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Reading is an activity people enjoy a lo...

Reading is an activity people enjoy a lot in their free time.

Some like reading newspapers and1. o__________ enjoy novels or comic(喜剧的) books. My 2.f__________books are those about the lives of great people. Reading them always gives me a lot of ideas on how to make my3. o____________ life better.

Great people are remembered not because they were handsome or beautiful, but because they did not give up 4.w__________their lives were difficult. They tried to use 5. e________ chance to change their lives and make the world better.

One good example is Orville and Wilbur Wright, the two brothers6. w_______ invented the airplane. The plane has 7. m________ the world into a small village. Hard work, not good luck, is the 8.r________ why the Wright Brothers could invent this convenient(方便的) machine and become great people. Today we will remember them when we see planes 9.i________ the sky.

Whenever I read 10.s_________ about great people, I always learn a lot from them and they encourage me to march on.

This is why I enjoy reading about great people’s lives.


1.others 2.favorite 3.own 4.when 5.every 6.who 7.made 8.reason 9.in 10.stories 【解析】 试题分析:短文大意:这篇短文主要描述了人们对于读书的不同爱好以及阅读对于我们生活的意义。 1.联系前文,可知此处指的是其他人喜欢小说或者笑话书。结合首字母可知填others,其他人。 2.结合语境可知此处指的是我最喜欢的书。根据首字母可知填形容词favourite,最喜欢的。 3.结合语境可知此处指的是我自己的生活。根据首字母可知填形容词own,自己的。 4.联系下文,可知此处指的是当他们的生活困难时。结合首字母可知填连词when,当……时。 5.结合语境可知此处指的是他们尽力利用每个机会。结合首字母可知填every,每一个。 6.句意:一个很好的例子是奥维尔和威尔伯兄弟,兄弟俩发明了飞机。结合首字母可知填who,在这里是关系代词,代替先行词brothers。 7.句意:飞机已经让世界变成了一个小村庄。联系前文助动词has及首字母可知填过去分词made,使得,让。 8.联系下文定语从句内容,可知此处指的是原因,结合首字母可知填reason,原因。 9.句意:今天当我们看到天空中的飞机时我们将记起他们。结合首字母可知填in,in the sky在天空中,是一个固定短语。 10.句意:每当我读到大人物们的故事。根据语境及首字母可知填复数名词stories,故事。 考点:短文填空。




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30% OFF


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Notes: deal交易    register登记

1. You will be able to make _____ all weekend as long as you remain a SunDial customer.

A. free local and national calls

B. 5p-a-minute calls to Canada

C. free international phone calls

D. 30%-off calls in the U. K.

2.If you sign up to SunDial, your _____ are free for the first month.

A. international calls to U. S.A.

B. local calls at all time

C. international calls to Australia

D. weekday calls in U. K.

3. There are 5p per minute calls to the following countries except ______.

A. Canada       B. the U. S.A.

C. New Zealand   D. France

4.It's _____ to phone to Susan's aunt Trisha in Paris, France than to her cousin Kevin in Sydney, Australia.

A. faster          B. cheaper

C. more expensive   D. the same price

5."Calls to my mates all over the U.K. are _____ on weekdays. It's really great to save so much," says Brad, who lives in Hammemmith, west London.

A. free          B. 30% off

C. 70% off       D. 50% off



Raising pets is a popular online game among teenagers. "More than 20 of my classmates have adopted(领养) pets online." Said Wang Hui from Beijing.

If you go to some websites, you can adopt virtual(虚拟的) pets like penguins(企鹅), chickens, dogs and elephants. You can feed, wash, talk to and play with your pet.

Dai Yingshuang of Shanghai said, "It's great fun and I have also learned how to take care of others." She usually asks her uncle to take care of her pet while she is at school.

If you don’t feed and care for the pet, it will become unhappy and unhealthy. So raising an online pet means spending a lot of time online. This makes many parents worried. They fear it will have a bad influence on the children’s studies.

Wang Zhaotong from Anhui has raised a penguin since last year. She said, "My parents know about the penguin and think it's okay."

If the students can keep the balance between studying and playing, it's not bad for them to "raise" pets online.

1.Over ______ students in Wang Hui’s class have adopted pets online.

A. 10  B. 20  C. half   D. 21

2.What does Dai Yingshuang think of raising pets online?

A. It  isn’t great fun.    B. It wastes time.

C. It's not interesting.    D.It's interesting.

3.Which of the following is Not Right according to the passage?

A. Raising an online pet doesn't mean spending lots of time online.

B. If you don’t feed the pet, it will become unhappy and unhealthy.

C. Raising pets online makes many parents worried.

D. It’s good for students to raise pets online.

4.What does the underline “balance” mean?

A. 余额  B. 平衡  C. 结算 D. 关系

5. What does the passage mainly talk about?

A. It's bad to raise pets online.

B. How to raise pets online.

C. Raising pets online is popular among teenagers.

D.Students should  adopt pets online.



Almost every Chinese person can recite the two lines of the famous poem, “Every grain on the plate comes from hard work(谁知盘中餐,粒粒皆辛苦).” But sadly, many of us don’t actually get the real meaning of these lines: Don’t waste food.

A CCTV program, News One Plus One, reported that the food Chinese people throw away every year is enough to feed 200 million people for a year.

Do we have too much food? Of course not. According to the UN World Food Program, there were 925 million hungry people around the world in 2010, especially in developing countries. Six million children die of hunger every year.

Chinese people are well known for being hospitable(好客的) and generous. Many even feel that they lose face if their guests have eaten all the food on the table.

Luckily, a number of people have realized the importance of saving food. Last November, Li Hong, a waitress in a restaurant in Nanjing, got fired because she took some leftover food home for her son. Many people stood by her side and criticized(批评) the waste of food.

What should we do in our daily lives to waste less food? Here are some tips:

◆Do not order too much in a restaurant. Only order as much as you want to eat. If you cannot eat all the food you ordered, take the rest of it home.

◆Don’t be too picky(挑剔的) about food. Some food may not taste great, but your body needs it.

◆Keep an eye on what food you have at home. Don’t buy too much, especially for vegetables and fruit.

1. How many people were hungry in the world in 2010 according to the UN World Food Program?

A. 200 million.     B. Six million.

C. 925 million.       D. 625 million.

2.The underlined word “leftover” means         in Chinese.

A. 过期的           B. 剩余的         C. 腐烂的         D. 难吃的

3.According to the passage, we shouldn’t waste food because         .

A. food comes from very hard work

B. six million children die of hunger every day

C. there is enough food to feed all the people

D. Chinese are hospitable and generous

4.Which of the following is a good way to save food?

A. Ordering more than you need at a restaurant.

B. Taking home restaurant leftovers.

C. Not knowing what you already have at home when shopping.

D. Not eating the food you don’t like even if it’s healthy.

5.What does News One Plus One  report?

A.There is enough food to throw away in China.

B.Chinese people throw away too much food.

C.We have too much food.

D.Wasting food is pleased to Chinese people.



A teacher stood in front of his history class of twenty students just before handing out the final exam. His students sat quietly and waited for him to speak.

“It’s been a pleasure teaching you this term,” he said. “You’ve all worked very hard, so I have a pleasant surprise for you. Everyone who chooses not to take the final exam will get a ‘B’ for the course.”

Most of the students jumped out of their seats. They thanked the teacher happily, and walked out of the classroom. Only a few students stayed. The teacher looked at them. “This is your last chance,” he said. “Does anyone else want to leave?” All the students there stayed in their seats and took out their pencils.

The teacher smiled. “Congratulations (祝贺),” he said. “I’m glad to see you believe in yourselves. You all get ‘A’s.”

1.This story most probably took place_______      .

A. at the beginning of the term

B. in the middle of the term

C. at the end of the term

D. at the beginning of the school year

2.Most of the students got Grade ______.

A. ‘A’   B. ‘B’   C. ‘C’   D. ‘F’

3.Why did some students stay in their seats?

A. Because they wanted to take the exam.

B. Because the teacher told them to stay in their class.

C. Because they were afraid to leave.

D. Because they didn’t have anything to do.

4.The teacher gave the students who stayed in the classroom“ A”s because ______.

A. the teacher liked them

B. they were cleverer than the other students

C. they believed in themselves

D. they studied hard

5.The underlined word “them” in Paragraph 3 refers to “______”.

A. students staying in their seats

B. students leaving the classroom

C. their seats

D. all the students



—Can you guess ______ the new schoolbag yesterday?

—Sorry, I’ve no idea.

A. how much did he pay for

B. how much he spent

C. how much he paid for

D. how much did he spend



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