ?

B David.

A    3.   ?

B I’m twelve.

A   4.   ?

B My telephone number is 435—201.

A    5.   ?

B Yes, a little.

A Here is a card, please fill it out.

B Thank you.

A You’re welcome.

A.What’s your name?

B.How can we contact(联系) you?

C.Can you play chess?

D.I can play chess.

E.How old are you?

F.What can you do?

G.Can I help you?




Train No.



Departure Time


Arrival Time






















1.The train from Beijing to Shenyang leaves(离开) at ________.

A. 505       B. 635      C. 835       D. 1750

2. It takes ________ from Beijing to Shenyang by train.

A. 17 hours and 50 minutes     B. 24 hours and 25 minutes

C. 6 hours and 35 minutes      D. 11 hours and 15 minutes

3.The No.186 train arrives in (到达) Taiyuan at ________.

A. 1050 a.m.   B. 1050 p.m.

C. 505 a.m.      D. 505 p.m.

4.It takes ________ from Tianjin to Beijing by train.

A. about two hours           B. half an hour

C. about three hours          D. over (超过)two hours

5.If you want to go to Chengdu from Taiyuan, you can take the ________ train.

A. No. 11       B. No. 185       C. No. 186      D. No. 271



My uncle Mike is a music teacher. He never gets up very late. He usually gets up at five o'clock in the morning. After he brushes his teeth, he often plays baseball with my aunt.

Then he eats his breakfast. After that, he often plays the violin. At about 750, he takes the Number 6 bus to his school.

He has no classes on Thursday and Friday. He usually goes to the violin club. Then he helps kids with the violin. Oh, my brother plays the violin very well. Do you love to play the violin? Do you want to join the violin club? Please call my uncle at 1163886.

1.What's the meaning of "late"?

A. 早          B.            C.懒惰          D.勤奋

2.After breakfast, Mike often_______________________

A.plays the violin  B. plays baseball

C. has a shower   D. brushes teeth

3.Please call 1163886 if you want to learn _____________________

A. English       B. baseball

C. the violin      D. football

4.On Thursday and Friday Mike usually _____________________

A. plays basketball with his sister

B. goes to the baseball club

C. has classes at school

D. goes to the violin club

5.What time does Mike go to his school?

A.at seven forty    B. at seven fifty

C. at eight o'clock   D. at eight fifteen



Do you want to be an artist ( 艺术家 ) ?

Do you want to be an artist? Come to our club, and you can find yourself in happiness(快乐). We have lessons about the guitar, the drum, the violin and the piano for just ¥20 each. You can also learn to sing, to dance for ¥25 each. If you like art, you can be satisfied(满意的), too—it’s just for ¥30 each!

1.How many instruments(乐器)does the ad(广告) mention(提到)?

A. Four  B. Five        C. Three    D. Six

2.How much is it for a piano lesson?

A. ¥25     B. ¥20        C. ¥30         D. ¥45

3.We can’t learn about ________ in the club.

A. drums     B. art     C. violin  D. swimming

4.If you want to learn about the guitar and dance, you should pay(付款)_______.

A.  ¥20   B. ¥45       C. ¥30  D. ¥25

5.What does “lessons” mean(意思是)in the ad?

A.      B. 教训       C. 课程     D. 教室



I’m _____ English boy. My name is Edward. I study at NO.71Middle school in Chongqing. I ____ up at six thirty in the morning. I have a sister, Mary. She ____ breakfast at seven. After we brush our ____ ,we have breakfast ____ seven. We like eggs and fruit____ breakfast. We ____ school at half past seven. I usually ____ my bike, but my sister ____ to school by bus. After school ,We usually ____English with our friends in an English club in our school.

1.A. /         B. a         C. an         D. the

2.A. have      B. get        C. take        D.stand

3.A. have      B. get        C. eat         D.has

4.A.tooth      B.feet        C. hands       D.teeth

5.A. in        B. at         C. on          D. for

6.A. for       B. with       C. to           D. have

7.A. go to      B. get       C. go         D. has

8.A. by        B. in         C. ride         D.drive

9.A. go        B. take       C. goes        D.takes

10.A. tell      B. talk        C. say        D.speak



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