满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Animals, including insects(昆虫), don’t ha...

Animals including insects(昆虫) don’t have a ‘language’ like ours. They do not ‘talk’ to  each other in words and sentences(句子). But if we watch them we can see that they  have their ways of communicating(交流) with each other.

Can you see the rabbit’s tail? When rabbits see this white tail moving up and down they run away. They know that they are in danger. The rabbit  told them something without(没有) making a sound. It has given them a signal(信号).

Many other animals use this kind of ‘language’. When a cobra(眼镜蛇) is angry it raises its head and makes itself look powerful(有力的). This warns other animals. When a bee(蜜蜂) found some food it goes back to its home. It cannot ‘tell’ the other bees where the food is by speaking to them but it does a little dance. This tells the bees where the food is.

Some animals ‘say’ things by making sounds. A dog barks for example when a stranger comes near. A cat purrs when it is pleased. Some birds make several different sounds evry sound has its own meaning. Sometimes we human beings(人类) speak in the same way. We make sounds like“Oh” or “Ah” when we are afraid or happy or when we drop something on our toes.

1.Which one is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Animals have languages like human beings.

B. Bees communicate with each other by dancing.

C. Animals can use words.

D. Animals are brave.

2.A rabbit uses its tail to .

A. warn other rabbits when they are in danger

B. tell other rabbits where food is

C. make itself look powerful

D. help it to run fast

3.When a cobra is angry it .

A. makes a loud noise       B. raises its head

C. moves up and down        D. does a little dance

4.      can make several different sounds.

A. rabbit    B. bee     C. bird    D. fish

5.From the passage we know that use words and sentences to express(表达) ideas and thoughts.

A. all living things         B. all animals

C. some birds                D. human beings


1.B 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.D 【解析】 试题分析:短文大意:这篇短文中主要讲述了一些动物之间的交际及交流的方式。 1.根据When a bee(蜜蜂)has found food, it goes back to its home. It cannot ‘tell’ the other bees where the food is by speaking to them, but it does a little dance. This tells the bees where the food is. 描述可知蜜蜂通过跳舞相互交流,所以选B。 2.A根据第二段When rabbits see this white tail moving up and down, they run away. They know that they are in danger.描述可知当兔子看到这白色的尾巴上下移动,他们跑了。他们知道他们有危险。所以选A。 3.B根据When a cobra(眼镜蛇)is angry, it raises its head and makes itself look powerful(有力的).描述可知当眼镜蛇生气了,它抬起头,让自己看起来强大,所以选B。 4.C根据最后一段Some birds make several different sounds, each with its own meaning. 描述可知一些鸟发出几种不同的声音,每一种都有自己的意义。所以选C。 5.根据第一段Animals, including insects, don’t have a ‘language’ like ours. They do not ‘talk’ to each other in words and sentences. 描述,可知人类通过单词和句子来表达意见和想法。所以选D。 考点:科普类阅读。

One year ago Bertha and Grace became close friends at a college in Dartmouth.

One day Bertha said that her aunt Margaret had invited(邀请) her to spend the summer holiday with her. And they would have picnics and parties as well. But Grace told Bertha that she planned to stay in Clarkman’s bookstore until the new term began.

Grace had to do something to feed herself because her parents died many years ago. Bertha  watched her friend’s  pale (苍白的) face. Just then she got a good idea. The next day when  Grace came back Bertha showed her an invitation letter from her aunt Margaret.

“Grace would you like to spend your holiday with us? I will help you find a part-time job in our town.” Grace cried after reading it.

“Grace please spend the holiday with me or Margaret will be disappointed (失望的). I want you to be happy” Bertha said.

The holiday quickly passed by and finally one letter from Margaret came to Bertha.

“Bertha Grace is the sweetest girl in the world and I am very grateful(感激的) to you for sending her here.”

1.Grace planned to ________ for her summer holiday.

A. visit her aunt

B. see her parents

C. stay in Clarkman’s bookstore

D. work in a restaurant

2. Margaret was Bertha’s ________ according to the passage.

A. aunt    B. grandmother    C. mother   D. teacher

3. Grace got ________ from Margaret the next day.

A. a book             B. an invitation letter

C. some money         D. a part-time job

4. It’s clear that ________.

A. Bertha went to work in Clarkman’s bookstore at last.

B. Grace went to Margaret’s house with Bertha.

C. Bertha felt sorry for inviting Grace to spend holiday with her.

D. Grace wrote a letter to thank Bertha after the holiday.

5. From the passage we know that Bertha was ________.

A. honest   B. brave   C. kind   D. poor



People eat different things in different parts of the world.

In south China we eat rice every day. Sometimes we eat it two or three times a day for breakfast lunch and supp-er. We usually eat it with fish meat and vegetables.

The Japanese eat rice too. They also eat a lot of fish. They sometimes eat raw(生的)fish. In Africa maize(玉米)is the most important food. People there make maize into flour(面粉).From this flour they make different kinds of bread and cakes.

In western(西方的)countries such as Britain Australia and the U.S.A the most important food is bread or potatoes. People there usually make their bread from wheat flour. They cook the potatoes in different ways. In England the most popular food is fish and chips. Sometimes people cook this food at home but usually they buy it at the shop. They eat this food at home in their work place in the park or on the road. People call it "take-away" food.

1.This passage is about ______.

A. food  B. drink  C. clothes   D. ways of life

2.Who sometimes eat fish when it isn't cooked?

A. People in China        B. People in Japan

C. People in Africa       D. People in Britain

3.The most important food for African people is ______.

A. rice  B. fish  C. vegetable   D. maize

4.Which of the following countries is called " a western country"?

A. One of the countries in Africa

B. Japan         C. China         D. Australia

5.People eat "take-away" food ______.

A. at home                 B. on their way to school

C. in their offices       D. AB and C



Mr.Brown got up late this morning. He was going to be late for work. Lt was raining hard and the streets were wet. He drove so fast that he didin't see the red lights. He couldn't stop his car and hit a car. An old man got out of the car and called out angrily, "What are you doing? How can you drive so fast?"

"l'm sorry,sir," said Mr.brown, "l didn't see the lights turn red." Then he brought out a bottle of wine and gave it to the old man.

"It's cold today, sir," said Mr.Brown. "Please drink a little, and then you'll get warm."

The old man drank some wine and became happy. He asked, "l'm felling much better now. Why don't you drink any?"

"l can't drink anything now,sir, "answered Mr.Brown "l'm waiting for the policeman.Only drunkards(酒鬼) cause accidents(事故),you kown!"

1.When did the story happen?

A.In the morning       B.In the afternoon

C.In the evening       D.At night

2.Why did Mr.Brown drive so fast?

A.He was happy that day

B.He was good at driving

C.There were few cars in the street

D.He was afraid to be late

3. Mr.Brown hit the car because of the following EXCEPT that ____.

A.he didn't see the red lights    B.he drove fast

C.he couldn't drive at all        D.it was raining hard

4.Why did Mr.Brown give a bottle of wine to the old man?

A.To make him happy         B.To make him drink

C.To make him warm          D.To make friends with him

5.We can know that _____ at last.

A.Mr.Brown was not late for work

B.the old man Mr.Brown became good friends

C.Mr.Brown drank some wine

D.Mr.Brown fooled the old man



Do all of us have a talent ? Or is it possible(可能的)that someone has no talent?

Everyone is looking for their talent.      wants to be talented because       feels great.More often people        they are good at some thingsbut not talented at them.      you are one of those peoplejust develop(发展)the      

You’re good at into your talents.

If you have no       of what you are good atyou should         new thingssuch as taking some special        doing something new          a friend and so on.After you tryyou may find yourself        cooking drawingwriting or playing sports.You may         find that you’re not only good at one thing.        develop these things you’re good at into your         So everyone has a talent and it’s implssible(不可能的) that someone         no talent.

But there is one thing to       ----talents don’t come to you you find them.

1.A.Somebody  B.Anybody  C.Everybody  D.Nobody

2.A.it         B.they      C.he         D.she

3.A.decide     B.make     C.wonder     D.think

4.A.And       B.Though  C.If         D.Because

5.A.work      B.things     C. ways      D.interest

6.A. plan      B. story      C. idea      D.problem

7.A.find       B.try        C. expect     D.love

8.A.classes    B. meat      C. cakes     D.notes

9.A.as        B. with      C. about     D.for

10.A. bored with B.famous for  C.good at   D.afraid of

11.A.even      B.always     C. only     D.again

12.A.Though   B.However   C.When    D.Then

13.A. activities  B. differences  C. talents  D.hopes

14.A.has       B. have      C. are      D.is

15.A. ask       B. do         C. touch    D.remember



--What do you think of playing games?

--- I think it is_____.We should spend more time on our sckoolwork.

A.less important than schoolwork

B.more important than school

C.as important as schoolwork

D.the most important thing



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