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书面表达(满分15分) 请根据下面表格中的内容,写一篇英语短文介绍一下李婷做家务...















Li Ting is a thirteen-year-old girl.She often helps her parents do the chores at home.She always makes her bed after she gets up.On the weekend,she washes clothes.She likes washing and folding the clothes.She likes to go shopping,too.So she often goes shopping with her mother.But Li Ting hates to do the dishes and take out the rebbish.She doesn’t like weeeping the floor,either. Her brother usually does these things. 【解析】 试题分析:这是一篇材料作文。所给材料要点突出,分条缕析,我们要做的就是用英语把这些内容表达出来。动笔前要认真审题,深入挖掘题材内涵,不可遗漏要点,并适当发挥。行文时要注意人称、时态的搭配及主谓一致问题,同时注意上下文联系紧密,符合逻辑关系。 写作亮点: 这篇短文涵盖了题目要求的所有要点内容,表达准确,意思连贯,符合逻辑。在文章的结构组织上多使用简单句,文章脉络清晰,自然流畅。此外,文章还使用了一些常用的句式和短语如:help sb do sth、like doing sth、like to do sth、hate to do sth以及too、either的用法等,这为文章增色不少。 考点:材料作文。  

“Who did this?” asked Miss Green.

There were 30 children in the classroom and all were trying to think about not only what they did, but also what our teacher already knew.

“Who broke this window?”

“Uh, Oh.” I thought. I was the one who broke the window with a football. I did not mean to do it. I would be in a lot of trouble. How could I pay for a big window like that? I didn't want to put up my hand. But I had to tell the truth. So, I put up my hand and told the teacher I broke the window.

Miss Green went to the bookshelf and took down a book.

“I know how you like birds, Peter.” She said. “Here is a book about birds and the book is yours now. I will not punish you this time. But Peter, you should remember that I am rewarding (奖赏)you for your honesty(诚实), not for breaking the window.”

I couldn't believe it! The teacher didn't punish me and I was getting my very favorite book. Now, I still use that book, and it always reminds me of (使我想起)the lesson my teacher taught me.

Honesty is always best.

1.Who broke the window? (No more than 2 words)


2.How many children were in the classroom? (No more than 1 word)


3.Where did Miss Green take down the book?  (No more than 2 words)


4.What was the book about? (No more than 2 words)


5.What can we learn from the story? (No more than 4 words)







It took Charlie several months to save up(积蓄) seven dollars.He wanted __1.____ a pair of sports shoes and went to the shop with the money.

On the way ,Charlie saw a little boy ____2.__ on a corner of the street . __3._____are you crying?” Charlie asked.

“Three big boys _4.___away my four dollars just now,” the boy said, “I was _5.__ the way to buy some exercise books, but now I can’t.”

Charlie thought of the seven dollars in his ____6.__. He thought of the sports shoes and the poor ___7.__.

Charlie wanted to walk away 8.____he didn’t. At last he __9.____ four dollars to the boy and went home.

Charlie didn’t buy the sports shoes but he ___10.___ happy.Do you know why? He was happy because the little boy was happy.



The Spring Festival is the biggest festival for Chinese people all around the world. The celebration usually lasts for 15 days. There is a lot to do. On the eve of the Spring Festival, family members get together and have big meals. Their favourite dish on this day is dumplings. Days before the Spring Festival, families will clean their homes.peoplethinkcleaning sweeps away bad luck. It makes the house ready for good luck.

The colour red is everywhere during the Spring Festival. People think red is a happy colour and will bring them a bright future. People wear red, too. They decorate (装饰) their homes with pieces of red paper. Kids get a lot of “hong bao”. It is a red paper bag with money in it. Usually, older people give younger ones hong bao. They think it brings good luck.

The Spring Festival is the time to make everybody happy. So don’t say any bad words or do anything that will bring unhappiness to other people.

For example, you’d better not say any bad words like “death”. Don’t break anything. People think that it means your luck is running out.

Also, don’t borrow or lend money on these days. If you have borrowed money, return it before the Spring Festival.

1.What do most people do on the eve of the Spring Festival?

A. Family members gather for a big meal.

B. Friends eat dumplings together.

C. They borrow money from friends.

D. They give each other hong bao.

2.Why do people clean their houses days before the Spring Festival?

A. Because they enjoy being clean.

B. Because it is believed that cleaning will sweep away bad luck.

C. Because they think it will bring happiness to others.

D. Because it is thought that cleaning brings in money.

3.Which of the following things is not supposed to(不应该) happen during the Spring Festival?

A. Returning money before the Spring Festival.

B. Saying words that have to do with death.

C. Wearing red clothes.

D. Decorating houses with red paper.

4.We can tell from the story that the Spring Festival is ____.

A. a time of harvest and fun

B. celebrated for one whole month

C. only celebrated in China

D. a time for families to get together



Most children don’t enjoy doing chores. They like playing computer games rather than(而不愿) cleaning the rooms. But in Australia, Jim and Robert’s mother, Mrs.  Black, has good and proper methods to get their children to do housework.

Here is an example.

“Mom, have you worked out next week’s chores? Let Jim and me choose the cards.  I can’t wait. It’s fun!

When Robert shouted out, his mother had already put all the cards on their big table. On the cards, there are some words like these, “sweep the floor, clean your bedroom, help mom cook, wash vegetables, make beds, feed the fish, cut the wood, clean the bathroom” and many others, Jim and Robert chose two cards for each day from Monday to Friday. Then they would hang them on the weekday task board. Jim likes to clean the bathroom, so he picked up the card “clean the bathroom”. Robert loves to make the bed so he picked up his favorite card. Jim again picked up “wash vegetables” and Robert chose “feed the fish”. Soon the two boys were happy to take away all the cards.

To help the children do chores, their mother thought hard and came up with this idea. Of course, the parents did the chores at weekends and left Jim and Robert two days free.

1.From the passage we know that most children like     .

A. doing chores     B. playing computer games

C. playing cards    D. doing housework

2.Jim and Robert chose   cards for the weekdays from Monday

to Friday.

A. two   B. four   C. Eight    D. ten

3.Jim likes to     .

A. clean the bathroom   B. make the bed

C. feed the fish     D. sweep the floor

4.Who did the chores at weekends?

A. Jim.        B. Robert.

C. The parents.      D. The whole family.



Do you feel like sleeping after lunch? What should you do about it? Don’t drink coffee or tea! Instead, take a nap(打个盹).A nap may make you more energetic(活力的). You will remember things better and make fewer mistakes. Also, you can learn things more easily after taking a nap. It may even cheer you up.

But there is some advice you should follow about taking a nap.

First, take a nap in the middle of the day, about eight hours after you wake up.

Next, a 20-minute nap is good. If you sleep longer, you may fall into a deep sleep. After a deep sleep, you will feel worse.

And you should set an alarm clock. Then you can fully relax during your nap. You won’t have to keep looking at the clock.2·1·c·n·j·y

The next time you feel like sleeping after lunch, don’t get worried. Put your head down, close your eyes and take a nap.

1.You should ______ when you feel like sleeping after lunch.

A. have a cup of coffee     B. eat ice cream

C. have a cup of tea        D. take a nap

2.The proper period of time for taking a nap is_____.1·cn·jy·com

A.as long as you like       B. eight hours

C. about twenty minutes    D. half an hour

3.What can help you a fully relaxing nap according to the passage?

A. cup of coffee.         B. A quick meal.

C. An alarm clock.       D. A big meal.

4.What is the text mainly about?

A. Why and how to take a nap.

B. Advice on how to sleep well.

C. How to make your life colorful.

D. How to relax yourself.



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