满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

We believe _______ we could finally go ...

 We believe _______ we could finally go to a good senior high school.

A. what                               B. if                       C. that                                           D. when


C 【解析】 试题分析:句意:我们认为我们最终能考入一个好的高中。这个题考查的是宾语从句。选项中的四个连词均可以引导宾语从句,what 什么,在从句中常做主语或宾语;if 是否;when 什么时候;that 引导宾语从句时没有意义,只起到连接的作用。根据句意我们可知应选C。 考点:考查连词。

---------I have seen the film Tiny Times twice.

  --------- Oh, it is wonderful. ______ you _______ any other films during the holidays ?

A. Had; seen                                B. Did; see                            C. Have ; seen                             D. Were ; seeing



My cousin Andy can play _______ piano very well, buy he isn't good at playing ______ basketball.

A. the; the                          B. /; the               C. the; /                          D. /; /



请认真阅读下面短文,说明: 学科网(www.zxxk.com)--教育资源门户,提供试卷、教案、课件、论文、素材及各类教学资源下载,还有大量而丰富的教学相关资讯!在短文后表格中的空白处填入适当的单词(注意:每空1个单词)

As we know, Xiao Shenyang and Liu Qian did wonderful jobs in the CCTV Spring Festival Gala. Now many people are crazy about these two persons. But how much do you know about them?

    Xiao Shenyang was born in a poor peasant family which is in difficult family conditions. His real name is Shen He. He is an actor. He is good at Er Ren Zhuan. He learned acts, following Zhao Benshan. During the school life, he was very active in many activities. He looks like a simple man, but he never stops pursuing (追求)his artistic aspiration (渴望). More and more people like his style of performance, and we hope he can make great progress in the future.

    Liu Qian is a young magician from Taiwan. At the age of 7, Liu saw a cute magic toy in a shop. At that moment he began to love and decided to learn magic. Liu didn't go to any magic school. he practiced tricks every day to improve his skills, until one day he was able to put on a show for his class. He saw the surprise on everyone's face, and he felt it was cool. He often does street shows for passers-by, police and farmers. He worked hard at it. Now he is a famous magician.


Xiao Shenyang

Liu Qian


An actor

A young ___1.___from Taiwan

How to be


He learned acts, following Zhao Benshan. During the school life, he joined in. many activities   He looks like a _3.__ man . But he never stops pursuing the artistic aspiration.

He always learned magic  4.  at the beginning. At his show for his class, he found everyone____5._____and he felt it was cool. He often does street shows for people. He works hard at it.




1.Yellow is the color of the sun ,because it can                  (使我们想起) a sunny day .                 

2.He is hardworking ,he _____________________________(不介意为学生会做额外的工作)

3.It is silly of you ____________________________________(不原谅别人的错误)

4.Mr Wu spends a lot of time _______________________(解释东西给我们)

5.All the students are ________________________(做实验) in the laboratory now .





1.Don’t be so __________! The bus will be here soon. 

2.He worked out the problem          yesterday. We are proud of him.

3.        in the coming exam, students are busy revising their lessons.

4.The children are not used to              . They may feel lonely.

5.China             WTO for 11 years.

6.In order to be healthier, you should                   .

7.The London Olympics                on 27th, July, 2012.

8.The little girl looks forward to                from her brother in China.

9.Look! There is a nice wallet               on the grass.

10.Please come, Peter. We are planning               .



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