满分5 > 初中英语试题 >




提示词语:holiday, camp, take classes, learn a lot, have fun


One passible vesion This summer ,I went to camp with a lot of other students.It is a summer camp with many classes .Students can take the classes they like .For example ,if students want to be doctors ,they can take the class about working in a hospital . I took the boancy class .I learned new mames of flowers .The teacher also taught me to plant a tree. I learned a lot and had fun at the camp .I want to go again next year . 【解析】 试题分析;这是一篇给材料作文,介绍假期中的一次活动。动笔前先要解答材料中的三个问题,然后根据问题的内容进行叙述。结合所给材料,可知本文主要记述的是过去发生的事情,故时态主要是一般过去时态。人称为第三人称。句子结构主要为系表结构,主谓宾结构。写作中注意叙述顺序,做到上下文联系紧密,符合逻辑关系。文中适当使用代词,注意避免句式的单调重复,避免单词及语法错误。 考点:记述文写作



____________ ask the policeman over there?


Shakespeare was ____________ an actor.


They ____________ in Britain this summer.


It ____________ the work.


I often ____________ at home.




English writer teaches us a lot about life

    Charles Dickens is a great British writer in the 19th century. Most of his books are still popular even today.

    In 1812, Charles Dickens was born in Portsmouth, England. Dickens didn't like playing with other boys when he was a little child, but he loved reading books. Childhood was not easy for Dickens. He began to work at a factory at the age of 12. Every day, he spent 10 hours washing bottles and cleaning shoes.

    When Dickens was 16, he became a reporter for a newspaper. During that time, Dickens wrote his first book, The Pickwick Papers. The book came out in 1836-37 and made Dickens rich and famous. His hard times were at an end.

    Most of Dickens' books are about the difficulties of living in Victorian England. The characters(人物)in his books are often children. They usually live a hard life in a boarding(寄宿)school, or have to work in a factory at a young age.

    However, Dickens' works are all about hope. He wrote sad and dark stories, but they are always filled with humor(幽默). And most of his stories have happy endings, as with A Christmas Carol. It is about a selfish man. He finds love and friendship after looking back on his life one Christmas Eve.

1.Where was Dickens from?

2.Was life difficult for Dickens when he was a child?

3.What made Dickens rich and famous?

4.What do the children in his books usually do?

5.Why does the writer say "Dickens' works are all about hope."?



Dick was 7 years old, and his sister, Catherine, was 5. One day their mother took them to their aunt's house to play.

       1.  , and then their aunt took Dick into the kitchen. She gave him a nice cake and a knife and said to him: "  2.  . Cut this cake in half and give one of the pieces to your sister, but remember to do it like a gentleman(绅士)."

    "Like a gentleman?" Dick asked. "  3.  ?"

    "They always give the bigger piece to the other person," answered his aunt.

"Oh" said Dick.   4.  . Then he took the cake to his sister and said to her: "Cut this cake in half, Catherine."

A. How do gentlemen do it

B. Now here's a knife, Dick

C. Catherine cut the cake in half

D. The children played for an hour

E. He thought about this for a few seconds



GERALD Christian is in Grade 8 at Ridge Road Middle School in North Carolina, US. She is a member of her school basketball team. Late last month, the 14-year-old faced a big problem. Her mother lost her job. She thought she couldn't pay the $ 50 fee for the city's sports meet this year.

    Christian was not the only one who had this problem. Some other middle school players in the city had the same problem.

    That's why famous NBA player Michael Jordan gave $ 250, 000 to the city earlier this month. He wanted to help the poor students. Jordan said: "I know there are kids who get an education by playing sports. We need to keep sports alive for them."

    Christian was shocked. "Really? I can't believe Michael did that for us. These days, I go to bed thinking about it and I wake up thinking about it," she said. "Now the problem is over. "

Christian wanted to say "thanks" to Jordan. "Michael, thank you for giving me the chance to show myself. I will do my best at the meet.

1.The underlined word "shocked" means ________.

A. moved        B. surprised        C. worried            D. afraid

2.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A. Christian was a middle school student.

B. The students will have a sports meet.

C. Few of the players could pay the fee.

D. Christian's mother lost her job last month.

3.Christian thanked Jordan because he helped her ________.

A. to get a chance to show herself

B. to become a basketball player

C. to go on her study at school

D. to win the basketball match



Every day when Cora Castle, 14, from Indiana, US goes back home, she opens her computer and logs into a website(登录网站)called Fuel Up to Play 60.

    She puts on what she has eaten and what kind of activities she has played that day. Then the site decides whether Castle has eaten healthily and done enough exercise.

    All the seventh graders in Castle's school have done the same thing since the year started. It's part of their health class.

    If the site finds her habits are unhealthy, it will give her advice. If she does something good, the website will give her a star.

    Her health teacher set up a competition to see which student could get the most stars from the website. Castle has got 30 stars so far.

    Cameron Bartlett said she liked tracking(跟踪)the food and activities. "This is the first year we've done it," she said. "It's really interesting to see all of the different choices that we have."

The seventh grade health class is coming to an end. They won't be in health class, but the students all said that they would go on to take part in the Fuel Up to Play 60.

    "There's lots of bad food out there that we've all been eating," Bartlett said "This really helps all of us eat healthier food."

1.The passage is mainly about a website for helping people ________.

A. win in competitions                    B. eat more healthy food

C. do enough exercises                   D. have good living habits

2.Castle logs into the health website because ________.

A. it's part of her health class               B. her teacher set up a competition

C. she wants to know bad food             D. she can get lots of stars from it

3.From the passage we learn that all students ________.

A. are eating little bad food

B. have their classes at home

C. are interested in the website

D. are clear about unhealthy food



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