满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

首字母填空。根据短文大意和首字母提示填空(每词1分,计10分) Mr King ...


Mr King taught English in a middle school.  He was very  b___1.___ all  the time  and couldn’t do some r__2.__ .So he left the school and  opened  a bookshop in  the  c__3.___ of  the  town.  It  wasn’t  big enough but all  the books were nice  and  most people  liked to  buy  some  there. When  the  shop was c_4.__ ,he could  read  at  home. He knew  a  lot and  the  learned (有学问的) people  were  glad  to  make  f__5.___ with  him .

It was Sunday and it was cold outside .Mr King was  very  busy. At nine  in  the  evening  all  the  buyers  left  e__6.___ a  girl.  She  was  dressed   up  and waited  for  s_7.___ there. Standing  by  the  shelves,  she  looked  over  the  books  one  after  a__8.__ . It  made them  in  a  fearful mess(凌乱不堪).Mr  King  came  up  to  her  and  asked, Excuse  me , madam. What  can  I  do  for  you?  Your  books  are  all  dull(乏味的),said  the  girl,I  want  a  d_9.___  one.”“Thats  easy,”  Mr  King smiled .  He  t_10.__  out  a  cookbook (烹饪书) and  said,  Here  you  are ,madam.


1.busy 2.reading 3.centre 4.closed 5.friends 6.except 7.somebody/someone 8.another 9.delicious 10.took 【解析】 试题分析:本文讲述了一位教师因为工作忙没有时间读书,所以离开学校在市中心开了一家书店,书店生意很好,并且广交了许多知识渊博的人,还叙述了一个关于他的幽默故事。 1.根据文意可推知他很忙,故答案为busy。 2.因为忙所以没有时间读书,再结合后面的he could read at home.一句可知答案为reading。 3.根据后面的描述说大部分人喜欢在这里买书,可知他的书店是在市中心开的;故答案为centre。 4.只有在书店关门时,他才能腾出时间来看书;故答案为closed。 5.既然他懂得很多,那么许多有学问的人自然也乐于和他交朋友;故答案为friends。 6.金先生忙到九点时,店里只有一个小女孩了,即所有的顾客都走了,除了一个小女孩之外;故答案为except。 7.根据前面的She was dressed up 可知她应该是在等人,借以在书店里打发时间;故答案为somebody/someone。 8.因为等人,所以书看了一本又一本,即one after another;故答案为another。 9.delicious意为“可口的,丰盛的,有趣的”,而本句中女孩说他店里的书太乏味了,她想看一些有趣的书,再根据后面金先生的回答和行为可知他幽默地理解成“美味的”;故答案为delicious。 10.金先生微笑着拿出了一本烹饪方面的书,里面自然少不了美味的食物;故答案为took。 考点:故事类短文填空。

词汇  (每小题1分,计15

1.It’s i______ for  you  to  fly  to  the  sun

2.It is so dry here that you cannot find a d_____ of water.

3.The   local g_____ has  taken  actions  to  protect  wild  animals.

4.The  girl  s_________    when  she  saw  the  snakes.

5.Look! Those boys are f_______ again!

6.Zhalong is a nature  r _______ in Heilongjiang.

7.The lowest t_______ will be below zero.

8._______(不幸), little Yueyue died at last. All people feel sad about her.

9.He has a good m______ ,  he can learn things  quickly.

10.Many students dont know the_______(重要) of English.

11.I often hear him _______(sing) in the next door.

12.The students are busy _______(read) books.

13.It was too cold and I ________(catch) a bad cold.

14.Help _____(you) to some fruit, children.

15.He rushed into the kitchen______ (save) the old man.



It is not easy for people to sail (航海) around the world in quite small boats. Sometimes the weather gets bad. Accidents(事故) can happen easily and quickly.

One family once had an accident. A big fish swam under their boat and bit holes() in it. Sea water came in and the boat soon went down. Luckily these people had another small boat——a lifeboat, so they all got into the lifeboat. They lived in the boat for many days. They ate and slept, and always hoped. At last people in a ship saved them.

How do people live in a very small lifeboat for a long time? They must be strong in every way. They must have a hope, and they must have a strong desire(愿望)to live. People cannot drink seawater. If they drink a lot of sea water, they will quickly die. They must catch rainwater and drink it. They must also catch fish and birds for food. Lifeboats do not often carry cookers. So people cannot cook their food in the lifeboats. Raw (生的) fish and birds are not very nice but they are their only food. They must eat raw food, or they will die.

1.When the boat sank (下沉), the lifeboat gave the people _______.

A. food                        B. beds                                      C. rainwater                                 D. hope

2.One family once had an accident at sea, because _______.

A. their boat met bad weather

B. their boat hit a big rock and it was broken

C. none of them knew how to sail

D. a fish bit holes in their boat

3.People can catch _______ for food and drink at sea in a lifeboat.

A. fish and birds                                                B. rainwater

C. both sea water and rainwater                                    D. both A and B

4.Lifeboats do not often carry cookers. The word "cookers" here means ________.

A. 厨师           B. 食物                                      C. 炊具                        D. 大盒子

5.From the article (文章) we can know that ______.

A. It’s not interesting to sail around the world

B. Fish in the sea are so dangerous

C. we must have a strong desire(愿望)to live when we are in danger

D. Nobody knows when we will die



Jodie’s Daddy Is a Garbageman(垃圾清理工)

Mr Swales wanted to find out what his students’ parents did. He had just called Jodie when some girls burst out laughing. Shirley shouted, “Jodie’s daddy is a garbageman!”

Everybody in the class laughed out loud, except Jodie. She felt her face turn red.

“Silence!” Mr Swales said, “Being a garbagemen is a difficult and useful job. We should all be grateful to Jodie’s father.”

Jodie’s father came to walk her home from school as usual, but she didn’t run up to him the way she always did. When they got back home, Jodie went to her room and cried for a long time.

Her father came into her room, “What happened, Jodie? Why are you so sad?”

Jodie told her father what had happened and looked at him. He didn’t seem angry or hurt. “Well,” he said, “they are right. Being a garbageman is a dirty job. Tomorrow’s Saturday. Come to work with me, Jodie.”

The place really smelt too bad. Jodie wrinkled her nose. “Don’t worry, kid. In five minute you won’t smell a thing.” said her father.

Everybody there was working hard, and they seemed to have a good time. Jodie’s father handed her a pair of gloves and told her to get the little plastic bags and throw them into the truck.

It was fun, but also hard work. Jodie’s arms soon got tired. At last, no more garbage was left and Jodie felt very happy.

“Garbage is disgusting, but when we clear it away, everything’s nice and clean. You can make yourself happy only by making other happy. That’s why I like being a garbageman so much.”

Jodie gave her dirty, smelly garbageman daddy a big kiss(). She said, “When I grow up, I will be a garbage-girl!”

Now whenever someone asks Jodie what her daddy does, she says, “He’s a garbageman! Everybody makes garbage, but my daddy takes it away!”

1.What happened in Mr Swale’s class?

A. He wanted to showwhat job was the most useful.

B. He asked an improper (不适宜的)question.

C. Jodie gave an honest answer.

D. The other students laughed at Jodie.

2.Which of the following is Not True according to this story?

A. She didn’t run up to her father the way she always did.

B. Jodie went to her room and cried for a long time after she got back home.

C. She gave her father a sweet kiss as usual.

D. Jodie told her father what had happened and had a talk with her father.

3.Why did Jodie’s father take her to his workplace?

A. To make Jodie cool down.             

B. To prove how dirty his job was.

C. To help Jodie learn about his job.

D. To keep Jodie away from her classmates.

4.Jodie gave her father a big kiss mainly because ______.

A. he was kind                                                                                                  B. he was unselfish             

C. he was cheerful                                                                                    D. he was hardworking

5.How does Jodie feel about her father now?

A. Sad                                                        B. Dirty                                          C. Angry                                          D. Proud




                            House For Sale

   Red Rose GardenPudong

   3-storey home509 sqm total land area428.8 sqm built-in, 312.9 sqm garden.

   Asking RMB13 million (USDl.57 million).

   MP: 13761973547   Tel: 021—58609228    Fax: 021—58609728

Job Wanted

Cherry, 24, a shining girl, good at oral English and putonghua. Now I am working at an international trade (国际贸易) company in Guangzhou. I am kind-hearted, hard-working and healthy. I would like part-time weekend work offering putonghua lessons to foreign friends. If you are interested, please e-mail me at cherryif@ hotmail.com.

Beijing Snow World Ski Park

   Price: 18 yuan (ticket),

50 yuanhour on weekdays and 70 yuanhour at weekends,

120 yuanfour hours on weekdays and 190 yuanfour hours at weekends.

   Tel: 010—69191617

1.If an Australian student wants to learn Chinese , he or she can __________.

A. call 021—58609228                                          B. fax 021—58609728

C. e-mail cherryif@hotmail.com                           D. telephone 010-69191617

2. How many square meters is the garden of the house for sale?

A. 509 sqm                     B. 428.8 sqm                        C. 312.9 sqm                                 D. 741.7 sqm

3.Where is Cherry working now?

A. Shanghai                     B. Guangzhou                         C. Beijing                                               D. Pudong

4.If Nick goes skiing in Beijing Snow World Ski Parkhe has to pay more money on __________ than on Tuesday.

A. Sunday                       B. Friday                                C. Wednesday                                 D. Monday

5. If you want to ski for eight hours on weekdays, how much money will you pay at least?

A. 240  yuan                     B. 138  yuan                                    C. 258 yuan                               D. 398 yuan



Most adults(成年人)once studied at school, had classes and did their homework every day. The same      is going on at school now.       it seems that doing weekend homework is     problem for the modern students.

    All the students should agree that weekend homework should be abolished(取消).It's      for them studying at school five days a week. They have a lot of interests. With homework to do on Saturday and Sunday, when can they find      to help around the house, go and see a football or basketball game or a good film, join in family recreations(娱乐),or just have      at home? Because of these other activities, the homework can't be finished until      .So their weekend homework is usually done in such a hurry that on Monday teachers are      and often threaten (威胁)to fail(使考试不及格)whole class of students because they know nothing about the    . If there is no weekend homework for the students to do, they will be happy to go to school on Monday    having a good rest and to learn what the teachers teach.

1.A. thing                  B. school               C. class                  D. homework

2.A. Also                    B. But                  C. Still                 D. Though

3.A. no                                B. another                C. one                  D. other

4.A. not enough              B. enough                C. no good                D. no use

5.A. friends                  B. time                  C. places                  D. money

6.A. a rest                  B. an exam               C. a lesson                 D. a picnic

7.A. Monday afternoon                                B. Saturday afternoon 

C. Friday night                                              D. Sunday night

8.A. pleased                  B. sorry                  C. unhappy   D. not worried

9.A. lesson                  B. games                  C. interests                D. activities

10.A. until                  B. when                  C. before                 D. after



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