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Some students cheat(作弊) because they’re ...

Some students cheat(作弊) because they’re busy or lazy and they want to get good grades without______the time studying. Other students might feel that they can’t______the test without cheating. Even when there seems to be a “good reason” for cheating, it isn’t a good idea. A student who thinks cheating is the only way to pass a test______to talk with the teacher and his or her parents so that they can find some better ways together. Talking about these problems and______  them out will help feel better than cheating.

If a student gets caught cheating, the teacher may give a “zero” on the test, send him or her to the head teacher’s______, and call his or her parents. Worse than the______grade may be the feeling of having disappointed those people, like parents and teachers. A parent may worry that you are not an______person and a teacher might watch you more closely the next time you’re taking a test.

There are plenty of reasons why a kid shouldn’t cheat, but some students have already cheated. If that’s you, it’s______too late to stop cheating. Cheating can become a______, but a student is always able to act better and make better______. It might help to talk the problem over with a parent, teacher, or friend.

1.A. taking       B. spending      C. costing       D. Using

2.A. write        B. exercise       C. pass         D. expect

3.A. decides      B. hopes         C. refuses       D. needs

4.A. breaking     B. dreaming      C. missing       D. working

5.A. office        B. school        C. seat          D. conversation

6.A. natural       B. dangerous     C. exciting       D. bad

7.A. outside       B. boring        C. interesting     D. honest

8.A. always       B. never         C. once          D. neither

9.A. menu        B. medicine      C. habit          D. match

10.A. education     B. decisions      C. challenges     D. risks


1.B 2.C 3.D 4.D 5.A 6.D 7.D 8.B 9.C 10.B 【解析】 试题分析:一些学生作弊因为他们忙碌或懒惰,他们想不花时间学习取得好成绩。认为作弊是通过考试的唯一方法的学生需要跟老师和他或她的父母交谈下,以便他们一起能找到些更好的方法。 1.B考查非谓语动词。spend … doing花费……做,介词without后跟动名词,该句句意应为:一些学生作弊因为他们忙碌或懒惰,他们想不花时间学习取得好成绩。 故该题正确答案为B. 2.C考查动词辨析。pass the test动词短语,通过考试。A. write写; B. exercise锻炼;D. expect期望。据A student who thinks cheating is the only way to pass a test__17____to talk with the teacher and his or her parents so that they can find some better ways together.,所以此句的句意是:其它学生可能感觉不作弊他们不能通过考试。故该题正确答案为C. 3.D考查动词辨析。A. decides决定,B. hopes希望,C. refuses拒绝,D. needs需要。据so that they can find some better ways together.,所以此句的句意是:认为作弊是通过考试的唯一方法的学生需要跟老师和他或她的父母交谈下,以便他们一起能找到些更好的方法。故该题正确答案为D. 4.D考查动词辨析。work out是动词短语,解决。根据上下文和语境可知,句意是:谈论这些问题并解决他们将有助于感觉比作弊好。故该题正确答案为D. 5.A考查名词辨析。A. office办公室;B. school学校;C. seat座位;D. conversation谈话。据上下文和语境,句意是:如果一个学生作弊被抓,老师可能在考试中给零分,送他或她到校长办公室并给他或她的父母打电话。 故该处应选A. 6.D考查形容词辨析。A. natural自然的;B. dangerous危险的;C. exciting令人兴奋的;D. bad坏的。该句句意应为:比糟糕的成绩更坏的可能是感觉失望的这些人,像父母和老师。据A parent may worry that you are not an______person and a teacher might watch you more closely the next time you’re taking a test.故该题正确答案为D 7.D考查形容词辨析。A. outside外边的;B. boring无聊的;C. interesting有趣的;D. honest诚实的。根据a teacher might watch you more closely the next time you’re taking a test. 和上下文可知,该句句意应为:父母可能担心你不是一个诚实的孩子。故该题正确答案为D. 8.B考查副词辨析。A. always总是;B. never从不;C. once一次;D. neither两者都不。根据There are plenty of reasons why a kid shouldn’t cheat, but some students have already cheated.和上下文可知,该处语意应为:如果那是你,停止作弊从不太晚。故该题正确答案为B. 9.C考查名词辨析。A. menu菜单;B. medicine药;C. habit习惯;D. match比赛。根据上下文可知该句句意应为:作弊能变成一种习惯。故该题正确答案为C. 10.B考查名词辨析。A. education教育;B. decisions决定;C. challenges挑战;D. risks风险。据上下文和but a student is always able to act better and可知,该句句意:但学生总是能做得更好,做出更好的决定。故正确答案为C. 考点:教育类短文。

--- We failed in the singing competition.

--- ______ . Better times are waiting for you.

A. No way     B. Best wishes

C. Cheer up      D. Good job



--- Do you believe what he said ?

--- No , never. It ________ be true.

A. can’t      B. must       C. may       D. needn’t



--- Do you want to eat here?

--- No. Just fish and chips to           , please.

A. take up     B. take away

C. take off   D. take down



When they got to the cinema last night, the film _________for half an hour.

A. had been on    B. has been on

C. had begun         D. has begun



The Summer Palace is really beautiful. In fact, I doubt whether China has ________ park.

A. a more beautiful B. a most beautiful

C. the most beautiful D. a beautiful



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