满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

I think that studying in pairs or groups...

I think that studying in pairs or groups is necessary____you want to learn from each other in class.

A. though        B.until            C.unless           D.if


D 【解析】 试题分析:句意为:我认为,在课堂上相互学习,合作学习或小组学习很有必要。though:虽然……但是……,until:直到……才……,unless:除非、如果不,if:假如。根据语境可知应选D。 考点:考查连词的用法辨析。  

Yesterday Suzy fell over and was hurt badly while she__   __a snowball.

- I'm sorry to hear that.

A. made         B.was making

C.makes           D.is making



The cakes are quite delicious! Can I have one more?

- Sorry, there is __   __ left. What about some biscuits?

A. none          B.  no one

C.  nothing       D.  Nobody



LuJ ialei,  14, from    Hangzhou Foreign Language School, won____first place in the CCTV Chinese Character Spelling Contest(中国汉字听写大会).

A./, the            B.a,the        C.a,a        D./,a





In the past

At the moment

Li Wei

come to school late

quarrel with others

make noise in class

throw rubbish everywhere

come to school early

be friendly to others

listen to the teachers carefully

help collect rubbish

Your advice



I am glad that Li Wei has made great progress. ______________________________________________________





A young woman in her twenties was sitting on the train, next to her mother. They both looked tired but excited.

The young woman was looking out 1. f_______ the train’s window. Suddenly, she shouted, “Mom, look, the trees are behind us!” Her voice was so 2. l________ that everyone on the train heard.

Mom smiled. 3. B________ a young couple who were sitting nearby looked at the young woman’s childish(孩子气的) behavior with pity. “Poor girl. There must be something wrong with her 4. m_________ .” they thought.

A few minutes later, the young woman shouted 5.a________. “Mom, look! The clouds are running with us!” Mom smiled again. And she seemed very happy with her daughter’s 6. w _______ that she said just now.

Finally, the couple couldn’t help asking the old woman, “Sorry if we offend(冒犯)you. But why don’t you7.t_________ your daughter to a good doctor?”

The old woman smiled and said, “Actually, we have just come from a hospital.”

“Then you should go to a 8.b_______ one. Because it seems that your daughter’s situation (状况) hasn’t improved.” said one of them. They felt so bad for the old woman.

“No, in fact I’m very happy with the treatment(治疗).” said the mother, “My daughter was blind from birth. Today, she is seeing the world for the9.f_______ time.”

Every single person has a story. Don’t judge(判断)people before you know 10.t________

well. The truth might surprise you.



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