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John is 6 years old. He can read and wri...

John is 6 years old. He can read and write very well, but he can't tell time. He doesn't say "eight o'clock", "twelve o'clock" or "four o'clock in the afternoon". He says "breakfast time", "lunchtime" or "teatime"

    His aunt thinks she can teach him to read a clock.

    "Can you count (数数), John?"

    "Yes. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve…"

    "That's fine. Now, if I put the long hand of the clock on 'twelve' and the short one on 'one'-that is one o'clock. If I put the short hand on 'two', what's that?"

    "Two o'clock. "

"Good. And on three?"

    "Three o'clock. "

    It is four o'clock in the afternoon, and John's aunt looks at him and asks: "What time is it, now?"

    "Teatime, Aunt, and I'm hungry. "

1.John is ________ years old.

A. three          B. four            C. five               D. six

2.His aunt teaches him ________.

A. to read books                               B. to count numbers

C. to write stories                                   D. to tell time

3.His aunt will probably feel ________ in the end.

A. bored         B. excited         C. silly              D. sorry


1.D 2.D 3.A 【解析】 试题分析:这篇短文主要描述了一个汤姆的姑姑教汤姆说时间的故事. 1.根据第一段John is 6 years old.描述,可知约翰今年六岁.故选D. 2.根据短文第三行His aunt thinks she can teach him to read a clock.及下文描述,可知他的姑姑教他说时间.故选D. 3.根据短文第一句He says "breakfast time", "lunchtime" or "teatime"及短文最后一句"Teatime, Aunt, and I'm hungry. "可知他的姑姑最终没能教会他说时间,故她有可能很烦恼.选A. 考点:故事类记述文阅读


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Visit the United Nations Headquarters in New York, US.


Monday to Friday: 9:45 am to 4:45 pm


Adults  $16.00

The United Nations Headquarters


Senior Citizens (60 and older)    $11.00

Students ( with valid ID)    $11.00

Children (5-12 years old)    $9.00

1.The United Nations Headquarters is in ________.

A. London       B. New York       C. Sydney            D. Paris

2.The United Nations Headquarters opens from Monday to ________.

A. Sunday       B. Saturday        C. Friday            D. Thursday

3.The price for children is ________.

A. $9           B. $11            C. $12              D. $16



It was June. The sun was in the sky. It was very hot. Jim was tired of school. He wanted to be at the beach. He could not stay in his   1  . He could not   2   talking. While the teacher wrote on the board, Jim got up and talked to a friend. The teacher, Mr Smith, heard the   3  and said: "Jim, sit down and be quiet. "

    Jim sat down. Mr Smith   4   his lesson. Jim got up and talked to another friend. "Sit down and be quiet," said Mr Smith. He was very   5  .

    "OK," said Mr Smith.  "If you want to talk,  6  come to the front of the classroom and   7  the teacher. "

    "All right,"   8   Jim. He came to the front of the classroom and said:"Quiet,  9  . I am the new teacher. Class is over now. Let's have a   10  "

1.A. office           B. home           C. seat                     D. room

2.A. stop             B. enjoy           C. forget                   D. finish

3.A. news            B. story                     C. fact                      D. noise

4.A. got ready for    B. went on with      C. went over               D. was interested in

5.A. angry           B. sad              C. worried                 D. afraid

6.A. again            B. also              C. then                    D. next

7.A. hear            B. find              C. ask               D. be

8.A. asked           B. agreed                    C. guessed                 D. laughed

9.A. anyone         B. someone                  C. everyone               D. no one

10.A. lesson         B. break           C. try                      D. meeting



—Hello, may I speak to Mr Green , please?

—Sorry. He ________ a meeting. Can you call him later?

A. has           B. is having       C. will have          D. had



I can't find ________ beef in the fridge. Shall I buy some?

A. some          B. every           C. any               D. no



Mark Twain ______ school and began to work at the age of twelve.

A. left            B. leaves           C. will leave          D. leave



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