满分5 > 初中英语试题 >


现在旅游已经成为一种时尚。假如你是小明,喜欢旅游,去过东南亚的泰国(Thailand), 请你向同学们介绍一下泰国。内容:1.泰国有许多花草树木,是一个美丽的国家。2.一些泰国人讲英语,跟他们交谈很容易。3.泰国有中国事物。4.泰国临近赤道,一年四季气温变化不大,所以什么时候都可以去。请以”A beautiful country—Thailand”为题,写一篇80词左右的短文。







A beautiful country—Thailand My name is Xiaoming. I like travelling and have been to Thailand which is in southeast Asia. There are a lot of flowers and trees in Thailand. It’s a nice country. Some Thailanders can speak English, so it’s easy to talk to them. When you are walking on the street ,you can see many things made in China. Thailand is near the equator. The temperature doesn’t change a lot,so it’s good whenever you go. 【解析】 试题分析:这是一篇提纲作文。主要介绍泰国的一些情况。全文主要用一般现在时态。 【亮点说明】文中使用了非常好的短语和句子为文章增色不少,例如 like travelling,have been to, a lot of 等短语,文中还用到了时间状语从句 When you are walking on the street ;定语从句 which is in southeast Asia;主语从句 whenever you go;过去分词做定语 made in China。文章层次清晰,内容饱满,表达流畅。 考点:提纲作文  













Xu Hui



Chen Tang






Gong Wei






A.Show free movies to the villagers

B.Sing for sick people

C.Train a soccer team for kids

D.Teach kid to start a good reading habit

E.Help teach English to those poor kids




French, success, importance, alone, be

1.He didn’t realize the          of English until he began to work.

2.I have never            to an English-speaking country.

3.Everyone was busy and Jim had to finish the work           .

4.Thomas can speak two languages, Chinese and           .

5.The main reason of his           is his hard work.




There was a girl. She was not very beautiful. So she decided to find ways of making 1.    (她自己) more beautiful. But no matter how     2.    (努力) she tried, she didn’t succeed. She was very    3.   (悲伤).

One day, she made a   4.  (决定) to find a doctor, who could   5. (改变) her looks by putting a piece of plastic(塑料)over her face. The plastic face could be made in such a way to give her the look she wanted. This had never been done   6.  (之前), so doctors   7.   (花费) a long time doing the surgery(外科手术).

When the surgery was finished, the 8. (整个) world were interested in her change. 9.   (然而), no one really liked her new looks. Most people thought she was ugly.

If someone would want 10.   (另一个) face, the only person is that they can’t face the face they have.



When you are feeling unhappy or forget how great you are, these are six ways to make you feel good about yourself.

Look at the mirror and say to yourself“I am a special person and there’s no one in the world like me. I can do anything!”It may not sound good, but it really works!

Do something nice for someone. Helping others always makes you feel good.

Smile! Be friendly to people you meet. Look for the good things in your friends and family.

Learn something new! Have you always wanted to make your room nicer or learn how to swim? Go for it! New challenges are fun and give you a sense of accomplishment when you have finished.

Read and start a diary. Turn off the TV and let your imagination fly! Write down your thoughts, dreams or anything you want! Writing always helps to express your feelings.

Stay with your family. We all need our family time. Talk with your Mom or Dad or maybe even your cousin.

1.This passage may be taken from_______.

A. a science book             B. a storybook

C. a magazine                D. school rules

2.According to the passage, when you are helping others, you will________.

A. be special   B. be sure    

C. feel nice    D. be remembered

3.What do the underlined(划线) words mean?

A.成就感       B. 忧伤感    

C.挫折感      D.信任感

4.Which of the following should you say “No” to when you are unhappy?

A. You should always look for the good things of others.

B. Stay alone at home as much as possible.

C. Learn something new and go for it!

D. Keep a diary to express your feelings.

5.The best title for the passage is“             ”.

A. Do Your Best

B. Six ways to Feel Good about Yourself

C. It’s never too late to learn

D. Always Smile to Your Life



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