满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Miss Green has _______ free time than Mr...

Miss Green has _______ free time than Mr Green. She is busy all day.

A. much        B. less C. moreD. fewer


B 【解析】 试题分析:句意:格林女士比格林先生的业余时间更少。她每天总是很忙。根据后面的She is busy all day.一句可知,她每天很忙,所以业余时间不多;故选B。 考点:考查形容词的比较级。  

I think this is ______ useful book.

A. a          B. an          C. the         D. /



根据下列信息:以A flood hit Beijing为题写一篇洪水灾害的文章。

1. 时间:2012721下午1点左右;

2. 一场雷电交加的暴风雨袭击了北京;

3. 我和我的同班同学在学习DIY课程,老师叫我们尽快回家,我们合撑一把雨伞,雨不停地在我们周围下着,风从后面吹来,我们在风中丢失了雨伞,几乎摔倒;

4. 最后我们到达了我叔叔家,向窗外望去,多么可怕的洪水啊!它冲走了我们的小村庄和桥梁,房屋倒塌,至少79人死亡,许多人无处居住;

5. 灾后人们开始互救,中国政府也积极采取措施帮助处于困难中的人们。











One spring day in 1950 in New Mexico, the United States, someone saw s  1.   coming from a forest and called the fire station at once. The firemen saw a big fire on the ground between the trees, which was spreading(扩散)quickly because of a s  2.   wind. Many people t  3.   to fight the fire, but as soon as one area was under control, the fire spread to another area. S   4.   , a firemen saw a baby bear close to the fire. It was t  5.  in the bushes. The fireman bravely ran over and took it away from the f   6.   .

After the firemen put o  7.   the fire, a farmer took the bear to his farm. A reporter wrote about this lucky bear in the newspaper and soon many people knew his story. Soon he was given a home at the National Zoo in Washington DC. People wanted to remind everyone in the USA about the dangers of forests fires so they put up big signs with p  【 小题8  of the bear, which said, ‘Only you can p  【 小题9 forest fires from happening!’ The little bear became the most f  8. animal in the country.



It is very important to have good friends. A life without a friend is a life without a sun.

Having good friends can help us in lots of different ways. People with a lot of friends usually feel happier than people with no friends. Everything we do will be more fun if we have friends with us to share our happiness and worries. 1)When friends are in trouble, we should help them _____ ______laughing at them. When we are feeling sad or worried, our friends will also give us advice and help us get out of difficulties.

2)We should not only have good friends but also be good friends. We need our friends as much as they need us. We should be willing to help friends when they need help.


What will friends do when we have difficulties?


2.1)句的空白处填入适当的词使句意完整、上下文通顺:________  ________



If friends need our help, we should be glad to help them.







1.He is ________(humor),he always tells us funny jokes.

2.What fun it is _______(learn)foreign language.

3.Did you enjoy__________(you)at the party yesterday?

4.We have a ________(month)test on each subject.

5.When we arrived at the park, we could not wait _______(take)many photos of the park.

6. _______(sad), many wild animals lost their lives because of people.

7.Many polar bears die because of _______(lose) their living areas.

8.You had better ________(not shout)at the children. Be patient.

9.When Xi Wang was born, she _______(weigh)just 100 grams.

10.The radio says it will be much _______(snow)tomorrow.

11.Look! There are many________(fisherman) fishing in the river.

12.Tomorrow will be a hot day with temperatures in the _____________(thirty).

13.It’s______(correct)if you drop litter(垃圾)in nature nerves.

14.We_______(sleep)at 10.p.m last night.

15.A lot of ___________(tour) go to Zhalong to watch the birds every day.



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