满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Once upon a time, there was a little boy...

Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Rakesh, he studied and lived in a boarding school(寄宿学校). Every night he jumped over the wall and played outside. He       returned before dawn (黎明) and lay on his bed again, so no one knew that Rakesh went out at        .

One night as usual, Rakesh found          asleep. He decided to play outside again. He went into his teacher—Mrs. Green’s room       and saw her       . Then Rakesh walked out towards the wall. Near the wall, there was a ladder in the bushes, he hid it there. He         the ladders and he climbed up it , then jumped over the wall.       at that time his teacher was awake and saw him going out.

      got up and took away the       from the wall. A few hours       , Rakesh returned. In the dark, he tried to climb       from the wall. Sadly, there was no ladder, instead, Mrs. Green was standing where the ladder was and waited for him. Rakesh was very       to be punished (处罚), but to his surprise, she just helped Rakesh to get onto the ground , said, "Rakesh, at least       a warm coat with you, when you go out at night."

Mrs. Green's       made Rakesh know his own faults. He apologized (道歉) and never went out at night again. It is the       lesson that he has ever had.

1.A. never        B. always     C. seldom      D. sometimes

2.A. daytime      B. weekends   C. night        D. noon

3.A. someone     B. anyone     C. no one       D. everyone

4.A. loudly       B. quietly      C. happily      D. quickly

5.A. sleeping     B. reading     C. watching TV   D. running

6.A. took care of   B. took away  C. took a look at  D. took out

7.A. And         B. But        C. So            D. Because

8.A. He          B. They      C. She           D. It

9.A. bed         B. chair       C. bushes       D. ladder

10.A. ago         B. before      C. later         D. late

11.A. up          B. down       C. out         D. in

12.A. afraid       B. glad        C. sorry        D. surprised

13.A. buy        B. bring       C. take         D. borrow

14.A. kindness    B. illness      C. happiness     D. sadness

15.A. worst       B. best        C. furthest       D. smallest


1.B 2.C 3.D 4.B 5.A 6.D 7.B 8.C 9.D 10.C 11.B 12.A 13.C 14.A 15.B 【解析】 试题分析:文章主要讲述了有一个叫做Rakesh的男孩住在一所寄宿学校,每天晚上他都翻墙头到外面玩。他通常在黎明之前回来回到床上,没有人能发现。一天夜晚,他照常那么做。但是他的老师醒了,发现了他,把梯子拿走了。当他回来的时候,看到了他的老师,非常害怕老师批评他。但是老师没有批评他只是提醒他要多穿衣服,他知道他自己错了,这是他人生中最好的一堂课。 1.考查副词及语境的理解。句意,他总是黎明前回来,再一次躺倒他的床上。A. never从不B. always总是C. seldom很少D. sometimes有时;根据下文没人知道他晚上出去,可以判断他是总是在黎明前回来。故选B。 2.考查名词及语境的理解。句意,没人知道他在晚上出去过。A. daytime白天B. weekends周末 C. night 晚上D. noon中午;根据前文他总是在黎明前回来,可以判断他是在晚上出去。故选C。 3.考查不定代词及语境的理解。句意,一天晚上和以前一样,他发现所有人都睡了。A. someone某人B. anyone任何人C. no one没有人D. everyone每一个人;根据下文他决定出去玩,可以判断他是注意到大家都睡了,不会发现他。故选D。 4.考查副词及语境的理解。句意,他静静地走进格林老师的房间。A. loudly大声地B. quietly安静地C. happily快乐地D. quickly迅速地;根据上下文,因为它怕被发现,所以是静静地。故选B。 5.考查动名词及语境的理解。句意,看到她正在睡觉。 A. sleeping睡觉B. reading阅读C. watching TV看电视D. running跑步;根据下文他跑了出去可以判断,格林老师正在睡觉。故选A。 6.考查动词短语及语境的理解。句意,他拿出梯子爬了上去。A. took care of照顾B. took away带走 C. took a look at看一看D. took out拿出;因为下文他爬了上去,所以他拿出了梯子。故选D。 7.考查连词及语境的理解。句意,但是那是老师醒了发现他出去了。A. And 和B. But但是 C. So因此D. Because因为;R本以为老师不会发现,但是老师却发现了,所以是转折关系。故选B。 8.考查人称代词及语境的理解。句意,她起床并把梯子拿走了。 A. He他 B. They他们C. She她 D. It它;根据上文,格林老师醒来发现了他,所以代词代替的是Mrs Green,故选C。 9.考查名词及语境的理解。句意,她起床并把梯子拿走了。A. bed 床B. chair椅子C. bushes灌木丛D. ladder梯子;根据上文R是通过梯子出去的。所以老师把梯子拿走,他就下不来了。故选D。 10.考查副词及语境的理解。句意,几个小时以后,R回来了。A. ago以前B. before 在...之前C. later 在...以后D. late晚了;根据上下文,老师在R回来之前把梯子拿走。所以是几个小时之后回来的。故选C 11.考查副词及语境的理解。句意,在黑暗中,他想从墙上趴下里。A. up 上B. down下C. out出去D. in进来;根据前文,他是用梯子翻墙出去的,没有梯子他就不能从墙上下来。故选B。 12.考查形容词及语境的理解。句意,他很害怕老师批评他。A. afraid害怕B. glad高兴 C. sorry抱歉D. surprised惊讶;根据上下文,他被老师发现了,可以推断他很害怕老师批评他。故选A。 13.考查动词及语境的理解。句意,当你晚上出去的时候,至少随身带件暖和的衣服。A. buy买B. bring带来C. take带走D. borrow借;take...with,随身携带。故选C。 14.考查名词及语境的理解。句意,格林老师的善良使R知道自己错了。A. kindness善良B. illness生病C. happiness幸福D. sadness悲伤;根据上文,格林老师没有批评他而是关心她,所以是她的善良打动了R。故选A。 15.考查最高级及语境的理解。句意,这是他上过的最好的课。A. worst最差的B. best最好的 C. furthest最远的D. smallest最小的;根据上文,R道歉了意识到自己错了,可以推断这是他上过的最好的课。故选B。 考点:教育类短文。

—It’s said that Tian Liang and Cindy are not going to take part in the program “Where are we going, dad?”.

   —________  I like them very much.

A. That’s great.      B. What a pity!     C. It doesn’t matter.    D. No problem.



_______ everyone is here, let’s begin our meeting.

A. So    B. As a result    C. Until    D. Since



—Excuse me, how can I get to the South Hill?

   — Oh, ________ of these buses will take you there, you can only take a taxi.

A. all      B. both       C. none    D. nothing



In winter people usually keep flowers in their houses to           them from the cold weather.

A. produce          B. provide         C. protect          D. plant



Your ________ is so sweet, you will be a great singer in the future.

A. sound    B. noise    C. smile   D. voice



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