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完形填空(共15小题; 每小题一分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从...

完形填空(共15小题; 每小题一分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

The word that has changed the world

Apple is one of the most popular fruits in our life, and people eat apples every day. But there are    apples that are especially important to the history of our human beings and they have changed the whole world.

Long long ago when the world just started, apple was a forbidden(禁止)       in the Garden of Eden, however, a girl named Eve stole(偷) and ate it. Unfortunately, she was discovered by God, and was driven away       the Garden together with a boy called Adam. After they    the garden, Adam and Eve had their own babies and        the ancestors(祖先) of all of us. This is the beginning of our world, history    morality.(道德)

In the Autumn of 1665, there        a young man sitting under an apple tree in his garden. His name was Newton. While he was thinking one of the problems, suddenly, an apple dropped down from the tree and fell on his head.        this, Newton discovered gravitation(万有引力) on that day and his new idea of science made people really    and happy, also he    our opinions about nature and the way we think, then people began to learn what    was at that time.

And     , Jobs Steve, this crazy old man changed the world by his apple products(产品). For example,    can be found everywhere in the street, young people feel cool when they use this kind of new high-tech product. Don’t you think     apple products have become a symbol (象征)of our time? As Jobs Steve often said he was born to change the world and he made it.    he has died, people remember him and miss him, because he made our life more colorful and amazing.

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1.A. one B. two C. three D. four

2.A. vegetable B. fruit C. food D. noodle

3.A. from B. in C. with  D. under

4.A. went B. walked C. lived D. left

5.A. got B. turned C. made D. became

6.A. but B. or C. and D. though2

7.A.had B. was C. have D. is

8.A. Because of B. Because C. After D. Since

9.A. bored B. tired C. relaxed  D. surprised

10.A. gave B. brought C. made D. changed

11.A. science B. history C. chemistry D. music

12.A. yesterday B. today  C. tomorrow D. next

13.A. apples B. machines C. iPhones D. computers

14.A. what B. who  C. where D. that

15.A. Although B. But C. However D. Even


1.C 2.B 3.A 4.D 5.D 6.C 7.B 8.A 9.D 10.D 11.A 12.B 13.C 14.D 15.A 【解析】 试题分析:这篇短文给我们讲述了三个改变世界的苹果,一个是诱惑了亚当和夏娃的苹果;一个是让牛顿发现了万有引力定律的苹果;还有一个是Steven Jobs的苹果产品。 1.数词及语境的理解。句意:但是有三个苹果对人类历史尤其重要,他们改变了整个世界。one 一个;two 两个;three 三个;four四个。根据下文的文意可知,短文知给我们提到了三个改变世界的苹果。故选C。 2.名词及语境的理解。句意:很久很久以前,世界才刚刚开始的时候,在伊甸园里苹果是一种被禁止的水果,然而一个叫夏娃的女孩偷吃了它。vegetable 蔬菜;fruit 水果;food 食物;noodle面条。根据文意可知,苹果是一种水果。故选B。 3.介词及语境的理解。句意:不幸的是她被上帝发现了,和一个叫亚当的男孩一起被赶出了伊甸园。from 从……;in 在……里面;with 和……一起;under在……下面。根据句意可知,夏娃和亚当被从伊甸园赶了出去。故选A。 4.动词及语境的理解。句意:在他们离开伊甸园之后,亚当和夏娃有了他们自己的孩子…。went原形是go,走; walked 走路,散步;lived 居住;left 离开。根据上文的意思可知,亚当和夏娃离开了伊甸园。故选D。 5.动词及语境的理解。句意:在他们离开伊甸园之后,亚当和夏娃有了他们自己的孩子,他们成为了我们的祖先。got 变得,后常跟形容词或分词形式做表语;turned 变成,跟名词做表语的时候,名词前没有冠词;made 制作;became成为,作表语的名词前有冠词。由他们的用法可知选D。 6.连词及语境的理解。句意:这是我们这个世界、历史和道德的开始。but 但是,表示转折;or 或者,否则;and而且,表示并列; though尽管。根据句意可知,这里用and 连接三个并列的名词world, history and morality。故选C。 7.动词及语境的理解。句意:在1665年的秋天,有一个年轻的男人坐在他家花园里一颗苹果树的下面。had 过去式,有;was 是,过去式;have 有;is是。这里使用的是there be 句型,表示“有”,故先排除A和C;根据句意可知,这里说的是过去的事情,故选B。 8.连词及语境的理解。句意:因为这个,牛顿发现了万有引力定律。Because of 因为,由于,后跟名词、代词、动名词或宾语从句;Because 连词,引导原因状语从句;After 在……之后;Since 自从。根据文意可知,因为一个苹果砸到了牛顿,让他发现了万有引力定律,故这里表示的是原因,并且空后this是一个代词,故选A。 9.形容词及语境的理解。句意:他的这一科学的新思想让人们很惊奇也很开心。bored 感到厌烦的;tired 累的,疲倦的;relaxed 放松的;surprised 惊奇的。根据文意可知,牛顿的思想是新的,所以让人们感到惊奇。故选D。 10.动词及语境的理解。句意:他也改变了我们对自然的看法以及思考的方法。gave的原形是give,给; brought 原形是bring,带来;made 的原形是make,制作;changed 改变。根据文意可知,牛顿的万有引力定律改变了我们对这个世界的看法。故选D。 11.名词及语境的理解。句意:在那时人们开始学习什么是科学。science 科学;history 历史;chemistry 化学;music音乐。根据文意可知,牛顿发现的万有引力定律是科学范畴的,故人们开始学习科学。故选A。 12.名词及语境的理解。句意:而今天,斯蒂芬乔布斯这个老人用他的苹果产品改变了这个世界。yesterday 昨天;today 今天;tomorrow 明天;next 下一个。根据短文的结构可知,短文告诉了我们三个改变了世界的苹果,这一段提到的是我们现在的事情,故选B。 13.名词及语境的理解。句意:例如,在大街上到处都能看到苹果手机,当年轻人使用这些高科技产品的时候,他们觉得很酷。apples 苹果;machines 机器;iPhones 苹果手机;computers电脑。这一段的第一句话告诉我们乔布斯用他的苹果产品改变了世界,iPhone就是他的一个苹果产品,是手机。故选C。 14.连词及语境的理解。句意:难道你不认为苹果产品是我们这个时代的象征吗?what 什么;who 谁;where 在哪里;that 引导宾语从句,没有意义,不做成分。这里是一个宾语从句,根据句意可知应该用that引导。故选D。 15.尽管他死了,人们还纪念他,怀念他,因为是他让我们的生活更加多姿多彩,充满奇迹。Although 虽然,尽管;But 但是;However 然而;Even甚至。根据文意可知,史蒂夫活着的时候用苹果产品改变了这个世界,尽管死后,人们还在纪念他,他也还在影响着这个世界。故选A。 考点:文化类短文。

I haven’t got a letter from Jenny for a long time .

Don’t worry .                      .

A. Bad news travels fast.

B. Seeing is believing

C. No news is good news

D. No one can call back yesterday.



Would you mind if I use your dictionary?

                  . Here’s my dictionary.

A. You’re right       B. Don’t use it

C. I’m sorry          D. Of course not



—. Jack, I will go for a picnic with my parents after the exam.

—____        __.

A. That’s it.         B. I don’t think so.

C. Have a great time.   D. Don’t mention it



You’ll fail in the English test ________ you work hard at it.

A. because           B. until

C. unless            D. if



—What is Rose like ?

I think she is shy, she always gets        when she meets new people.

A. nervous           B. tired

C. happy            D. sleepy



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