满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

选词填空。 1.It’s (possible/impossible) for m...


1.It’s      (possible/impossible) for me to finish the task  myself. I need your help.

2.Don’t eat      (such/so) much sugar.

3.Li Hua likes      (neither/none) of the three mobile phones.

4.Xiaoming went to the school yesterday and      (other/others) classmates went, too.

5.The weather in Tianjin is different from      (that/it) in Heilongjiang.


1.impossible 2.so 3.none 4.other 5.that 【解析】 1.由后一句I need your help可知应该是对我来说独自完成任务是不可能的(impossible)。 2.修饰much用so,such一般修饰名词。 3.表示三者或者三者以上都(不)用none。neither表示两者都(不)。 4.other其他的,后可加名词表示其他的人或者事物。Others后不跟名词。 5.it常常代指同一个事物,that常代指同类的事物,但不是同一个,故天津的天气和黑龙江的天气是同类不是同一个。故填that。


1.L____ travels much faster than sound.

2.Some spacecrafts have gone b____(在……之外)the solar system.

3.Scientists have discovered many other planets in the u ____.

4.The earth is a p ____ and we live on it.

5.The Mars is a _____ (行星)in the solar system.

6. You should      (交流) with your friends more often.

7.How many      (组) are there in your team?

8.We should protect our      (环境) well.







当前,全市各校正开展“好书伴我成长”活动。请你根据活动主题并结合表格中所给的信息,以“Growing up with good books”为题,用英语写一篇100词左右的倡议书,向同学发出倡议。







要求:1. 书写规范,包括所有要点,开头已给出,不计入总词数,不少于90词;

2. 表述全面、准确、流畅,可适当发挥。

Growing up with good books

My dear friends,

Reading is very important.






[1]People usually check if their keys, wallets and phones are with them before going out. But many people in China now have one more important thing to take ,a face mask(面罩). They hope that it can protect them from polluted air.

[2]Since January, many cities in China have seen a lot of hazy(雾蒙蒙的)days.

In Beijing, only five days in January were free of smog(雾霾). People in Xi’an saw a blue sky only one day in February. Smog is dirty air that looks like fog and smoke.

[3]An official for the Ministry of Environmental Protection told Beijing News that PM2.5 pollution is the main problem with air pollution. PM.2.5 refers to pollution with small particles(颗 粒) of 2.5 micrometers or less in diameter(直径).

[4]According to the Chinese Academy of Sciences, driving cars and burning coal are two major reasons for PM2.5.

[5]Poor air is bad for people’s health, especially for Children’s. Hospital shows that from January 5th  to January 11th , half of the patients in the internal medicine department(内科门诊)  are there for breathing problems.


[7]The Chinese government said that they would work hard to help the air pollution problems out and give people a healthy living environment.

[8]It calls on people to make full use energy and cut down on energy use.

[9]Don’t often do outdoors sports. If you have to go out, wear a mask. Read the instructions carefully before putting on one. If you won’t wear it in the right way, you may feel dizzy(头晕) and weak.

[10]Wash your face and clean your nose as soon as you get home. It’s the most important for us to walk out     driving a car.

1. Translate the underlined sentence in Paragraph 2 into Chinese.


2. Translate the underlined sentence in Paragraph 6 into English.


3. Fill in the blank in Paragraph 10 with the proper phrase(适当的短语).  (no more than 2 words)


4.What does the government call on people to do ?  (no more than 15 words )


5.What is the passage mainly about?  (no more than 10 words)





careful,  which,  reach,  empty,  each,  courage,  sad,  and,  name,  except

A king was old and he knew it was time to choose a new king. He told all the young people in the country, “I’11 give 1. of you a seed (种子). Plant it and bring it back one year later. Show me the plant that you bring, 2. I’11 choose a new king from you.”

A boy 3. Ling got a seed, too. He planted it 4.  . But the seed doesn’t grow at all. A year later, Ling had to take his 5. box to the palace. Others all brought beautiful plants there and Ling felt 6.  .

The king 7. the palace and looked around. When he found there was nothing in  Ling’s box. The king smiled and said to the others, “One year ago, I gave everyone a seed 8. couldn’t grow. But all of you, 9. Ling, have brought me plants and flowers. Ling was the only one with the honesty and 10. to bring such a box. So he will be the new king!



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